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Welcome to the Sea!
Hi! Welcome to the sea!
Did you know that seas and oceans can be
found all around the world?
Welcome to the Sea!
When you look at the Earth, most of the blue
parts you can see are seas and oceans.
All the oceans are joined together.
Welcome to the Sea!
The ocean is huge!
In some parts, it is very deep.
Welcome to the Sea!
Lots of different animals
live in
the sea.
We’re going to dive
under the water to meet
some of
them now.
Put your goggles
and your flippers on!
Are you ready?
Fish Welcome to the Sea!

These are fish.

There are thousands of
types of fish in the sea!
They can be all different
and colours.

? What colours can you

see on these fish?

This is a crab.
It has 10 legs. The two front legs
have claws on. The rest are used
for walking.
A crab grows a new shell when it
gets too big for its current one.

Can you imagine being able

? to grow a new T-shirt when

you got too big for yours?

This is a hammerhead shark.

There are more than 500
different types of sharks!
Sharks eat other animals, such
as fish and octopuses.

? Why do you think this is

called a ‘hammerhead’ shark?

“ Hammerhead Shark” by NOAA Photo Library is licensed under CC BY 2.0


This is a stingray. It is a type of

It has no bones in its body.
Stingrays have flat bodies. This
means that they can hide in the
sand at the bottom of the sea.

? Why do you think a stingray

might need to hide?

This is a dolphin.
Dolphins breathe air
through a hole on top of
their heads.
They are very clever and
they like to play together!

? What do you think dolphins

might play together?
This is a blue whale.
Whales breathe air through
a hole on top of their heads.
The blue whale is the
biggest animal to have ever
Whales sing to ‘talk’ to
each other.

What would you say to

? a whale if you could talk

to one?
This is a seahorse.
Seahorses have a bendy
tail. They use their tails to
grab onto things.
Seahorses can change
colour to help them to

Why do you think they are
called ‘seahorses’?

“ Longsnout Seahorse” by Cliff1066 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

This is a starfish. They are
also sometimes called sea
Most starfish have five arms.
Some can grow as many as
50 arms!
Starfish have no brain and no

? How do you think

starfish move?
This is an octopus.
Octopuses can change colour very
quickly. This helps them to hide.
They are very clever and can even
solve puzzles!
Octopuses have eight arms.

Do you think you could

? solve a puzzle quicker

than an octopus?
This is a sea turtle.
Sea turtles breathe air.
They can stay underwater
for a very long time
without needing to breathe
Sea turtles lay eggs.

? Can you name any other

animals that lay eggs?

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