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 Why Critical Reasoning?

 Form of Critical Reasoning

 Basics

 Different Types of Critical Reasoning

Why Critical Reasoning?

 Evaluates how you reason

 Tests your ability to use basic logic in

analyzing and critiquing arguments
 Assesses your common sense and
skills in evaluating data and taking
sound decisions accordingly.
What do you need to deal with
this section?
1. Common sense
2. An understanding of logic
3. Lots of practice
Form of Critical Reasoning
* Every critical reasoning problem is
comprised of three parts:
An argument

A question

Five answer choices

Logical Fallacies/ Flawed Arguments
An argument by analogy compares one situation
to another, ignoring the question of whether the
two situations are comparable

Studies indicate that use of this product causes cancer

in some laboratory animals. Therefore, you must stop
using this product on human beings.
Logical Fallacies/ Flawed Arguments
The past predict the present/future:
This argument assumes that the way
something happened in the past will be similar
to how it will happen in the present/future.
We should not hire the Indian immigrants to work in
our factory. When we tried doing this 10 years ago, it
was a miserable failure. Their lack of knowledge of
English and their difficulties in adjusting to life in the
US made them unreliable
Logical Fallacies/ Flawed Arguments
Causal Argument:
An argument which concludes that X is the cause
of Y based on a temporal relationship
- X accompanied Y - X preceded Y
Every time I wear my grey suit, people like me.
Therefore, it is my grey suit that makes people like

Herbert Hoover was elected President of the US in

1928. This was followed by a recession in 1929.
Logical Fallacies/ Flawed Arguments
Statistical Argument:
An argument which uses statistics to prove its

Four out of five doctors agree: The pain reliever in

Sinutol is the most effective analgesic on the market
today. You should try Sinutol.
Logical Fallacies/ Flawed Arguments
Particular to General (Overgeneralization):
 Basing a large conclusion on too little
 Generalizes a single case: supposes that what is
true for one member of the class is equally true
for all other members.
John must be bad at sports, because he is really bad at
Critical Reasoning Question Types
 Supply the conclusion
 Find the assumption
 Strengthen the argument
 Weaken the argument
 Inference questions
 Complete the passage
 “Except” questions
Supply the Conclusion
 The passage gives you a list of evidences.
 You will have to decide which one of the answer
choices is the best conclusion to the passage.
- Make sure that the conclusion follows from all the
premises not only one.
- The answer cannot be just a restatement of the
- Eliminate the answers that don’t follow clearly
from the premises
- Beware of choices that go further than the scope of
the argument
Inference Questions
 Asking you to infer something from the passage.
 Questions might ask you to make inferences
about one or more of the premises
 The correct answer will contain an inference that
can be logically and safely drawn from the
original argument.
 The best answer paraphrases words and ideas
from the text and contains an inference just one
step in logic away from the message of the text.
Inference Questions
 Alice plays volleyball for Central High School,
despite the team’s rule against participation by

 Alice is not a student at Central High School

Inference Questions
 Sample stems:
 Which one of the following is inferable from the
argument above?
 Which one of the following is implied by the
argument above?
 The author suggests that..

 If all the statements above are true, which one of

the following must also be true on the basis of
Strengthen the Argument
 Asking you to find a hole in an argument.
 Asking you to fix the argument with additional
information that corrects for the weakness in the
 The correct answer will strengthen the argument
with new information.
 Find the conclusion and determine which answer
choice makes the conclusion stronger.
Strengthen the Argument
 Sample stems:
 Which one of the following, if true, would most
strengthen the argument?
 Which one of the following, if true, would provide
the most support for the conclusion in the
argument above?
 The argument above would be more persuasive if
which one of the following were found to be true?
Weaken the Argument
 Asking you to find a hole in an argument.
 Asking you to expose the hole in the argument
that reveals the weakness in the argument.


 The correct answer will weaken the conclusion of

the argument.
 Find the conclusion and determine which answer
choice makes the conclusion less tenable.
Weaken the Argument
 Sample stems:
 Which one of the following, if true, would most
weaken the argument above?
 Which one of the following, if true, would most
seriously damage the argument above?
 Which one of the following, if true, casts the most
doubt on the argument above?
 Which one of the following, if true, is the most
serious criticism of the argument above?
Complete the Passage
 Questions ask you to complete a passage
 The question comes before the argument, and the end of
the argument is usually broken off in mid-sentence.

 Look for the answer choice that best completes the
passage. It might provide a missing premise, state the
conclusion, or connect the premises to the conclusion.
 Don’t make associations based on your own knowledge
that are not made in the passage.
Except Questions
 All the answer choices satisfy the question’s statement
except one which does not.
 If a question says all of the following strengthen the
conclusion EXCEPT , the correct answer choice fails to
strengthen rather than actively weaken.
 The question uses words like NOT and LEAST

 Look for the answer choice that either
strengthen or weaken the argument, then

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