TOS Test Samples

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Generating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things
Designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing

Higher-order EVALUATING
Justifying a decision or course of action 30%
Thinking Checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging

Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and
relationships 10%
Comparing, organizing, deconstructing, interrogating, finding.

Using information in another familiar situation 20%
Implementing, carrying out, using, executing

Explaining ideas or concepts 20%
Interpreting, summarizing, paraphrasing, classifying, explaining

Recalling information
Recognizing, listing, describing, retrieving, naming, finding.
How to Construct Table of Specification

1.Determine the desired number of

test items.
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Subject Grade Grading period School Year
Total Number
Time Of Test items
Topic Spent/
Frequency Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Actual Adjusted

How to Construct Table of Specification

2. List the topics with the

corresponding allocation of time

• The reference is the budgeted lesson.

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Subject Grade Grading period School Year
Total Number
Time Of Test items
Topic Spent/
Frequency Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Actual Adjusted

1. 3
2. 4
3. 1
4. 6
5. 8
6. 5
7. 8
8. 2
9. 4
10. 4
How to Construct Table of Specification
3. Determine the total number of items per topic by using the formula:
Time Spent / Frequency per topic divided by the total number of
frequency in the grading period times total number of items.

Time Spent / Frequency per Topic Total Number of items

Total Frequency in the grading period


3 50 = 3.33
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Subject Grade Grading period School Year
Total Number
Time Of Test items
Topic Spent/
Frequency Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Actual Adjusted

1. 3 3.33
2. 4 4.44
3. 1 1.11
4. 6 6.66
5. 8 8.88
6. 5 5.55
7. 8 8.88
8. 2 2.22
9. 4 4.44
10. 4 4.44
45 49.95
How to Construct Table of Specification

4. Round off the value to become

whole numbers.
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Subject Grade Grading period School Year
Total Number
Time Of Test items
Topic Spent/
Frequency Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Actual Adjusted

1. 3 3.33 3
2. 4 4.44 4
3. 1 1.11 1
4. 6 6.66 7
5. 8 8.88 9
6. 5 5.55 6
7. 8 8.88 9
8. 2 2.22 2
9. 4 4.44 4
10. 4 4.44 4
45 49.95 49
How to Construct Table of Specification

5. Adjust or Balance by either

adding or subtracting (any of the
topic totals) so that the sum will
amount to the desired number of
test items.
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Subject Grade Grading period School Year
Total Number
Time Of Test items
Topic Spent/
Frequency Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Actual Adjusted

1. 3 3.33 3
2. 4 4.44 4
3. 1 1.11 1+1
4. 6 6.66 7
5. 8 8.88 9
6. 5 5.55 6
7. 8 8.88 9
8. 2 2.22 2
9. 4 4.44 4
10. 4 4.44 4
45 49.95 49
How to Construct Table of Specification

6. Scatter the items per topic per domain

• Determine the number of items per

complexity / level of cognitive domain.
In this case, we have already a
pre-computed value of 30-20-20-30
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Subject Grade Grading period School Year
Total Number
Time Of Test items
Topic Spent/
Frequency Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Actual Adjusted

1. 3 3.33 3
2. 4 4.44 4
3. 1 1.11 1+1
4. 6 6.66 7
5. 8 8.88 9
6. 5 5.55 6
7. 8 8.88 9
8. 2 2.22 2
9. 4 4.44 4
10. 4 4.44 4
45 15 10 10 5 5 5 49.95 49
How to Construct Table of Specification
7. On the basis of your experience / analysis start allocating the
items with respect to the total number of items per domain and the
total number of items per topic beginning with the higher-order
thinking domains down to remembering. It is suggested that the
order of complexity from creating to remembering is not altered.

• Review the topics, reflect on previous experiences, and imagine

the teaching learning processes (TLP) that can go with the
topics. You may use teaching guides and other similar materials.

• Be mindful of the total points per topic.

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Subject Grade Grading period School Year
Total Number
Time Of Test items
Topic Spent/
Frequency Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Actual Adjusted

1. 3 3.33 3
2. 4 4.44 4
3. 1 1.11 1+1
4. 6 1 6.66 7
5. 8 2 8.88 9
6. 5 5.55 6
7. 8 2 8.88 9
8. 2 2.22 2
9. 4 4.44 4
10. 4 4.44 4
45 15 10 10 5 5 5 49.95 49
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Subject Grade Grading period School Year
Total Number
Time Of Test items
Topic Spent/
Frequency Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Actual Adjusted

1. 3 3.33 3
2. 4 1 4.44 4
3. 1 1.11 1+1
4. 6 1 1 6.66 7
5. 8 2 8.88 9
6. 5 2 5.55 6
7. 8 2 8.88 9
8. 2 2.22 2
9. 4 1 4.44 4
10. 4 4.44 4
45 15 10 10 5 5 5 49.95 49
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Subject Grade Grading period School Year
Total Number
Time Of Test items
Topic Spent/
Frequency Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Actual Adjusted

1. 3 1 3.33 3
2. 4 1 1 4.44 4
3. 1 1.11 1+1
4. 6 1 1 6.66 7
5. 8 2 2 8.88 9
6. 5 2 5.55 6
7. 8 2 8.88 9
8. 2 2.22 2
9. 4 1 4.44 4
10. 4 1 4.44 4
45 15 10 10 5 5 5 49.95 49
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Subject Grade Grading period School Year
Total Number
Time Of Test items
Topic Spent/
Frequency Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Actual Adjusted

1. 3 1 1 3.33 3
2. 4 1 1 1 4.44 4
3. 1 1.11 1+1
4. 6 2 1 1 6.66 7
5. 8 2 2 8.88 9
6. 5 2 5.55 6
7. 8 2 2 8.88 9
8. 2 1 2.22 2
9. 4 2 1 4.44 4
10. 4 1 1 4.44 4
45 15 10 10 5 5 5 49.95 49
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Subject Grade Grading period School Year
Total Number
Time Of Test items
Topic Spent/
Frequency Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Actual Adjusted

1. 3 1 1 3.33 3
2. 4 1 1 1 4.44 4
3. 1 1 1.11 1+1
4. 6 2 2 1 1 6.66 7
5. 8 2 2 2 8.88 9
6. 5 2 2 5.55 6
7. 8 2 2 2 8.88 9
8. 2 1 2.22 2
9. 4 2 1 4.44 4
10. 4 1 1 1 4.44 4
45 15 10 10 5 5 5 49.95 49
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Subject Grade Grading period School Year
Total Number
Time Of Test items
Topic Spent/
Frequency Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Actual Adjusted

1. 3 1 1 1 3.33 3
2. 4 1 1 1 1 4.44 4
3. 1 2 1.11 1+1
4. 6 2 1 2 1 1 6.66 7
5. 8 3 2 2 2 8.88 9
6. 5 2 2 2 5.55 6
7. 8 3 2 2 2 8.88 9
8. 2 1 1 2.22 2
9. 4 1 2 1 4.44 4
10. 4 1 1 1 1 4.44 4
49.95 49
_______12__________ ______Quarter 1______ _____2022-2023______
Grade Grading period School Year

Time Total Number

Of Test items

Remem Underst Applyin Analyzi Evaluati Creati Adjuste

bering anding g ng ng ng Actual

Week 1
 Solve measurement problems involving
conversion of units, expression of
measurements in scientific notation
 Differentiate accuracy from precision
 Differentiate random errors from systematic 4 1 2 1 3 2 9.375 9
 Estimate errors from multiple measurements
of a physical quantity using variance
 Differentiate vector and scalar quantities
 Perform addition of vectors
 Rewrite a vector in component form
 WEEK 2
 Convert a verbal description of a physical
situation involving uniform acceleration in one
dimension into a mathematical description 4 1 2 4 2 9.375 9
 Interpret displacement and velocity,
respectively, as areas under velocity vs. time
and acceleration vs. time curves
FINAL OUTPUT: Include the ITEM placement.
Item Placement

A. Items 1-15 (Type of Question is to measure remembering which cut across

all topics within the grading period.)

B. Items 16-25 (Type of Question is to measure understanding…)

C. Items 26-35 (Type of Question is to measure applying…)

D. Items 36-40 (Type of Question is to measure analyzing..)

E. Items 41-45 (Type of Question is to measure evaluating…)

F. Items 46-50 (Type of Question is to measure creating…)

of the
of Specification
1. Test Items are proportionally distributed to all topics in the grading
period (Number of time spent in the topic is proportional to the
number of items from the topic which means that the more time that
the teacher spend in the topic, the more test questions should be
constructed from that topic)
a. This ensures that the teacher has to cover all topics listed/
budgeted in the grading period.
b. There is therefore sense or urgency.

c. Remediation becomes spontaneous.

d. Assures high “Time on task” rate.

Benefits of the Table of Specification

2. Items are significantly scattered along Bloom’s Taxonomy

(Complexity) / cognitive domain with respect to a desired percentage
which may adhere to the Psychology of learning and evaluation.

a. Assures that all levels of complexity (R-C) are given emphasis.

b. Assures varied learning activities inside the classrooms.

c. Ensures that Higher-order Thinking skills are developed across all

Benefits of the Table of Specification

3. It is easier to constr uct a test question because the TOS ser ves as
a blueprint.

• In fact the teacher, (provided she has master y of her lesson and
with the aid of the TOS), she can constr uct test questions without
using any textbooks and there is assurance that test questions are
constr ucted in her own wor ds and therefore the test questions
appeal or relate better to the pupils/ students.
Avoid Do use
In the stem: In the stem:
•Long / complex sentences •Your own words – not
•Trivial statements statements straight out of the
•Negatives and double-negatives textbook
•Ambiguity or indefinite terms, •Single, clearly formulated
absolute statements, and broad problems
generalization In the choices:
•Extraneous material •Plausible and homogeneous
Tips for writing good •Item characteristics that provide
a clue to the answer
•Statements based on common
multiple choices misconceptions
In the choices:
student misconceptions
•True statements that do not
items: •Statements too close to the
correct answer
answer the questions
•Short options – and all same
•Completely implausible length
responses •Correct options evenly
•‘All of the above,’ ‘none of the distributed over A, B, C, etc.
above’ •Alternatives that are in logical
•Overlapping responses (e.g., if or numerical then ‘C’ is also
‘A’ is true) true) order
•At least 3 alternatives
•Each item in this test consist of two quantities, one in column A and one in column B.
You are to compare the quantities specified in column C. On your answer sheet, write
• A- if the quantity in column A is greater than the quantity in column
• B- if the quantity in column B is greater than the quantity in column
• C- if the quantities are equal
• D- if the data given are insufficient
Data Sufficiency
- This is a test defined to measure one’s knowledge in problem-solving
procedures rather than their computation skills.

Two statements labeled A and B are given. These are followed by a question
which you are not expected to answer by computing but rather you have to decide
whether the data given in the two statements are sufficient for answering the
question. Write
A= of one of the statements alone is sufficient and the other statement is not
B= if both statements A and B ate sufficient to answer the questions asked
but neither alone is sufficient.
C= if each statement is sufficient by itself to answer the question asked.
D= if statements A and B together are not sufficient to answer the
question, that is, additional data specific to the problem are needed.
True / False
• Avoid using universal descriptors such as “never”, “none”,
“always”, and “all”.
• Testwise students will recognize that there are few absolutes.

• Avoid negative words, as they are often overlooked by

• Poor: It was not unheard of for Henry VIII to close monasteries in
England. T F
• Better: Henry VIII closed some monasteries in England. (T)
Directions: 1. On the line to the right of each phrase in
Column I, write the letter for the word in
Column II that best matches the phrase.
2. Each word in Column II may be used once,
more than once, or not at all.

Column I Column II
1. Name of the answer in addition A. Difference
problems. B. Dividend
2. Name of the answer in C. Multiplicand
subtraction problems. D. Product
3. Name of the answer in E. Quotient
multiplication problems. F. Subtrahend
4. Name of the answer in division G. Sum
Use GRESA if applicable.

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