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Baila Aftab
Tuesday, February 2, 20XX Sample Footer Text 2
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Virtual Reality

• virtual reality (VR), the use of computer modeling and simulation that enables a person to interact with
an artificial three-dimensional (3-D) visual or other sensory environment. VR applications immerse the
user in a computer-generated environment that simulates reality through the use of interactive devices,
which send and receive information and are worn as goggles, headsets, gloves, or body suits. In a typical
VR format, a user wearing a helmet with a stereoscopic screen views animated images of a simulated

• In the context of gaming, virtual reality generally refers to computer-generated 3D environments. The
level of interaction depends on the context of the game you are playing and how the headset and
controllers allow you to enter into that game.

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Augmented Reality

• Augmented reality (AR) is an enhanced version of the real physical world that is achieved through the use
of digital visual elements, sound, or other sensory stimuli and delivered via technology. It is a growing
trend among companies involved in mobile computing and business applications in particular.

• Amid the rise of data collection and analysis, one of augmented reality’s primary goals is to highlight
specific features of the physical world, increase understanding of those features, and derive smart and
accessible insight that can be applied to real-world applications. Such big data can help inform
companies’ decision making and gain insight into consumer spending habits, among others.

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VR vs. AR
• Frequently, you’ll hear the term “augmented
• Thanks to the relatively recent development of
reality” (AR) associated with VR, though it refers
accessible VR technology, some of the associated
specifically to the practice of superimposing
terminology are still being defined.
peripheral data over a visualization of real-world
• Even the term “virtual reality” has seen varying environments.
uses. It ultimately displaced the expression
• AR also describes the premise for many
“artificial reality” used by pioneering interactive
contemporary video games or future scenarios,
tech developer Myron W. Krueger when he wrote
with augmented players experiencing
some of the most rigorous early examinations of
environments in-game from their own unique
the field.
perspective. The technology involved is still
fundamentally related though and has been used in
the form of wearables like smart glasses.

AR and VR in Media Industry

• The 2017 Global Entertainment and Media outlook forecast unveiled a ground-breaking fact that in
entertainment and media space, virtual reality (VR) continues to be the fastest-growing segments.  The
projection further states that within 3 years from now 68 million VR headsets will be used in the U.S.
which will increase the VR content revenue to $5.0 billion.

• These predictions show the growing interest of the industry in the adoption of immersive VR experiences
in delivering content which is engaging to the audience. Though this might sound very promising, yet the
stature of journalism is questionable as of now.

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• With the widespread use of social media, a wave of fake news spreads like wildfire and this puts a
question mark on the credibility of the whole news industry. People are double checking every link posted
on social media, every video they watch, and every news they read. The manipulation in still and moving
images has ruined it for the news industry. People don’t trust when an image is presented as an evidence
for something. As we are evolving and becoming complex beings so are our problems.

• Virtual reality is now used by the news industry to regain their credibility.

• The reason why VR is essentially recommended is that it puts a supplementary sense of participation in
the minds of viewers. To fix the broken trust, putting viewers at the center of events which make them
feel like they are directly participating in the event, is a wise way out.

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Challenges for Journalists
• The introduction of VR has brought challenges to the job of journalists. In the ongoing communication
flow between the news organizations and the general public, the job of a journalist is to remain unbiased
and present the opinions of all the parties involved.

• Now with the introduction of VR in the news industry, the role of the journalist is even more challenging.
For example, while shooting with a VR camera, cropping a scene or zooming in will create bias. How far
can you stretch the definition of transparency for a journalist in the VR world is the main question here.
You might crop something because it was irrelevant but it might be an essential element for the viewer.

• There would be some ethical challenges as well. For example, in a world which is increasingly violent,
how appropriate is it to make the viewers virtually experience a scene of gore, death and other disturbing
news events?

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What is in the future of the news industry?

• The media and news industry never lag behind in the adoption of an innovative technology in order to
reach out to their audiences. With AR and VR, the audience can be drawn deeper into the news content.
Also, they will be able to experience the news story as a first-person. This is a big transformation for the
conventional news mediums and should be taken seriously.

• Deborah Bothun, PwC’s Global Entertainment & Media Leader, quote “The next era of differentiation in
entertainment and media is being defined and propelled by the consumers’ increased demand for live,
immersive, shareable experiences. Consumers want to get closer, more engaged and better connected with
the stories they love – both in the physical and digital worlds.”

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Thank You

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