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Creating Customer Value and Engagement

What is marketing
• Marketing is engaging customers and managing profitable customer
• Attract new customers by promising superior value and to keep
and grow current customers by delivering value and satisfaction.
• understands their needs,
• develops products that provide superior (SWOT)
• customer value, and prices,
• distributes, and promotes them well,
• sell these products easily
The Marketing Process
Marketing myopia?
Marketing myopia
• They are so taken with their products that they focus only on
existing wants and lose sight of underlying customer needs
• They forget that a product is only a tool to solve a consumer problem

COMPETITOR : how if other sellers will have new product comes along
that serves the customer’s need better or less expensively?
• The customer will have the same need but will want the new product.
Customer value and satisfaction
• Exchange
• Market (potential buyer)
• “How can we influence our customers?”
• “How can our customers influence us?”
• “How can our customers influence each other

Apa itu Marketing

Intermediaries ???
Driven marketing strategies
• Selecting customer to serve
• Value preposition (atribut)
• Marketing orientation
• Product concept (available vs affordable)
• Consumers will stay to favor products (the most in quality, performance, and
innovative features)
• Selling concept (high promo, high sell effort)
• Marketing concept
• Inside out (product to profit)
• Outside in (product to satisfaction)
QUIZ*** Ada yang mau menjelaskan ?

Outside in
Inside Out
Engaging Customers and Managing
Customer Relationships
• Customer Relationship Management
• Perceived value
• Satisfaction
• Engaging tools
• product experiences,
• brand-building advertising,
• websites, and
• social media
• Consumer generated marketing ??*QUIZ
Consumer generated marketing
• consumers themselves play role in shaping their own brand
experiences and those of others.
• uninvited consumer-to-consumer exchanges in blogs,
• video-sharing sites,
• social media, and
• other digital forums.

Partner relationship management

• Working closely with others inside and outside the company to jointly engage and
bring more value to customers (suppliers, channel partners, community, and
Capturing value
• Customer loyalty
• Customer retention
• Apa itu customer retention dan kenapa lebih berharga dari pada mencari
konsumen baru?
• Strangers shows low potential
profitability and little projected
loyalty. There is little fit between the
company’s offerings and their needs.
• Butterflies are potentially profitable
but not loyal. There is a good fit
between the company’s offerings
and their needs.
• True friends are both profitable and
loyal. There is a strong fit between
their needs and the company’s
• Barnacles are highly loyal but not
Customer Relationship Groups very profitable. There is a limited fit
between their needs and the
company’s offerings.
Company and Marketing
Partnering, value, and relationship
Company wide strategy planning
• specific situation, opportunities, objectives, and resources.
• Apa perbedaan objective vs goal? ***quiz
• Mission: a statement of the organization’s purpose—what it wants
to accomplish in the larger environment.
Boston Consulting Group Approach
• is the one that best fits the company’s strengths and weaknesses to
opportunities in the environment. (Quiz*** ada yang mau mencoba
menjelaskan ? )
BCG (Boston Consultation Group) /
The Growth Share Matrix
• Pertumbuhan cepat dan pasar yang luas
• Positif tren dan potensi yang besar
• Produk-produk diminati oleh pasar
• Membutuhkan banyak investasi untuk mempertahankan posisi, mendukung
pertumbuhan lebih lanjut, mempertahankan keunggulan produk utk dpt bersaing
• Banyak biaya dikeluarkan utk promosi, mengupgrade equipment, dan melakukan
• Pertumbuhannya pun akan dapat berubah menjadi Cash Cows ketika perusahaan
mampu secara persisten pencapaiannya sehingga pertumbuhan melambat
BCG (Boston Consultation Group) /
The Growth Share Matrix
• Menjadi pemimpin pasar
• Menghasilkan laba yang tinggi
• Biaya produksi telah tercover
• Memiliki pangsa pasar yang tinggi namun prospek pertumbuhan
kedepan akan terbatas
• R & D sudah teragenda dengan baik
BCG (Boston Consultation Group) /
The Growth Share Matrix


• Bisnis unit yang memiliki prospek pertumbuhan yang tinggi tetapi
pangsa pasarnya masih sangat rendah, walaupun prospek demandnya
sudah terlihat tinggi
• Penghasilan tidak sebanding dengan biaya
• Prospek pertumbuhannya sangat pesat sehingga berpotensi untuk
berubah menjadi Stars 
• Bukan berarti kondisi buruk. Posisi question marks bisa saja menjadi
stars ketika pemilik bisnis tetap berinvestasi dan berfokus pada sebuah
BCG (Boston Consultation Group) /
The Growth Share Matrix
• Unit bisnis yang memiliki pangsa pasar dan tingkat pertumbuhan yang
• Keuntungan sangat rendah /mengalami kerugian
• Mengalami pengurangan, divestasi/ likuidasi
The Product/Market Expansion Grid
Managing Marketing Strategies
and the Marketing Mix

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