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Chapter # 04

Questions / Answers


Exercise Page#20
⮚ Q1. Copy out and fill in the missing words:
⮚ a) Solid, liquid, gas, molecules (particles),
⮚ b) Shape, molecules (particles), strong,
molecules (particles), Shape
⮚ c) Slower; diffusion; molecules (particles),
Brownien movement (motion)
Exercise Page#20
⮚Q2. State whether each of these is
describing a solid, a liquid, or a gas:
⮚a) A fixed size and shape.
⮚b) No definite size or shape.
⮚c) Particles vibrate about a fixed position.
Exercise Page#20
⮚d) A fixed volume but no definite shape.
⮚e) The particles move at high speed.
⮚f) Almost no attraction between particles.
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⮚ Q3. Explain why perfume can be smelled

some distance away from the person
wearing it.
⮚ Answer: The molecules (particles) of
the perfume diffuse through the air
by multiple and random collisions
between the perfume molecules and
the air molecules.
Exercise Page#20

⮚ Q4. Explain Why

⮚a) Solids have a definite shape but
liquids flow.
⮚Answer: In solids, strong forces of
attraction between the molecules keep them
in a definite shape. In liquids the forces of
attraction are less; they are enough to keep it
to a fixed size but not so strong that it stays in
a definite shape, so the liquid can flow.
Exercise Page#20
⮚ Q4. Explain Why
⮚b) Solids and liquids have a fixed size
but gases fill whatever container they
are in.
⮚Answer: In a solid and a liquid the strong
forces of attraction between the molecules keep
them to a definite size; but in gases the
molecules are farther apart and the forces of
attraction are much less, so that the molecules
can travel at high speed, and they can fill the
whole of the container.
Exercise Page#20
⮚ Q5. a) Explain what is meant by Brownian
movement and how it helps us to believe
in molecules.
⮚ Answer: In Brownian movement the air
molecules are hitting the smoke particles.
Although the smoke particles are much
bigger than the air molecules (so that we can
see the smoke particles) they are moved by
the collisions with the invisible air molecules.
The smoke particles move enough for us to
see them move (using a microscope).
Exercise Page#20
⮚ Q5. b) What change would you expect to
see in the movement if the air was cooled
⮚ Answer:If the air is cooled down, the
air molecules move more slowly, so
they do not hit the smoke particles
so hard. So, the smoke particles
move less.
⮚Q6. Omit
Exercise Page#20
⮚ Q7. A tin can containing air is sealed.
If it is then heated, what can you say about:
a) the average speed of the molecules,
Answer: The molecules move faster.

b) how often the molecules hit the walls of

the can,
Answer: The molecules will hit the walls of the
can more often.
Exercise Page#20
c) How hard the molecules hit the wall,
Answer:They will also hit the walls harder.
d) The air pressure inside the can,
Answer: Because of both (b) and (c), the
pressure will be higher.

The End

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