Network Theorems Study and It's Importance

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Network theorems study and it’s importance

Electric Circuit Theory PC-EE301

Prashant Priyadarshi
3rd Semester
Introduction Network theorem
Topic1 Superposition theorem

Topic2 Thevenin’s theorem and Norton’s theorem

Conclusion Importance of Network theorem
Network or Circuit theorems are useful for the analysis of
complex circuits . A large , complex circuit needs tedious
computations using conventional Ohm’s law , Kirchhoff’s
laws etc . To address the complexity , some theorems such
as superposition theorem , Thevenin’s theorem , Norton’s
theorem have been developed .We will discuss these
theorems .
Superposition theorem
Superposition Theorem The total power delivered to a resistive element must be determined using the total current through or the total
voltage across the element and cannot be determined by a simple sum of the power levels established by each source.


Let us consider a circuit with two meshes labelled as(1) and (2)
as shown in Fig .4.1, where
• V1 and V2 are two ‘’ideal” independent voltage sources in
two meshes.
• I is the current through the resistor R3 when both V1 and V2
are present . The direction of I through R3 has been taken
arbitrarily as shown in the fig.
Thevenin’s theorem
• Any two-terminal dc network can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting
of a voltage source and a series resistor.
• Analyze networks with source that are not in series or
. parallel.
• Reduce the number of components requires to established
the same characteristics at the output terminals.

Norton’s theorem
• Norton’s theorem is the dual of Thevenin’s theorem.As per Norton’s theorem,
any two terminal , active, linear bilateral network may be replaced by a constant
current source (IN ) and a parallel resistance(RN ).

• Current I is shorting the two terminals A and B by a short-link and the evaluating
current through the short-link.This current is called short-circuit current (ISC) or
Norton current (IN ) .
Network Theory has a wide array of applications in many disciplines. Networks in
Electrical Engineering is an interconnection of electrical components or electrical
elements. This subject includes topics such as Filters, AC and DC circuits, Graph
Theory, Network Equations & Solution Methods, Network Theorems &
Transformations, Steady State Equations and Analysis, Two ports Networks &
more. It is a study of solving the problems of electric circuits or electrical networks.
 Circuit Theory and Networks-Er Surajit Bagcchi


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