Challenging Questions

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In a family of five children, what is the chance

that there are three boys and two girls?

A store has three kinds of toys given in every
purchase. What is the probability of getting all
three toys in five purchases?
How many arrangements can be made from the
letters of the word MATHEMATICS if the
consonants are to be together?
If 8 men take 12 days to assemble 16 machines,
how many days will it take 15 men to assemble
50 machines?
How many five-digit even numbers greater than
40,000 can be made using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4,
and 5 without repetition?
A real estate agent has 8 master keys to open several homes. Only 1 master
key will open any given house. If 40% of these homes are usually left
unlocked, what is the probability that the real estate agent can get into a
specific home if the agent selects 3 master keys at random before leaving
the office?
When a polynomial f(x) is divided by (x−1), the remainder
is 5 and when it is divided by (x−2), the remainder is 7. Find
the remainder when it is divided by (x−1)(x−2).
A proposal was lost in which 600 persons voted; the same
persons having voted again on the same proposal, it was carried
by twice as many as it was before lost by and the new majority
is to the former as 8:7. How many changed their minds?
While visiting Cape Kennedy, we came upon an engineer digging a hole.

“How deep is that hole?” we asked.

”Guess,” said the engineer, being evasive.

”My height is exactly 5 feet 10 inches. I am one-third done, and when I am
finished, my head will be twice as far below ground as it is now above

How deep will that hole be when finished?

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