Research Methods

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Online Food Delivery Platform in Bathangas City and

their impacts to Sustainability of Restaurant and Food

Businesses during the midst of Pandemic (COVID 19)

Provide readers with the background

information to understand your study and
reason why conducted your experiment
• This study will tell glimpse about the history of online food
delivery in the Philippines particularly in the City of Batangas.

• The study also aims to discuss about sustainability.

• The research will aim to assess the Online Food Delivery

Platforms in Batangas City and their impact to Sustainability of
Restaurant Businesses during the midst of Pandemic (COVID19).
• Through this study we could define and have a better understanding
about Sustainability and how the rising industry of Online Food Delivery
affects Sustainability of Food Businesses in Batangas City. The study also
aims to discuss about sustainability.

• The research could help us identify the underlying effects of the

emergence of Online Food delivery platforms especially during this
pandemic period. The research could help us identify the underlying
effects of the emergence of Online Food delivery platforms especially
during this pandemic period.

• With this study we could determine the impacts of Online Food Delivery in
terms of their economic, social and environmental aspects.
Background of the Study

Establish the context of underlying

Background of the Study
• Because of new innovations and technological advances, and better
accessibility to the internet and due to the underlying threat of COVID 19
in the external environment emergence of Online Food Delivery services,
apps and other platforms gain popularity and demand.

• Through this research we could understand and identify the impact of

sustainability in terms of the three pillars and perspective namely;
economical, social and environmental.

• By identifying its impacts we could analyze and give recommendations on

how these Online Food Delivery platforms could somehow enhance their
sustainability in the industry.
Background of the Study
• The rationale behind taking this study is to gain better understanding
about the emergence of online food delivery, and their impacts to
sustainability of food businesses in the long run. This study is very timely,
due to its exceptional popularity of Online food delivery during this
pandemic period

• The researcher also wants to give credits and commendation to these

online food delivery heroes/riders about their dedication on taking the
job, under the external threat of COVID.
Statement of the Problem

Explanation in research that describe

the issue that is need of study
Statement of the Problem
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of;
1.1Type of Business (Sole Proprietor, Partnership, Corporation,
1.2Size of Business
1.3Place of Business in Batangas City
1.4Years of Operation
2. How may the respondents assess the Online Delivery Platforms in terms of
the following features;
2.2Discount/Rewards, Cash back and Loyalty Programs
2.3Real-Time GPS Tracking of Food Delivery
2.4Easy Payment Options
2.5Reviews & Ratings
2.6Easy Order Placement
Statement of the Problem
3. How do the respondents assess the Online Food Delivery Platforms and
their impacts to sustainability in terms of the following :
3.1Economic Impacts
3.2Social Impacts
3.3Environmental Impacts

4. Is there a significant difference between online food delivery platforms

preference by the respondents when they are group according to profile?

5. Is there a significant relationship between online food delivery platforms

used by the respondents and their sustainability practices?

6. Based on findings, about the study of online food delivery platforms what
action plans can be propose to enhance their sustainability.
-Logical Explanation of a system of beliefs and
- Research that relates to abstract and
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
• The theory and model that is anchored with this research is the Three
Pillars of Sustainability, which is also synonymous to the Triple Bottom
Line Theory explored by John Elkington during the mid 1990s.

• According to Elkington, the principle of The Three Pillars of Sustainability

says that for the entire sustainability problem to be solved all three pillars
of sustainability must be sustainable. The three pillars are social,
environmental, and economic sustainability aspects.

• Sustainability is an evolving concept, which makes it difficult to define . In

theory, sustainability is nothing over “meeting the needs of the present
without compromising the power of future generations to meet their
own needs”.
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
• In order to achieve the purpose, the researchers have developed a
conceptual model that may serve as a framework of the study.

• For better understanding of the study, the researchers adopt the

InputProcess-Output (IPO) Model as the foundation of the conceptual

 The first part of the frame shows the profile of the respondents in terms of
 On the second part are the components on how to assess the respondent’s perception
about the basic features of online delivery platforms.
 third component is there to assess the respondent’s perception towards Online food
delivery platforms and their sustainability aspects in terms of economic, social and
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
• The given variables in the input box are gathered through the use of the
process box. The process box discusses the steps that are going to be
used by the researchers in assessing Online Food Delivery Platforms in
Batangas City and their impacts to Sustainability of restaurant businesses
during the midst of Pandemic (COVID 19)

-States your prediction about what

your research will find

Ho1: there is no significant difference between online food

delivery platforms preference by the respondents when
they are group according to profile.

Ho2: there is no significant relationship between online food

delivery platforms used by the respondents and their
sustainability practices
Scope and Limitation of the
-Define the broader parameters and
boundaries of your research
Scope and Limitation of the Study
• Batangas City

• Assess the impact of Sustainability of the Online Food Delivery

Platforms, based on the Three Pillars of Sustainability.

• This research generally is a descriptive and quantitative type.

• This study will include Businesses who used online delivery

Platforms as respondents of the study
Significant of the Study

-Contribution and impact of the

study on a research field.
Significant of the Study
• Restaurant Owners. This study could give them additional
information about the impact of using online delivery Platforms.

• Online Consumers. This study could give them additional idea on

how, online delivery platforms was used by some restaurants and
other food establishments.

• Online Platforms Developers. Upon knowing the results of the

assessment, findings could help to serve as a basis to improve and
enhance sustainability

• Future Researchers. The study can be used as reference of future

researchers with the same line of study
Definition of Terms
• Online Consumer- The person who buys products in online
shops. (Bauman 2017)

• Online Food delivery- the process of ordering food online and

to be deliver right through the customer door (Zhang 2018)

• Online Merchant- primary goal is to sell merchandise and

their products via the internet. Online merchants advertise
and market their products, manage their inventory by
updating it online, implement marketing activities, filling and
shipping orders, and managing their financial records. (Burt
Definition of Terms
• Online shop- is a form of electronic commerce which allows
consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller
over the Internet using a web browse .

• Online shopping-the act of purchasing a service or product

over the internet.

• Sustainable Development- is the idea that human societies

must live and meet their needs without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
(Brundtland Report in 1987)
Review of Related Literature and
Review of Related Literature and studies
• Online Food Shopping/Delivery
• Online Delivery Platforms
• Online Food Delivery Models
– Platform-to-Consumer Model
– Restaurant-to- Consumer Model

• Online Food Delivery Platforms within the Philippines

• Essential Features of Online Delivery Platforms
- Accessibility and Push Notifications
- Discount/Rewards, Cashback and Loyalty Programs
- Real-Time GPS Tracking of Food Delivery
- Easy Payment Options
- Social Media Integration
Review of Related Literature and studies

• Essential Features of Online Delivery Platforms (cont.)

- Reviews & Ratings
- Easy Order Placement

• Impact of Online Food Delivery Platforms to Sustainability

- Economic Impacts
- Social Impacts
- Environmental Impacts
Review of Related Literature and studies
• Review of Related Literature
Base on the study made by Legaspi (2016) online shopping
caused .With the web, consumers’ buying opportunities have expanded
through an increased accessibility to products and services and therefore
the increased ease to create purchases. Moreover, this new mode of
shopping promotes convenience than traditional in-store buying. Its
potential to compete with traditional retailing is tough to ignore.

As reported by Philippine Daily Inquirer’s Pedroso (July 2015),

MasterCard’s study found that Filipinos address the web to get the
following: Airline tickets (38.4 percent), home appliances and electronic
products (35.1 percent), clothing and accessories (31 percent), hotels
(29.9 percent) and computer software (29.4 percent).Meanwhile, sites of
apps stores (50.1 percent), music downloads (42.6 percent) and
residential appliances/electronic products (38.2 percent) draw the
foremost web traffic, the study also showed.

- Form of analysis related to

comparison and contrast,
classification and division
• The literature presented in this study shows an extensive expantion
which are significant to the research work. Moreover, the literature give
the researcher additional informationa about origin of Online Food
delivery and its impact to Sustainability to food and restaurant
businesses who used the said online plaforms and technology.
Research Design

- Plan to answer your research

Research Design

• Researchers made used of a descriptive design particularly a

descriptive survey which was used to determine the information
needed about the Satisfaction on Online shopping on purchasing
desires of Batangas State University students.

• A descriptive research design is a formal, objective and

systematical process in which numerical data are utilized to gain
information on the phenomenon study.
Respondents of the Study

-Individuals who complete a survey

or interview for the research
Respondents of the Study

-Individuals who complete a survey

or interview for the research
Respondents of the Study

• Business establishments who uses Online Delivery services in

Batangas City

(The researchers will get the total number of the Business establishment who
offer Online Food Delivery through the records of BPLO Batangas City which will
be the subject of the study.)
Research Instrument

• The main instruments that will be utilized in the study to gather

pertinent data is an adopted questionnaire informal online
interview and personal observation of the researchers.

• A questionnaire is a tool or device for securing answer to the

set of questions presented by the researcher. It will be the main
tool that will be used to utilize in collecting the needed data for

• The researchers will use random sampling in distributing the

Data Gathering Procedure
• To best gather the needed data the following procedures will
be done implemented and considered by the researcher.
- Upon construction the researcher had thourough search of inputs and bases
to draft the main data gathering tool.
- The researched had looked over the internet and review books among other
resource materials to arrive with the baseline information to design the tool.
- Next the researcher will make a draft of the survey questionnaire based on
the set of variables of this research.
- The draft will be sent to the adviser for checking and further validation or
- When all revisions are integrated the instrument will be reproduce and the
researcher will conduct a dry run with the identified resopondents to obtain
sample needed results.
- The tallied results will be sent to the accredited statistician for reliability test.
The final instrument that will be reproduced will be based on the sample size
that will be administered as the target respondents.
Statistical Treatment of Data
• Frequency and Percentage. This will be used to determine the
profile of the respondents in terms of; (1)Type of Business (Sole
Proprietor, Partnership, Corporation, Cooperative) (2)Size of
Business (3)Place of Business in Batangas City, (4)Years of

• Weighted Mean. This will be used to assesss the role and impact
of Online Food Delivery Platforms to the Sustainability of Food
industry businesses in Batangas City.

• Comparison of Mean. This will be used to compare the

respondents assessment on the role of and impact of of Online
Food Delivery Platforms to the Sustainability of Food industry
businesses in Batangas City when they are grouped according to
Statistical Treatment of Data
• Independent Samples T-Test. This will be used to determine if
there is a significant difference between online food delivery
service preference by the respondents when they are group
according to profile.

• Pearson’s Correlation. This will be used to determine if there is

significant relationship between online food delivery platforms
used by the respondents and their sustainability practices.
Ethetical Consideration
• Researcher will not force them to answer the questionnaire
and they are free to drop out the questionnaire any time.

• Names of the respondents are not required to avoid

disclosure of any given information, this is to put participants
in a situation where they might beat risk of harm as a result
of their participation.

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