Games in Europe

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Title: Games from Europe

Subject: Play for young children

Provided for: Mr. Ariff bin Mohamed

Provided by: Nurul Ain binti Rapian

Schoolyard Games

 Schoolyard Games
• A game where one child plays. The "wolf" faces
the wall. Side-by-side, children stand some
distance behind him calling: "What time is it Mr.
Wolf?" If he replies "3 o'clock," they move three
steps closer. If he says "7 o'clock," they take
seven steps. But if he replies "Dinner time!" they
run and he gives chase. Whoever he catches
becomes the next "wolf."
Boules (Bocce or Petanque)

 In this game, played on sand or fine gravel,

children bowl metal "boules" at a smaller wooden
ball called the "cochonet." Players score points
for every boule landing closer to the target than
their opponent's best shot.

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