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Today’s Lesson

Descriptive Text
By: Khusniyatu Zulaikha
What is Descriptive
“Descriptive text is a kind of text
that describes something/person in
particular (details).”
[Descriptive Teks adalah teks yang
menggambarkan sesuatu/manusia
secara terperinci].


“The purpose of descriptive text is to

describe someone/something specifically to
the readers in particular or details.”
[Tujuan dari descriptive text yaitu untuk
MENGGAMBARKAN seseorang/benda
secara spesifik kepada pembaca dalam
ruang lingkup yang terperinci]

Object of Writing
(Objek Penulisan)

Descriptive Text usually tells about:

1. People around us
2. Things around us
3. Tourism Places / City / Country
4. Company Profile
5. Biography of Famous/Successful Person


• It usually uses present tense in sentences.

• It usually uses some adjective in many


• It usually in the first person POV and or in

the third person POV.

• Identification : “It is a part of paragraph
which introduces or identifies the
character.” [berisi tentang identifikasi hal /
seseorang yang akan dideskripsikan.]
• Description : “It is a part of paragraph which
describes the character.” [berisi tentang
penjelasan / penggambaran tentang hal atau
seseorang dengan menyebutkan
beberapa sifatnya.]

Paris is the capital city of France. It is one of

the most beautiful cities in the world. It is also
one of the world's most crowded cities. Lovely
gardens and parks are found throughout Paris.
At night, many palaces and statues are lit up.
For this reason, Paris is often called the City of
Every year, millions of people visit Paris. The
most popular place to visit is the Eiffel Tower.
This huge structure has become the symbol of
Paris. The Louvre, one of the world's largest art
museums, draws many visitors. The Cathedral
of Notre Dame, a famous church, is another
favorite place to visit.
Because of its beauty, Paris is also called as
the most romantic city in the world that is
suitable for honeymoon destination. 7
Paris is the capital city of France. It is
one of the most beautiful cities in the
world. It is also one of the world's
most crowded cities. Lovely gardens
and parks are found throughout Paris.
At night, many palaces and statues
are lit up. For this reason, Paris is
often called the City of Light.

Every year, millions of people visit
Paris. The most popular place to visit is
the Eiffel Tower. This huge structure
has become the symbol of Paris. The
Louvre, one of the world's largest art
museums, draws many visitors. The
Cathedral of Notre Dame, a famous
church, is another favorite place to
Because of its beauty, Paris is also
called as the most romantic city in the
world that is suitable for honeymoon
destination. 9
Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world today.
Gates chose to drop out from the University and he
focus on developing Microsoft company which then
prevail. Now, because of his hard work, Microsoft
became in to most computer software producer in the
world. Today, Bill Gates is known as the founder of the
manufacturer and the owner of the Microsoft software
of windows operating system which is used by the
majority of people all around the world.
Bill Gates was born as a smart kid because he like
reading and quite smart in school and was interest
with business. At the age of 13 years-old, he prefers
to stick with the book rather than getting along with
others. Therefore, he often quarreled with her mother.
One day, his father threw the bottle to Bill because he
was considered too naughty. After he was taken to the
therapist, the parents let bill become independent
person and eventually make bill follow his hobby to
deal with computers.
Bill’s cleverness made Bill chose Harvard as the first
choice as his University. However, because he made
Microsoft with his friend, Paul Allen, he decided to
drop out of university. although it’s heavy, but the
decision was right, because now Microsoft becomes a
Microsoft software manufacturer which used by the
majority of all people worldwide.

Today, Bill Gates has retired and no longer deal with
Microsoft. He chose to focus on humanitarian affairs
through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2007, a
total injection of funds provided by the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation to reach USD 28 billion. The
foundation is regarded as one of the most widely
foundation donated funds for humanitarian activities. Bill
Gates himself was reported to have given most of his
wealth to philanthropic activities, amounting to 48%.
Then, he joined with other wealthy benefactors who also
had the same goal, such as Warren Buffet and Andrew 13
Descriptive text about my
best friend, Lina.
Lina is my best friend. She is a Junior
High School student. She is in the second
grade now and she is a smart student. Her
school is on Crocodile Street. The school
has twenty classrooms and one library. It
also has a wide school yard. Lina and her
friends like to play in the school yard. It is
fun to play there. She likes English lesson
very much. She thinks English is fun and
Practice 1

1. What does Lina do? She is a Student
2. Where is her school? It is on Crocodile Street
3. How many classroom does her school has?
Twenty Classrooms
4. How is her school yard? It is wide
5. What lesson does lina like? English
6. What does she think about English?
She thinks English is fun and challenging

Descriptive text about my
best friend, Bambang.

Hi, my name is Bambang. I was born in

Jombang on July 12, 1970. I live on eagle
street number 09 Jakarta with my family. I'm
not handsome. But I'm very lucky. I'm very
rich. I have many houses in Indonesia. Many
girls like me and want to get married with
me. I used to have sport several years ago.
But now I never do exercise. Look at my
body. It is too fat now. I feel too heavy.

Practice 2
1. What is the writer’s name? Bambang

2. When and Where was he born? Jombang, 12th July, 1970

3. Where does he live? On Eagle Street number 9

4. How is the writer characteristic?
He is not handsome but he is rich
5. How is his body? It is fat now
6. Why do many girls like him?
Because he is rich and have many houses

Make a Descriptive Text! Please
answer the following question?
- What is your name? family?
- Where & when was you born?
- How old are you?
- Where do you live?
- What is your job?
- Where is your school?
- What is your characteristic?
(height, weight, your hair, your
eyes, your face, attitude, etc.)
- What is your hobby?
- What is your favorite
- With whom do you live?
- What is your father’s job? 18
- What is your father’s
Then arrange the answers into a
good Descriptive Text!
The answer will be like this:
My name is Rayz Constantine, I live in Cileungsi Bogor, I am a
student in SMP Constatine 1 Bogor. My hobby is playing online
game. My favorite food is Ketoprak and my favorite drink is Grape
Float. I have a family, there are my father, mother, and my brother. My
father is employee and my mother is a teacher. My brother is
Constantine, he is 23 years old, he is an employee in a gaming
company. I and my family usually go to New York for recreation. I
want to be a gamer, my motto is “playing game
forever when you can play it”, and the last I am
happy with my familly.

Thank You!
See you next time

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