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UG Introduction to Teaching

Workshop 1
Will Haywood & Jo Pellereau
The Workshops
• Practice based
• Support development of practice for placement
• And/or be a space for creating the artefacts needed for your
• Need your involvement
Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction
• On Teams
• On your table – divide the principles between you
• Read your allocated principles  and be prepared to give a brief
summary to your wider group
Learning Objectives
• Remember the equation for Newton's Second Law
• Explain the difference between exothermic and endothermic
• Compare Le Mark and Darwin's theories of evolution
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Activity  - Designing Objectives
• In a pair, select a topic from the Key Stage 3 National Curriculum 
• Using Bloom's taxonomy (see file on teams) devise a series of
objectives that could be used to teach aspects of that topic
Lesson Plans
• In in pairs look through the example lesson plans on Teams
• Look for the objectives
• Make note of any examples you find of Rosenshine's Principles of
Instruction in the lesson plan
Lesson Planning
• As a table choose some of the objectives you devised earlier
• Using the large print out of the lesson planning template
• Plan a lesson which could teach those objectives
• Include aspects of Rosenshine's principles of instruction where
Peer Review
• Swap plans with another group
• Look for aspects of Rosenshine's principles 
• Do the suggested activities align with the objectives?
• Suggest some feedback on the plan

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