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Nursing theorists

Madeleine Leininger

This theory attempts to provide culturally congruent

nursing care through “cognitively based assistive,
supportive, facilitative, or enabling acts or decisions
that are mostly tailor-made to fit with the individual,
group’s, or institution’s cultural values, beliefs, and
 The Transcultural Nursing Theory or Culture Care
Theory by Madeleine Leininger involves knowing
and understanding different cultures concerning
nursing and health-illness caring practices,
beliefs, and values to provide meaningful and
efficacious nursing care services to people's
cultural values health-illness context.
Culturally congruent care

 Emphasison ethnicity, race, culture, perceptions,

and behavior

 based on the person's relationship to stress,

response, and reconstitution factors that are
progressive in nature. The Neuman Systems
Model presents a broad, holistic, and system-
based method to nursing that maintains a factor of
Roy”s Adaptation Theory

 Roy developed a theory now known as the Roy

Adaptation Model, which states that the goal of
nursing care is to promote patient adaptation.
Her model asks questions about the person who is
the focus of nursing care, the target of that care
and when that care is indicated.
Roger’s Theory

 Rogers believed that people are inherently good

and creative. They become destructive only when
a poor self-concept or external constraints
override the valuing process. Carl Rogers believed
that for a person to achieve self-actualization they
must be in a state of congruence.
Imogene King's Theory

 King defines nursing as the interaction and

relationship of person with the environment to
attain health and improve human well-being.
Thus, nurses need to know how people interact
with their environment. King considers nursing as
a process, the ultimate goal of which is to attain
Dorothea Orem

 Thetheory of self-care, which focuses on the

performance or practice of activities that
individuals perform on their own behalf. Those
might be actions to maintain one's life and life
functioning, develop oneself or correct a health
deviation or condition.
Betty Newman’s Theory

 BettyNeuman theory is based on the person's

relationship to stress, response, and
reconstitution factors that are progressive in
nature. The Neuman Systems Model presents a
broad, holistic, and system-based method to
nursing that maintains a factor of flexibility.
Jean Watson’s Theory

 thecore of the Theory of Caring is that “humans

cannot be treated as objects and that humans
cannot be separated from self, other, nature,
and the larger workforce.” Her theory
encompasses the whole world of nursing; with the
emphasis placed on the interpersonal process
between the care
Theory of Hildegard Peplau

 Peplautheorized that nurse-patient relationships

must pass through three phases in order to be
successful: (a) orientation, (b) working, and (c)
termination. During the brief orientation phase,
hospitalized patients realize they need help and
attempt to adjust to their current (and often new)
 End of slide

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