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Computer Graphics Design

[ITU 07211]
Introduction, Definition (s), Terminologies & Trends
Munguatosha Godfrey Maleko
Your Facilitators & Faculty Particulars
• Names & Contacts
• Refer Module Guideline and Assessment Document
• Physical Address
• Office # 2 – Lecture Theatre Building
• Meetings for Both Lectures and Practical Sessions
• Refer Groups TT (Use the Current Draft and be flexible with changes)
• Reference Materials and Grading Criteria
• Refer Module guideline & Assessment Document
• Dates for Assignments and Progress Tests will be Announced Later

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Suggested Textbook for this Module

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Introduction to Computer Graphics (CG)

• Painting and Drawing?

• Painting and Drawing Software's?
• Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator?
• MM Fireworks, AutoCAD, Corel Draw , Ms. Paint/Visio?
• Images and/or pictures?
• .GIF, .PNG, .JPEG, .WebP, .SVG file formats?
• Pixels in a CRT or LCD Screens?
• Animation and transitions in slide presentations?
• Computer games/cartoons and entertainment?
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CG: Deep In!!!!!!
• Hardware, software, and algorithms for computer graphics.
• Scan conversion, 2D and 3D transformations, object hierarchies, hidden surface removal, clipping,
shading, and antialiasing.
• Films & Televisions
• Arts & Entertainments
• Online Banners and Billboards

Don’t take it just for graduate computer science credit

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CG: Defined
• Anything involved in the creation or manipulation of images on a
computer, including animated images.
• Producing pictures or images using a computer.

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CG: Why You Should Take It? [Importance]
e.g. What are you doing here???

• To see the world in an entirely new way

• To put your CS chops to the test
• To learn how to model scientific systems
• To gain experience for film industry and game design jobs
• To draw pretty pictures
• ????????????????

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CG: Application Areas
• Display of Information
• Design
• Simulation
• Computer Art
• Entertainment
• ????????????????? From You Guys…….

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CG:Display of Information

 Graphics for Scientific, Engineering, and Medical Data

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CG: Design
• Graphics for Engineering and Architectural System
• Design of Building, Automobile, Aircraft, Machine etc.

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CG: Simulation

 Computer-Generated Models of Physical, Financial and

Economic Systems for Educational Aids

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CG: Computer Art - Painters

 Graphics for Artists

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CG: Entertainment
 Graphics for Movies, Games, etc.

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CG: Current Trends
• Imaging
• Modeling
• Rendering
• Animation

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Hardware and Software for Graphics Solutions.

• Explore the current trends In your spare time.

• Discuss together and Bring Your observations,
suggestions and give feedback.
• ???????????????????????????????????????????????

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