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History of Me

By: Bo :)
Greek Vase
One night, when my grandad was pulling in
our driveway, A guy got in our gate and tried to
be up my grandad as he was leaving his car.
Luckily, everyone in the house heard him
struggling and went outside to help him as this
was NOT the first time this had happened.
Unfortunately, we didn’t catch the guy, but we
never had anyone attack my grandad again
after that.
(yes that is 7 year old me with a backscratcher
flying through the air and yes my grandma had
a machete) :)
Roman Mask

For the mask, I decided to draw MR.HARRIS

because he’s been my favorite teacher since I
moved. I didn’t know how to approach this since
I’ve never gotten a really good look at his face, so I
tried to focus on his eyes and mask. I drew the
“Starry Night” mask because it’s my favorite mask
he’s worn.

Commedia Dell’Arte

Dad-Pantalone (Father and somewhat greedy)

Lexi(little siblings’ mom)-La Signora (was the “wife” to the pantalone. Can
be narcissistic)
Malachi(little brother)-Scapino (creates confusion and runs away)
“You’re grade don’t matter”

My best friend told me that in the 8th

grade after I told them about how stressed
they were making me and how hard it was
to do my work and they would constantly
remind me that my grades aren’t the say-
do-all of my character and that my best
was enough.


I knoweth not how life is going to wend, but all i can doth is desire. Desire yond i
shall stayeth on the right track, yond the dreams in mine own headeth may one day
beest reality. But until then, all i can doth is dreameth.

I don't know how life is going to go, but all I can do is hope. Hope that I will stay on the right track, that the
dreams in my head may one day be reality. But until then, all I can do is dream
(not that one)

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