8 Normal Distribution Curve

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Normal distribution

8th practical session in health informatics module
“Gaussian distribution curve”
Carl Friedrich Gauss (1809)
‫رياضى و فيزيائي الماني‬
The NDC is the frequency polygon of a quantitative continuous variable
measured in large number.
It is a form of presentation of frequency distribution of biologic variables
“weights, heights, hemoglobin level and blood pressure”.
Characteristics of the curve:
Bell shaped, continuous curve

Symmetrical i.e. can be divided into 2 equal halves vertically

Tails never touch the base line but extended to infinity in either direction

The mean, median and mode values coincide

Described by 2 parameters: arithmetic mean (X) “location of the center of

the curve” & standard deviation (SD) “scatter around the mean”
Areas under the normal curve:

X ± 1 SD = 68% of the area on each side of the mean.

X ± 2 SD = 95% of area on each side of the mean.
X ± 3 SD = 99% of area on each side of the mean.
Areas under the normal

X ± 1 SD = 68% of the area on each side of the mean.

X ± 2 SD = 95% of area on each side of the mean.

X ± 3 SD = 99% of area on each side of the mean.

Skewed data‫لبيانات‬AA‫لتواء ا‬AA‫ا‬
If we represent a collected data by a frequency polygon & the resulted curve does not
simulate the NDC (with all its characteristics) then these data are
“Not normally distributed”
“Curve may be skewed to the Rt. or to the Lt. side”
Causes of Skewed Curve

The data collected are from:

Heterogeneous group

Diseased or abnormal population

So; the results obtained from these data can not be applied or generalized on the
whole population.
NDC can be used in distinguishing between normal from abnormal

If we have NDC for Hb levels for a population of normal adult males with
mean ± SD = 11±1.5 at (68% of normal population)
If we obtain a Hb reading for an individual = 8.1 & we want to know if he/she
is normal or anemic.

If this reading lies within the area under the curve at 95% of normal (i.e.
mean±2 SD). he /she will be considered normal. If his reading is less; then
he is anemic.
• Normal range for Hb in this example will be:
Higher HB level: 11+2 (1.5) =14.
Lower Hb level: 11–2 (1.5) = 8.
i.e the normal Hb range of adult males is from 8 to 14.
Our sample (8.1) lies within the 95% of his population.
So; this individual is normal because his reading lies within the 95% of his

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