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Types of weather

 Today the weather is sunny.

 Yesterday was cloudy.
 Be careful driving it is very foggy  
 It is meant to be stormy later. 
 Tomorrow it is going to be windy lets make a kite today.
 Rainbows are so beautiful with all the different colours.
 It is freezing today make sure you wear your hat and gloves when you go out.
 It is warm. The weather is adjective.
 The weather is warm. Adjective It is a(an) adjective day. adjective
 It is a warm day. It is adjective.

 It is raining. It is verb+ing. ( talking about right now)

 Yesterday, it rained. Yesterday, it verb+ed. ( past tense) verb
 It will rain tomorrow. It is going to rain tomorrow. ( future )

There is/was/will be a storm. noun

 Adjective:
 Cold
 Bitter – very very cold. A step further than cold.
 Bitterly cold
 Chilly – slightly cold.
 Chilling
 Crisp – cold and dry
 Icy
 Freezing
 Frosty – very cold with frost forming
 Severe
 Wintry
 Gloomy – every thing is dark and the sky is gray
 Bleak - every thing is dark and the sky is gray
 Harsh – aggressive weather
 verb:
 To snow.
 To sleet - Partly frozen rain. Very wet snow
 To hail – little hailstones falling from the sky.
 To freeze
 To freeze over – covered with a layer of ice. My pond has frozen over.
 Noun:
 Sleet
 Frost
 Hail
 Snow
 Blizzard – windy snow storm
 Idoms:
 A cold snap – a short period of cold weather.
 Frozen to death/ the bone - to be frozen through, to be very cold.
 Adjective:
 Cool – not warm not cold.
 Mild – not warm not cold. Not unpleasant.
 Fresh
 Bright – when sun is out.
 Breezy – light wind which is pleasant and welcomed.
 Cloudy
 Overcast – some sun light + some clouds – not a completely sunny day.
 Muggy – when the air is very humid - it can be cold or hot.
 Wet - raining a lot.
 Verbs:
 To drizzle – constant but gentle flow of rain. It is drizzling.
 To shower – more sporadic and occasional.
 To pour – raining very heavily.
 Nouns:
 Rain
 Shower
 Downpour – heavy rain
 Flood
 Idiom:
 To chuck it down – a heavy downpour.
 To bucket down – to rain hard.
 To be soaked through – to be really wet.
 Adjective:
 Hot
 Scorching - hot
 Sweltering - hot
 Boiling - hot
 Sunny - hot
 Dry
 Clear – no clouds
 Humid
 Blistering sun
 Verbs:
 To shine
 To burn
 To scorch
 Nouns:
 Sunshine
 heat
 Idioms:
 To catch some rays – to absorb some of the sunshine – to tan
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 To go brown – to tan
 To soak up the sun – to tan
 To sweat like a pig
Autumn (British)
fall (American)
 Adjective:


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