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Applied Research Proposal


Head Teacher 1
Mallig Central School- Annex
0965-5326-286 |
I. Introduction and Rationale

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

I. Introduction and Rationale

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

I. Introduction and Rationale

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

II. Literature Review

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

III. Research Questions

This study will be conducted to assess the Level of Technical Assistance Extended by the School Administrators to
Teachers: Its Implication to Teachers' Instructional Competencies during the School Year 2020-2021 as perceived by the
Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age
b. Sex
c. Civil Status
d. Highest Educational Attainment
e. Length of Service as Classroom Teacher
2. What is the latest IPCRF performance rating of the teachers in the last three school years?

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

III. Research Questions

3. What are the practices of multi-grade teachers in Mallig District along the following areas:
a. Classroom Instructional Preparation and management
b. Teaching-Learning Resources
c. Learning Facilities
d. School Facilities
e. Curriculum Implementation
f. Managing Multi-Grade Classrooms
g. Multi-grade organizational/grouping approaches/strategies
h. Teaching Strategies
i. Instructional Grouping Strategies
j. Multi-grade Instruction
k. Major factors that in your observation significantly contribute to the
academic performance

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

III. Research Questions
4. Is there a significant difference between the teaching practices of multi-grade teachers when grouped
according to their profile?

5. Is there a significant difference between the teaching competence level of teachers and their best
practices in teaching multi-grade classes?

6. What are the challenges encountered?

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

IV. Scope and Limitation

This research will be concerned with the evaluation and assessment of the practices of multi-grade teachers.
This study will aim to evaluate the level of competence of multi-grade teachers along different factors. The
respondents of this research will be the multi-grade teachers of Mallig District, Schools Division of Isabela, SY

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

V. Research Methodology

The study used the descriptive-correlational method of research and a multi-stage sampling was
employed as a sample scheme. The main instrument used in the generation of data was a survey questionnaire
purposively done by the researcher with the consultation of the adviser and critic reader. There were two sets of
questionnaires in the study. One was for the mentors. The other set of questionnaire was intended for the

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

A. Sampling

The respondents of this study shall be the 8 multi-grade teachers of Mallig District

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

B. Data Collection

The mode on how data collection will be made will be through the survey questionnaire to be filled
up by the respondents and the validation process through the institutionally-crafted monitoring tool,
aligned with technical assistance that the teachers know.

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

C. Ethical Issues

To pacify a smooth-sailing conduct of the study, all the variables and claims were meticulously studied
not to offend anyone that might affect personality of someone. Thus, this study anchors on the premises
that this is conducted to follow-up views and will be treated with utmost confidentiality and no one will
surely not be harmed.

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

D. Plan for Data Analysis

In order to categorically answer the problems raised in the study, the following statistical tools will be employed:

1. Descriptive Statistics such as frequency counts, averaging, and percentages will be used to describe the present
profile of the respondents.

2. Mean. Mean or average will be employed to determine the overall picture of a set of data. The formula is
presented below:

X = ∑Xn

X = the computed mean

Xn = the set of scores
N = the number of respondents

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

D. Plan for Data Analysis

Percentage. Percentage will be used to determine the space occupied by each stratum or item in the frequency table
of the variables considered in the study. The formula is seen below:

P = __ _ X______ x 100
P = Computed percentage
X = Sub score value
N = Number of samples

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

D. Plan for Data Analysis

Weighted Mean. This tool will be used to determine the weighted average responses
in a certain item. This presents and interprets the form and extent the involvement of the respondents. The formula is presented


WX = ∑fw

WX = the computed weighted mean

f = the frequency
W = assign weights
N = total number of respondents

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

D. Plan for Data Analysis
To be able to interpret the gathered data, the following statistical tools will be used:

1. To justify the computation for frequency and percentage, the formula will be:

P= F/N x 100%

P= Percentage
F= Number of frequency
N= Number of respondents

2. To perform hypothesis testing and correlations, the formula will be:

X² = (O-E)²

O = Observed Frequency
E = Expected Frequency
FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |
D. Plan for Data Analysis

1. The F test will be used to compare the variances of two populations of data:

, where is the variance of the first group and is the variance of the second


FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

VI. Timetable/Gantt Chart

Strategies Program Activities Task Timeline

Physical Financial

Prepare the letter of intent Submit narrative explanation with well-explained incorporated
Ask permission from the Schools Division Superintendent Letter of Proposal Letter of Intent, Narrative report with objective P200.00 October
  objectives of this endeavor

Submit letter to the Schools District Supervisor attached with the signed
Prepare letters to be distributed to the respondents
Coordinate with the Schools District Supervisor letter by the SDS Present the duly signed permission to conduct the study Letter for the respondents P500.00 November

Request to administer Pre-Assessment of Technical Assistance Document the processes in administering the Pre-Test in Technical
Pre-Assessment of Technical assistance Administer Pre-Test on Technical assistance Letter request 3,000.00 December

Finalization of questionnaire Editing of questionnaire Proofreading of questionnaires Reproduction of Questionnaire and 1,000.00 November

Request permission from the District Supervisor to float

Floating of questionnaires Floating of questionnaires Retrieval of questionnaires and responses from the respondents Questionnaire 5,000.00 December

Tabulation of data and responses Employment of statistical tools and treatment Computation and analysis of the responses Tabulation of data and responses Retrieved questionnaires 5,000.00 January

      Prepare the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations      

    Determination of SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and for further scrutiny      

Analysis of the results Table Presentation Threats Research results 5,000.00 February

Drafting of the Action Plan on SBM Formulation of heightened SBM Reproduction of Results per school and relay to the School Heads Summarize the results by school      



Research results 1,000.00 March

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

VII. Cost Estimates

Permission to conduct the study Bond paper 10 Sheets 20.00 20.00


Identification of Materials Bond paper 2 Reams 400.00 400.00


Production of Materials Ink 3 Tubes 300.00 1,300.00

Bond Paper 5 Reams 1,000.00

Finalization of Questionnaire Ink 1 Tubes 100.00 300.00

Bond Paper 1 Ream 200.00

Survey-Test Administration Ink 1 Tubes 100.00 300.00

Bond Paper 1 Ream 200.00

Tabulation of Data Bond Paper 1 Ream 200.00 200.00

TOTAL         2, 520.00

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

VIII. Plans for Dissemination and Advocacy

After the results will be identified, the impetus of integrating this breakthrough will be forwarded to the principal
and through channels to be adopted by the teachers as part of the formulation of program of studies to enhance
administrative and supervisory skills of school heads.

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

IX. References
EWING, J.L. (2001). Development of the New Zealand Primary School Curriculum 1877-1970, Wellington, New
Zealand Council for Educational Research.
FINLEY, CARMEN J. & THOMPSON, JACK M. (1963). 'A Comparison of the Achievement of Multi-Graded
and Single-Graded Rural Elementary School Children', Journal of Educational Research, 56(9): 471-475
FORD, BONNY E (1977) 'Multiage Grouping in the Elementary School and Children's Affective Development:
A Review of Recent Research', The Elementary School Journal, Nov 1977: 149-159
GALTON, MAURICE; SIMON, BRIAN & CROLL, PAUL (1980) Inside the Primary
Classroom, London, Routledge
HARBISON, RALPH W. & HANUSHEK, ERIC A. (1992) Educational Performance of the Poor: Lessons
from Rural Northeast Brazil, Oxford University Press, for The World Bank.
 LAUKKANEN, REIJO & SELVENTOINEN, PEKKA (1978). Small Schools and Combined Grades in
Finland, Paris, OECD, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation
LEE, JAN (1984) 'Vertical Grouping in the primary School: A report of a study by Lancaster University on behalf
of the Schools' Council', School Organization, 4 (2): 133-142
LOCKHEED, MARLAINE E. & VERSPOOR, ADRIAN M. (1991) Improving Primary Education in
Developing Countries, Oxford Washington, Oxford University Press/World Bank
FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |
IX. References
LUNGWANGWA, G. (1989). Multigrade Schools in Zambian Primary Education: A Report on the Pilot Schools
in Mkushi District, SIDA Education Division Documents No 47, Stockholm, SIDA
MILLER, BRUCE A. (1991) 'A Review of the Qualitative Research on Multigrade Education', Journal of
Research in Rural Education, 7 (2): 3-12
ROELOFS, ERIK; RAEMAEKERS, JAN & VEENMAN, SIMON (1991) 'Improving Instructional and
Classroom Management Skills: Effects of a Staff Development Programme and Coaching', School Effectiveness
and School Improvement, 2 (3): 192-212
SOCRATES, JOSE B. (Ed) (1983). The IMPACT System of Mass Primary Education, Quezon City, SEAMED
Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology
THOMAS, CHRISTOPHER & SHAW, CHRISTOPHER (1992) Issues in the Development of Multigrade
Schools, World Bank Technical Paper 172, Washington D.C., The World Bank

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

X. Questionnaire
To address this predicament and come up with reliable responses from the respondents, this questionnaire shall help
the proponent to investigate whether the teachers adhere with the Level of Technical Assistance Extended by the
School Administrators to teachers.
Profile of Respondents
_______ 20-25 _______ 46-50
_______ 26-30 _______ 51-55
_______ 31-35 _______ 56-60
_______ 36-40 _______ 61-65
_______ 41-45
_______ Male
_______ Female

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

X. Questionnaire
Highest Educational Attainment
_______ Bachelor’s degree
_______ Bachelor’s degree with MA units
_______ Master’s Degree
_______ Master’s Degree with PhD/EdD units
_______ PhD/EdD degree holder
Highest level of Training attended in Multi-Grade Teaching
_______ School
_______ District
_______ Division
_______ Region
_______ National
What is your performance in the last three school years?
_______ ________
_______ ________
_______ ________

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

X. Questionnaire
Highest Educational Attainment
_______ Bachelor’s degree
_______ Bachelor’s degree with MA units
_______ Master’s Degree
_______ Master’s Degree with PhD/EdD units
_______ PhD/EdD degree holder
Highest level of Training attended in Multi-Grade Teaching
_______ School
_______ District
_______ Division
_______ Region
_______ National
What is your performance in the last three school years?
_______ ________
_______ ________
_______ ________

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 09655326286 |

X. Questionnaire

3. What is the level of Technical Assistance extended by the administrators to th3 teachers as to:
To answer this part, the respondents shall rate following indicators based on the level of technical assistance extended by school administrators.
Using the Likert scale, it is guided by the following descriptions:
5- Outstanding 4- Very Satisfactory 3-Satisfactory 2- Fair 1-Poor

FELVI B. PAULO| Head Teacher 1| Mallig Central School-Annex | 5 4 3 2 1

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