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● Employee behaviour is defined as an employees reaction to a particular situation at
workplace .
● Employee need to understand that some information is confidential and should not be
discussed with anyone.
● No two individuals behave in similar ways. Employees need to behave sensibly at workplace
to maintain a healthy workculture
Types of employee behaviour
Task performer
● Task performers set targets for themselves and strive hard to accomplish tasks
within stipulated time frame.
● They concentrate on their work never losentheir focus.
● Such individuals work in close coordination with clients and customers
Organizational citizenship
● Managers need to encourage employees tongain from each other's knowledge and
● Help your colleagues
● Help your co workers acquire new skills and learnings.
Counter productive work behaviour
● Such workers have a tendency tonharm their organizations
● They abuse fellow workers and pass lewd comments.
● They are often involved in objectionable activities and doing unproductive tasks which
spoil the entire work culture .
● They often indulged in thefts, leanking confidential information, data tampering and so
Joining and staying with the organization
● Organization need to treat employees with respect for them to stick around for
a long time and do not even think of quitting their jobs.
● When talented people leave, knowledge is lost, eventually work suffers.
Maintaining work attendance
● Employees need to attend office regularly.
● Take a leave, only when there is an emergency.
● Employees who find work as a mere source of burden and have nothing new
and interesting to do, take frequent leaves as compared to individuals who
love coming to work.
Factors affecting employee behaviour
● Leaders to set a direction for team members.
● Guide the employees and help them in their day to day operations
● Help them acquire new skills and upgrade their knowledge.
● Make them feel important
Work culture
● They feel comfortable at workplace for them to stay positive and happy.
● Rules and regulations should be same for everyone.
● Employees ought to be encouraged to respect their reporting bosses and
follow the code of ethics.
● Transparency at all levels is essential
Job responsibilities
● Employees should be asked to do what best they can perform
● Do not overburden employees.
● Encourage them to upgrade their skills from time to time.
Effective communication
● Managers need to communicate effectively with team members.
● The moment employees feel. Left out, they lose interest in work.
● They need to have acsay in organizations major decisions.
● Let them express their views and come out with their problems.
Family and personal life
● It has been observed that individuals with a troubled background or
problematic family life tend to behave irrationally at workplace.
● Conflicts in personal life lead to stress and irrational behaviour.
● Also individuals should try not to bring their personal problems to work.
Relationship at work
● It is necessary to have friends at the workplace.
● It is really not possible to work in idolation.
● Not allowing employees to interact with fellow workers leads to frustration and
stress at workplace.
● Avoid arguing with team members.
Role of work culture in employee behaviour
● Encourage your employees to work in teams rather than working alone.
● Adopt a flexible attitude
● Rules and regulations should be same for every employee
● Small events and get together and also lead to a healthy work culture and
individuals feel attached towards the organization.
● The job needs to be challenging

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