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Rational Function
 (a) The domain of a function is the set of all values that the
variable x can take.
 (b) The range of a function is the set of all values that f(x)
can take.
 (c) The zeroes of a function are the values of x which make
the function zero. The real numbered zeroes are also x-
intercepts of the graph of the function.
 (d) The y-intercept is the function value when x = 0.
Vertical Asymptote
 Definition: The vertical line x=a is a
vertical asymptote of a function f if the
graph of f either increases or decreases
without bound as the x-values approach a
from the right or left.
Horizontal Asymptote
 Definition: The horizontal line y=b is a horizontal
asymptote of the function f if f(x) gets closer to b as x
increases or decreases without bound () A rational
function may or may not cross its horizontal
asymptote. If the function does not cross the horizontal
asymptote y=b, then b is not part of the range of the
rational function

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