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A. Record the following list of words, reading them as naturally as possible.

You will have a few minutes to

familiarize yourself with them. When you are finished recording, click GUARDAR/SAVE .

B. In the same Voice Thread, record this passage as naturally as possible, but only ONCE. You will have a few
minutes to familiarize yourself with the text.
This course will help you to improve your ability to speak English as a second language. It will
teach basic pronunciation features which are those that interfere the most with clear speaking.
You will learn to hear pronunciation differences between Spanish and English, and this will help
you speak more clearly. By the end of the course, you will have practiced new sounds and
patterns and learned to monitor yourself. This means you will schedule times to record, listen to
and correct your own speech. Your progress will depend on how motivated you are, how much
you practice, and how much you communicate in English outside of class.

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