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• The process of
putting ideas, events and
objects in a logical order.
• Identification of the components
of a story, the beginning, middle
and end.
• A sequence of events, stories,
incidents or a news.
• To understand the structure of
a text and how it is put
Why teach together.

• To understand how texts are kept
cohesive through the use of linking
devices such as connectives and

• To organize information and idea

in their own writing.
Why teach sequencing?

• To develop problem-solving skills that

are important in other curriculum areas
How to • In its simplest terms, identifying
sequence in a text involves

identify identifying the beginning, the

middle, and the end

sequence? • One of the easiest ways to recognize the

order of events is to look out for the
sequencing words or transitions that are
used to connect the various parts of the

• There are a wide variety of signal

words and the following represent
just a common, as well as where they
are most likely to occur.
How to identify sequence?

• Some of these words and phrases also act as

signals to provide an indication of whether the
event will be located in the beginning, in the
middle or toward the end of the text
Sequence of Events Example

Patty the pirate has always dreamed of finding gold.

Yesterday, she found a treasure map. After reading the
map, she jumped in her ship and set sail for the land
marked with a big “X”. Later that day, when she reached
the land, she began to dig. Suddenly, her shovel hit
something hard. It was a large wooden chest. When she
open the lid, it was filled with sand. In the end, Patty was
disappointed that she didn’t find a gold but happy because
she had an adventure.


Beginning Middle End

• Once upon a
• Meanwhile • In the end
time/ once there
• After that • Finally
• In the beginning
• Suddenly • After all
• First of all

Sequencing is an essential strategy in comprehension

and the overall purpose of reading is comprehension.
It helps us predict, evaluate and monitor the
outcome of a situation or event and help us a lot in
decision making. A proper sequence provide the
learners with a pattern of relationship so that each
activity has a definite purpose.

Overall, the ability to sequence events is an

important skills for both reading and writing.
Teaching readers to understand the importance of
order of events help them deepen their
Thank You !

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