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Know Yourself – SWOT/SWOC

• Introduction
• Importance of Knowing Yourself
• Process of knowing yourself
• What is SWOT analysis?
• Basic Elements of The SWOT Analysis
• Aim of SWOT analysis.
• SWOT Analysis for Individuals
• Benefits of SWOT/SWOC analysis
• How to go about SWOT analysis?
• SWOT /SWOC analysis grid
• Prepare action plan
• Tips for SWOT analysis Do’s & Don’ts.
Know Thyself is a term coined by the great Greek philosopher
Socrates meaning “Know Yourself”.

Knowing yourself is a life long process. You need to remove all of

the multiple personalities that you put on for different people
and at different times. You need to get down to the core of your
essence and then you need to get rid of your own false self-
images and delusions.

To know oneself is to know one’s true identity. The true self is

the one created in the image of the creator. So to know oneself is
being true to oneself and living one’s purpose.

Men and women are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of
their own minds.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Importance of knowing yourself

If you know yourself you will be able to know your strength and
weakness. Subsequently you will be able to remove your weak
portion. You must know yourself in order to be useful to yourself
and others.

1. Helps to control emotions

2. Helps to reach your goal
3. Helps to reach better decisions
4. Helps to improve relationship
5. Helps to realize and improve your full potential
6. Helps to experience happiness and joy

We know what we are, but know not what we may become.

- William Shakespeare
Process of knowing yourself
1. Maintain personal diary
2. Practice meditation
3. Exercise regularly
4. Go for walk regularly
5. Do some riding or driving
6. Do some outings
7. Develop some hobbies
8. Develop new interests

He who respects himself is safe from others;

He wears a coat that none can pierce.
- Henry Wordsworth Longfellow
What is SWOT
A technique that enables organisations or individual
to move from everyday problems and traditional
strategies to a fresh prospective.

SWOT analysis looks at your strengths and

weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats your
business faces. SWOT can help your company
face its greatest challenges and find its most
promising new markets.
 The SWOT Analysis framework is a very
important and useful tool to use in marketing
Management and other business applications

 A clear understanding of SWOT is required for

business majors.
Basic Elements of The SWOT
SWOT Analysis for
• “Those with keen understanding of their strengths and
needs are in much better position than those with limited
or faulty self-knowledge.
—Howard Gardner, Frames of Mind

• Personal SWOT analysis is a great tool to assess

yourself in order to plan your career.

• You can use it to assess yourself, compare yourself

against your peers/competitors and also use it to find
career growth opportunities.
Benefits of SWOT/SWOC analysis
The main advantages of conducting a SWOT analysis is that it has
little or no cost - anyone who understands your business can
perform a SWOT analysis. You can also use a SWOT analysis
when you don't have much time to address a complex situation.

Some other benefits:

1. Understand your life as an engineer

2. Address weaknesses
3. Deter  threats
4. Capitalize on opportunities
5. Take advantage of your strengths
6. Develop business goals and strategies for achieving them.
How to go about SWOT analysis?

To carry out a personal SWOT analysis, you need to complete the

matrix in terms of four boxes made of two intersecting lines.
Strengths: What do you do well? What do other people see as your
strengths? What are your skills, values and interests?
Weaknesses: What areas need development? What should you
Opportunities: What possibilities are open to you? What resources
do you have? Who can help you?
Threats: What might cause you difficulties? What responsibilities
do you have? What might restrict you?
Strengths are internal positive attributes or capabilities a
person has control over and can make full use of.

Skills, competencies, knowledge

Strong personality
Commitment, enthusiasm, and passion
Personal resources
PR and connections
Weaknesses are negative aspects and attributes which have
little control over.

Personal nature or tendencies

Lack of education
Lack of work experience or expertise
Less resources
Hygiene issues
Lack of career direction or focus
Negative work habits
Opportunities are uncontrollable external events a
person can potentially leverage.

Favorable job or work trends

Developed Improving economy
Job vacancies and openings
Training opportunities
Technology advancements
Demand for Expertise and skills
Threats are uncontrollable external factors that might
overcome or damage the strengths and opportunities.

Job insecurity
Downsizing and restructuring
Changing market trends
Fewer job opportunities
Emerging competition
Changing professional standards
SWOT/SWOC analysis grid
Prepare Action Plan

Once the SWOT analysis has been completed, mark

each point with:

 Things that MUST be addressed immediately

 Things that can be handled now

 Things that should be researched further

 Things that should be planned for the future

Tips of conducting SWOT
 Be analytical and specific. х Try to disguise weaknesses.
 Record all thoughts and ideas.
х Merely list errors
 Be selective in the final evaluation.
and mistakes.
 Choose the right people for the
х Lose sight of
external influences
Choose a suitable SWOT leader or
х and trends.
Allow the SWOT to
facilitator. become
 Think out of the box a blame-laying exercise.
х Ignore the outcomes at later
 Be open to change
stages of the planning process.

• A SWOT analysis identifies your S, W, O and T to

assist you in making strategic plans and decisions.

• SWOT is a simple yet comprehensive way of

assessing the positive and negative forces within and
without your organization, so you can be better
prepared to act effectively

• “ Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

- Aristotle

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