Advanced Interview Techniques

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Topic Outline
• Handling competency-based
• Demonstrating your skills
• Talking about your weaknesses
• Asking questions of your own
Handling competency-based questions

Competencies are a combination of

knowledge, skills, and behavior
required to do the specific job.

• A common technique for planning

and structuring answers to
competency-based questions is the
STAR method.
• WHAT do you think the initials S,T, A,
and R stand for?
Helpful Hints:
• S____
Set the scene and give the context. Give an outline of a specific
real situation or problem that you faced in the past.
• T______
Go into more detail and identify the specific aspects you focused
on and why. What was the target or task necessary to improve the
• A_____
Describe the specific action that you took in order to improve
the situation. What did you do it and why did you do it?
• R_____
Finish by talking about the outcomes of your action and the
diffrence it made. What happened in the end, what was
accomplished, and what did you learn?
Situation Set the scene and give the context.

Target Go into more detail and identify the

specific aspects you focused on and why.

Action Describe the specific action that you took

in order to improve the situation.

Result Finish by talking about the outcomes of

your action & the difference it made.
Activity 1

Using a STAR diagram, try one of

the questions in Exercise 1a.

• Tell me about a time when you had to make a

difficult decision.
• Tell me about a time when you demonstrated good
customer service.
• Tell me about a time when you showed strong
leadership skills.
• Tell me about a time when you experienced
pressure at university or at work.
Demonstrating your key skills

It is essential you provide evidence of how

you acted in real situations in the past in
order to show you have the transferable
skills required for the job you are applying
Talking about your weaknesses
Turning negatives into positives
• In an interview you will almost certainly
face challenging questions which attempt
to assess your suitability for the job.
• It is vital to avoid getting caught in the trap
of saying negative things about yourself.
• Preparing for these difficult questions will
help you keep your answers positive.
Softening & Emphasis

When answering interview questions

that require negative information you
should soften any negatives in your
response and emphasize any positive
Asking questions of your own
• It is very common for interviewers to
close an interview by asking if the
candidate has any questions they
would like to ask.
• People who ask questions
demonstrate real interest in and
knowledge of the job.
1. Is it okay to ask the salary on
during the interview?
1. Bringing up salary first could be
perceived as blinking first.
2. You could seem rude.
• Even if nearly 80 percent of hiring
managers truly are OK with candidates
bringing up salary during the first two or
three conversations, 20 percent are not,
according to this survey. Why take the
risk of alienating HR before you even get
the job?
Instead, try asking:
• How long is the average tenure(contract) of an employee?
• Where would the company like to be in five years?
• Am I going to be a mentor or will I be mentored?
• How will you judge my success? What will have happened
six months from now that will demonstrate that I have met
your expectations?
• What is the next step in the hiring process?
• When is the anticipated starting date for this position?
• Whom should I reach out to if I have any further questions?
• Activity 1 - Using a STAR
diagram, try one of the
questions in Exercise 1a.
• Activity 2 (Talking about your
weaknesses)- Answer page 63,
• Activity 3 (Softening and
Emphasis)- Answer page 66, 4j.
Activity 1

Using a STAR diagram, try one of

the questions in Exercise 1a.
Activity 2 (Talking about your

Answer page 63, 3b.

Activity 3 (Softening and

Answer page 66, 4j.

(p63, 3b)
• Liked
• Working
• Feel
• Stretched
• Position
• Develop
• Further
(p66, 4j)
1. E
2. D
3. C
4. F
5. B
6. A

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