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• recognize the sources and significance of the Earth's internal heat;
• explain magmatic differentiation mechanisms operating beneath the
surface of the earth

• LESSON 1: Sources of the Earth’s Internal Heat

• LESSON 2: Magmatism
Sources of the Earth’s
Internal Heat
not drawn to scale
Layers of the Earth
Significance of the Rock Cycle
• Two forces that make rock cycle to occur:
⚬ Earth’s internal heat engine that moves material around in the core
and the mantle through convection
⚬ the water cycle which is the movement of water, ice and air at the
surface powered by the sun
Significance of the Rock Cycle
• The Earth’s core is hot enough to keep the mantle moving for the rock
cycle to occur.
• Earth’s atmosphere is thick and there is the presence of liquid water.
• When the core is no longer hot enough to drive mantle convection and
there is no atmosphere or liquid water like on some other planets or
their satellites the rock cycle is practically gone.
• lighter, warm material rises while heavier, cool material sinks
• heat transfer through the movement of liquid/gas molecules
Major Sources of Heat
• Primordial Heat
• Frictional heating
• Short-lived radioisotopes
• Radioactive Decay
Primordial Heat
• leftover heat from the formation of our planet
• In the process of planetary growth (accretion) and surface
restructuring, large amounts of heat are generated as the objects
collide and stick together.
• As the Earth grew heavier, its gravitational field increased, and it began
to compact because of the growing mass of largely unconsolidated
Frictional Heating
• caused by denser core material sinking to the center of the Earth
• The heat generated in the core produces a magnetic field strong
enough to shield the planet from the solar wind.
• The heat that escapes out into the mantle causes convection in
the rock that moves crustal plates and fuels volcanoes.
Radioactive Heat
• comes from energy released by the decay of uranium-
235, uranium-238, potassium-40, and thorium-232
found in the crust and mantle.
Geothermal Gradient
• rate of increase in temperature with increasing depths in Earth's interior
• 15°C-30°C per km within the crust
Earth’s Temperature Gradient
Divergen Convergent Transfor
t m
Philippines' Tectonic
• extremely hot liquid rock located under the Earth’s surface.
• It forms from the partial melting of existing rock.
• When magma flows or erupts onto Earth’s surface, it is called lava.
Composition of Magma
• The higher the amount of silica (SiO2) in the magma, the higher
its viscosity.
Viscosity is a liquid’s resistance to flow.
oMafic Magma - low in silica and contain darker, magnesium, and
iron-rich mafic minerals, such as olivine and pyroxene.
oFelsic Magma - higher in silica and contain lighter colored
minerals such as quartz and orthoclase feldspar.
Magma Formation
• Decompression melting: due to a decrease in pressure
 When pressure is decreased, melting can occur because the bonds between
the particles can be broken down and move farther away from each other.

• Flux melting: addition of volatiles (compounds that have low boiling points)
 When volatiles such as water mix with hot, dry rock, the volatile decreases
the rock’s melting point and they help break the chemical bonds in the rock to
allow melting.

• Heat Transfer melting: heat transfer from rising magma

Rising magma transfers heat to surrounding rocks at shallower depths.
Locations of Magma Formation

• Divergent Boundaries
• Hotspots
• Subduction Zones
• formed when two plates
move away from each
• Rising hot mantle
rock leads to
• formed when hot
materials rise from deep
within the mantle
• These locations undergo
decompression melting
due to the upward
movement of hot
• formed when an oceanic plate
is pushed under another plate
• magma formed from flux
⚬ water mixes with hot
rocks as the lower plate
moves down
Summary of mechanisms of magma formation in
locations where it is formed
Preparation for next meeting
• Read in advance about the remaining topics “How
does magma behave?” from page 10 until page 13
“Different processes by which composition of magma
may change” in the Module.
• Prepare for a graded oral recitation next meeting

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