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EBUSINESS MODELS Gina Garcia 15478

A business model is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and
generates revenues.
Simple business models:
An ebusiness model is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and
generates revenues on the Internet.
Ebusiness models fall into one of the four categories (1) business-to-business, (2)
business-to-consumer, (3) consumer-to-business, and (4) consumer-to-consumer.
Business-to-Business Business-to-consumer
Represents 80% of online business. applies to any business that sells its
products or services directly to
Business buying and selling to each consumers online.
other over the internet.
An eshop is an online version of a retail
store where customers can shop at any
hour. It can be an extension of an
existing store.
Consumer-to-business Consumer-to-consumer
applies to any consumer who sells a applies to customers offering goods and
product or service to a business on the services to each other on the Internet. A
Internet. good example of C2C is an auction
where buyers and sellers solicit
consecutive bids from each other and
prices are determined dynamically.

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