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Tek 8.

Identify that protons determine an
element’s identity and valence
electrons determine its chemical
properties, including reactivity.
Valence Electron- electrons on the
outermost shell.
Reactivity- Its ability to react based
on the number of electrons.
Balanced Atom- An atom with a full
electron shell.
Protons= Identity
● Each element has a different number of
protons, therefore, the number of protons
determines the number of the element.
● To identify the element, count the number of
protons in the element and find it on the
Periodic Table.
Electrons= Chemical
● Elements with the same number of valence
electrons have the same chemical
● These Elements are located in the same
Valence Electrons=

In order to become a balanced atom, the
atom must give or take a few electrons to
complete the shell
● An atom with a full shell is the least reactive
● An atom that gives or takes the least is the
most reactive
● Therefore, elements in group 1 and 17 are
the most reactive

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