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Local Governance

Anabelle B. Laron
Democratization and Decentralization
• Demand for decentralization is fueled by efforts to
apply principles of efficiency and subsidiarity
• LGC of 1991 laid down the framework for central-
local government relation
• Provided windows for local participation
• Decentralized functions included public health,
agricultural governance, supervision of
environmental resources and infrastructure
• Key feature is the fiscal autonomy granted to LGUs
to better support its programs and activities
The Local Government Code of 1991



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Good Governance Characteristics
• Participation
• Accountability
• Responsiveness
• Transparency
• Environmental Integrity
• Efficiency and effectivity
• Rule of law
• Local Initiative and referendum
• Participation in local development councils and
special bodies:
‒ Local Health Board
‒ Local School Board
‒ Local Peace and Order Council
‒ Local Bids and Awards Committee
‒ Other optional bodies (LESWMC, LTC, LNC)
• Barangay assembly
• Establishment of feedback mechanisms
• Conduct of public hearing/symposia/forum
Public Accountability
• Sine qua non
• Posting of fidelity bonds
• Posting of fidelity bonds
• Inventory of properties and facilities
Public Accountability
• Accountability implies responsibility and public
trust. The contemporary emphasis is on
everybody’s assuming responsibility and being
• Section 1. Public office is a public trust. Public
officers and employees must, at all times, be
accountable to the people, serve them with
utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and
efficiency; act with patriotism and justice, and lead
modest lives.
Public Accountability
• Accountability implies responsibility and public
trust. The contemporary emphasis is on
everybody’s assuming responsibility and being
• Public office is a public trust.
• Declare Assets, Liabilities and networth
• Public offices and employees must serve with
outmost “loyalty” and “act with patriotism”
Public Accountability
• Public Office – the right, authority and duty
created and conferred by law w/c, for a given
period either fixed by law or enduring at the
pleasure of the appointing power, an individual, is
invested with some portion of the sovereign
functions of the government to be exercised by
him for the benefit of the public
• Public Officer – and individual that is so invested
Nature of Public office
• Public Office is a public trust
• Public Office is not a property

Removal from Office

• Impeachment
‐ President
‐ Vice- President
‐ members of the Supreme Court
‐ members of the Constitutional Commissions
‐ Ombudsman
Offices that are vested the power to
remove/discipline public officials
• Senate
• Sandiganbayan
• Ombudsman
• Civil Service Commission
• Higher Sanggunian for elected local officials
Filed administrative cases at the SP
Offices that are vested the power to
remove/discipline public officials
• Senate
• Sandiganbayan
• Ombudsman
• Civil Service Commission
• Higher Sanggunian for elected local officials
• Presence of Public Information Desk
• Implementation of Citizen’s Charter
• Functional local special bodies
• Frontline services
blic Information

• ofCitizens Charter
as a committee

entation of
r/Manual of
ngay officials and
y-to day
• Full Disclosure Policy
‒Annual Budget
‒Quarterly Statement of Cash Flows
‒Statement of Receipts and Expenditures
‒Annual GAD Accomplishment Report
‒Procurement Plan
‒Trust Fund (PDAF) utilization
‒Qtrly Report of SEF Utilization
‒20% Competent of the IRA Utilization
‒Statement of Debt Service
‒Items to Bid
‒Abstract of Bids
Where Documents are to be Disclosed?

Newspaper of
Website community
Seal of Good Local Governance
Core assessment: (must pass all three)

Good financial
housekeeping Social protection
Disaster preparedness

Essential Assessment: (must pass at least one)

Peace and order Environmental management and competitiveness
Transparency practices on the DILG
• Geo tagging of projects
- to avoid duplication of projects
- no ghost projects
Monitor project implementation and progress in a
fast and accurate way
Map projects that would meet acceptable
standards without ding guest work
Facilitate data-sharing among related agencies and
the public
Players in Governance
•Corporate Community
•Civil Society
•Political Parties

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