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Abnet Muluneh (nov 3,2017)

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 The cardiomyopathies constitute a group of
disorders in which the dominant feature is direct
involvement of the heart muscle itself.
 Cardiomyopathies result from a myriad of
insults such as genetic defects, cardiac myocyte
injury, or infiltration of myocardial tissues.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Thus, cardiomyopathies result from insults to both
cellular elements of the heart, notably the cardiac
myocyte, and processes that are external to cells such as
deposition of abnormal substances into the extracellular

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 The use of the term cardiomyopathy was
previously reserved for primary diseases of the
heart, not including processes affecting valvular
structures, coronary vasculature, or pericardium.
 Because of the recognition of the final common
pathway phenomenon, the use of the term
cardiomyopathy to denote specific
cardiomyopathies such as ischemic
cardiomyopathy or valvular cardiomyopathy
has entered into common use.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Cardiomyopathies are traditionally defined on the basis of
structural and functional phenotypes.
 Dilated - enlarged ventricular chamber and reduced cardiac
 Hypertrophic - thickened, hypertrophic ventricular walls
and enhanced cardiac performance.
 Restrictive - thickened, stiff ventricular walls that impede
diastolic filling of the ventricle; cardiac systolic
performance is typically close to normal.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Arrhythmogenic right ventricular
dysplasia/cardiomyopathy - cardiomyopathy that
primarily involves the right ventricle.
The dilated cardiomyopathy phenotype is often viewed as
a “final common pathway” of numerous types of cardiac
injuries and is the most common cardiomyopathic

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Classification of the Cardiomyopathies

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
general usage, the phrase ischemic cardiomyopathy is
sometimes applied to describe diffuse dysfunction attributed to
multivessel coronary artery disease, and nonischemic
cardiomyopathy to describe cardiomyopathy from other causes.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh


Definition: diseases of heart muscle

• 1980 WHO: unknown causes
• Not clinically relevant
• 1995 WHO: “diseases of the myocardium associated with cardiac dysfunction “
• pathophysiology
• each with multiple etiologies

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

AHA definition:

• Cardiomyopathies are a heterogeneous group of diseases of the

myocardium associated with mechanical and/or electrical dysfunction
that usually (but not invariably) exhibit inappropriate ventricular
hypertrophy or dilatation and are due to a variety of causes that
frequently are genetic
• AHA classification: Cardiomyopathies are divided into 2 major groups
based on predominant organ involvement. Primary cardiomyopathies:
genetic, nongenetic or acquired,and solely or predominantly confined
to heart muscle . Secondary cardiomyopathies show pathological
myocardial involvement as part of a large number and variety of
generalized systemic (multiorgan) disorders

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

however, genetic information is often unavailable at the time of
initial presentation, the phenotypic expression of a given
mutation varies widely, and genetic predisposition influences
the clinical phenotype of acquired cardiomyopathies, as well.
Although the proposed genetic classification does not yet guide
many current clinical strategies, it will likely become increasingly
relevant as classification of disease moves beyond individual
organ pathology to more integrated systems approaches

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

WHO Classification
anatomy & physiology of the LV
1. Dilated
• Enlarged
• Systolic dysfunction
2. Hypertrophic
• Thickened
• Diastolic dysfunction
3. Restrictive
• Diastolic dysfunction
4. Arrhythmogenic RV dysplasia
• Fibrofatty replacement
5. Unclassified
• Fibroelastosis
• LV noncompaction

11/3/2017 Circ 93:841, 1996 Abnet Muluneh

Restrictive cardiomyopathy is now defined more on the basis of
abnormal diastolic function, which is also present but initially
less prominent in dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Restrictive cardiomyopathy can overlap in presentation, gross
morphology, and etiology with both hypertrophic and dilated
All three types of cardiomyopathy can be associated with
atrioventricular valve regurgitation, typical and atypical chest
pain, atrial and ventricular tachyarrhythmias, and embolic

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Most familial cardiomyopathies are inherited in an autosomal
dominant pattern, with occasional autosomal recessive and X-
linked inheritance . Missense mutations with amino acid
substitutions are the most common in cardiomyopathy.
Expressed mutant proteins may interfere with function of the
normal allele through a dominant negative mechanism.
Mutations introducing a premature stop codon (nonsense) or
shift in the reading frame (frameshift) may create a truncated or
unstable protein the lack of which causes cardiomyopathy
(haploinsufficiency). Deletions or duplications of an entire exon
or gene are uncommon causes of cardiomyopathy, except for
the dystrophinopathies.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Genetic cardiomyopathy is characterized by age dependence
and incomplete penetrance. The defining phenotype of
cardiomyopathy is rarely present at birth and, in some
individuals, may never manifest. Related individuals who carry
the same mutation may differ in the severity of cardiomyopathy
and associated consequences of rhythm disorders and need for
transplantation, indicating the important role of other genetic,
epigenetic, and environmental modifiers in disease expression.
Sex appears to play a role, as penetrance and clinical severity
may be greater in men for most cardiomyopathies

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Clinical disease expression is generally more severe in the 3–5%
of individuals who harbor two or more mutations linked to
cardiomyopathy. However, the clinical course of a patient
usually cannot be predicted based on which mutation is
present; thus, current therapy is based on the phenotype rather
than the genetic defect. Currently, the greatest utility of genetic
testing for cardiomyopathy is to inform family evaluations.
However, genetic testing occasionally enables the detection of a
disease for which specific therapy is indicated, such as the
replacements for defective metabolic enzymes in Fabry’s
disease and Gaucher disease.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Mutations in sarcomeric genes, encoding the thick and thin
myofilament proteins, are the best characterized. While the majority
are associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, an increasing
number of sarcomeric mutations have now been implicated in dilated
cardiomyopathy, and some in left ventricular noncompaction. As
cytoskeletal proteins play crucial roles in the structure, connection, and
stability of the myocyte, multiple defects in these proteins can lead to
cardiomyopathy, usually with a dilated phenotype . For example,
desmin forms intermediate filaments that connect the nuclear and
plasma membranes, Z-lines, and the intercalated disks between muscle
cells. Desmin mutations impair the transmission of force and signaling
for both cardiac and skeletal muscle and may cause combined cardiac
and skeletal myopathy.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Sarcolemmal membrane protein defects are associated with
dilated cardiomyopathy. The best known is dystrophin, encoded
by the X chromosome gene DMD, abnormalities of which cause
Duchenne’s and Becker’s muscle dystrophy. (Interestingly,
abnormal dystrophin can be acquired when the coxsackie virus
cleaves dystrophin during viral myocarditis.) This protein
provides a network that supports the sarcolemma and also
connects to the sarcomere.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

The progressive functional defect in both cardiac and skeletal
muscle reflects vulnerability to mechanical stress. Defects in the
sarcolemmal channel proteins (channelopathies) are generally
associated with primary arrhythmias, but mutations in SCN5A,
distinct from those that cause the Brugada or long-QT
syndromes, have been implicated in dilated cardiomyopathy
with conduction disease. Nuclear membrane protein defects in
cardiac and skeletal muscle occur in either autosomal (lamin
A/C) or X-linked (emerin) patterns. These defects are associated
with a high prevalence of atrial arrhythmias and conduction
system disease, which can occur in some family members
without or before detectable cardiomyopathy
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Intercalated disks contribute to intracellular connections,
allowing mechanical and electrical coupling between cells and
also connections to desmin filaments within the cell. Mutations
in proteins of the desmosomal complex compromise
attachment of the myocytes, which can become disconnected
and die, to be replaced by fat and fibrous tissue. These areas are
highly arrhythmogenic and may dilate to form aneurysms.
Although more often noted in the right ventricle
(arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia), this condition can
affect both ventricles and has also been termed
“arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy.”
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
In contrast, the monogenic disorders of metabolism that affect
the heart are already clearly recognized to affect multiple organ
systems. Currently, it is most important to diagnose defective
enzymes for which specific enzyme replacement therapy can
now ameliorate the course of disease, such as with alpha-
galactosidase A deficiency (Fabry’s disease). Abnormalities of
mitochondrial DNA (maternally transmitted) impair energy
production with multiple clinical manifestations, including
impaired cognitive function and skeletal myopathy.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Definition and Classification
 Cardiomyopathy is disease of the heart muscle.
 It is estimated that cardiomyopathy accounts for 5–10% of the
5–6 million patients already diagnosed with heart failure in the
United States.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 This term is intended to exclude cardiac dysfunction that results
from other structural heart disease, such as coronary artery
disease, primary valve disease, or severe hypertension; however,
in general usage the phrase ischemic cardiomyopathy is
sometimes applied to describe diffuse dysfunction occurring in
the presence of multivessel coronary artery disease, and
nonischemic cardiomyopathy to describe cardiomyopathy from
other causes.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 As of 2006, cardiomyopathies are defined as "a heterogeneous
group of diseases of the myocardium associated with mechanical
and/or electrical dysfunction that usually (but not invariably)
exhibit inappropriate ventricular hypertrophy or dilatation and
are due to a variety of causes that frequently are genetic.“
 The traditional classification of cardiomyopathies into a triad of
dilated, restrictive, and hypertrophic was based initially on
autopsy specimens and later on echocardiographic findings.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathies can be distinguished
on the basis of left ventricular wall thickness and cavity
dimension; however, restrictive cardiomyopathy can have
variably increased wall thickness and chamber dimensions that
range from reduced to slightly increased, with prominent atrial

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Restrictive cardiomyopathy is now defined more on the basis of
abnormal diastolic function, which is also present but initially
less prominent in dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
 Restrictive cardiomyopathy can overlap in presentation, gross
morphology, and etiology with both hypertrophic and dilated

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Presentation with Symptomatic Cardiomyopathy
Dilated Restrictive Hypertrophic
Ejection fraction (normal Usually <30% when 25-50% >60%
55%) symptoms severe
Left ventricular diastolic 60 mm >60 mm (may be Often decreased
dimension (normal <55 decreased)
Left ventricular wall Decreased Normal or increased Markedly increased
Atrial size Increased Increased; may be massive Increased; related to
Valvular regurgitation Related to annular Related to endocardial Related to valve-septum
dilation; mitral appears involvement; frequent interaction; mitral
earlier, during mitral and tricuspid regurgitation
decompensation; tricuspid regurgitation, rarely
regurgitation in late stages severe
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Dilated Restrictive Hypertrophic
Common first symptoms Exertional intolerance Exertional intolerance, Exertional intolerance;
fluid retention early may have chest pain
Congestive symptoms* Left before right, except Right often dominates Left-sided congestion may
right prominent in young develop late
Arrhythmia Ventricular Ventricular uncommon Ventricular
tachyarrhythmia; except in sarcoidosis tachyarrhythmias; atrial
conduction block in conduction block in fibrillation
Chagas' disease, and some sarcoidosis and
families. Atrial amyloidosis. Atrial
fibrillation. fibrillation.

*Left-sided symptoms of pulmonary congestion; dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.
Right-sided symptoms of systemic versus congestion: discomfort on bending, hepatic and abdominal distention,
peripheral edema.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
 Expanding information renders this classification triad based on
phenotype increasingly inadequate to define disease or therapy.
 Identification of more genetic determinants of cardiomyopathy
has suggested a four-way classification scheme of etiology as
primary (affecting primarily the heart) and secondary to other
systemic disease.
 The primary causes are then divided into genetic, mixed genetic
and acquired, and acquired; however, in current practice the
genetic information is often unavailable at the time of initial
presentation, particularly in the absence of extracardiac

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 Many mutated genes can be associated with the same general
phenotype, and one defective gene may manifest as multiple
 In addition, the bases of evidence for most therapies are still
driven by clinical phenotypes.
 Although the proposed genetic classification does not yet guide
many current clinical strategies, it will become increasingly
relevant as classification of disease moves beyond individual
organ pathology to more integrated systems approaches.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

General Presentation
 For all cardiomyopathies, the early symptoms often relate to
exertional intolerance with breathlessness or fatigue, usually
from inadequate cardiac reserve during exercise.
 These symptoms may initially go unnoticed or be attributed to
other causes, commonly pulmonary.
 As fluid retention leads to elevation of resting filling pressures,
shortness of breath may occur during routine daily activity, such
as dressing, and may manifest as dyspnea or cough in the supine

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Although often considered the hallmark of congestion, peripheral
edema may not appear despite severe fluid retention, particularly
in younger patients.
 The nonspecific term congestive heart failure describes only the
resulting syndrome of fluid retention, which is common to the
three types of cardiomyopathy and also to other cardiac diseases
associated with elevated filling pressures.

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 Despite the different structural basis, all three types of
cardiomyopathy can be associated with atrioventricular valve
regurgitation, typical and atypical chest pain, atrial and
ventricular tachyarrhythmias, and embolic events.
 Initial evaluation begins with a detailed clinical history and
examination, looking for clues to cardiac, extracardiac, and
familial disease.
 The initial evaluation, prognosis, and therapy are generally
defined by the severity of cardiac and clinical dysfunction, with
some distinctive features according to etiology.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Initial Evaluation of Cardiomyopathy
Clinical Evaluation
Thorough history and physical examination to identify cardiac and noncardiac
Detailed family history of heart failure, cardiomyopathy, skeletal myopathy,
conduction disorders and tachyarrhythmias, sudden death
History of alcohol, illicit drugs, chemotherapy or radiation therapya
Assessment of ability to perform routine and desired activitiesa
Assessment of volume status, orthostatic blood pressure, body mass indexa

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Laboratory Evaluation
Chest radiographa
Two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiograma
Serum sodium, potassium,acalcium,amagnesiuma
Fasting glucose (glycohemoglobin in DM)
Creatinine,ablood urea nitrogena
Albumin,a total protein,a liver function testsa
Lipid profile
Thyroid-stimulating hormonea
Serum iron, transferrin saturation
Creatine kinase
White blood cell count with differential,a including eosinophils
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Initial Evaluation Only in Patients Selected for Possible Specific
Titers for infection in presence of clinical suspicion:
Acute viral (coxsackie virus, echovirus, influenza virus)
Human immunodeficiency virus,
Chagas' disease, Lyme disease, toxoplasmosis
Catheterization with coronary angiography in patients with angina who are
candidates for interventiona
Serologies for active rheumatologic disease
Endomyocardial biopsy including sample for electron microscopy when suspecting
specific diagnosis with therapeutic implications
Screening for sleep-disordered breathing

Level I Recommendations from ACC/AHA Practice Guidelines for Chronic Heart
Failure in the adult.
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11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 An enlarged left ventricle with decreased systolic function as
measured by left ventricular ejection fraction characterizes
dilated cardiomyopathy.
 Systolic failure is more marked than the frequently
accompanying diastolic dysfunction, although the latter may be
functionally severe in the setting of marked volume overload.
 The syndrome of dilated cardiomyopathy has multiple etiologies.
 Up to one-third of cases may be familial.
 Acquired cardiomyopathy is often attributed to a brief primary
injury such as infection or toxin exposure.

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 Some myocytes may die during the initial injury, while others
survive only to have later programmed cell death, (apoptosis).
 As the surviving myocytes hypertrophy to accommodate the
increased burden of wall stress, local and circulating factors
stimulate deleterious responses that contribute to progression of
disease, even in the absence of further primary injury.
 Dynamic remodeling of the interstitial scaffolding affects
diastolic function and the amount of ventricular dilation.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 There are four pathophysiological mechanisms that may contribute to
1. familial and genetic factors
2. inflammatory and infectious factors—particularly viral infection
3. cytotoxicity
4. cell loss and abnormalities in endogenous repair mechanisms.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Mitral regurgitation commonly develops as the valvular
apparatus is distorted by ventricular dilation and sometimes by
focal injury to underlying myocardium and is usually substantial
by the time heart failure is severe.
 Many cases that present "acutely" have progressed silently
through these stages over months to years.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Dilated cardiomyopathy. This gross
specimen of a heart removed at the time
of transplantation shows massive left
ventricular dilation and moderate right
ventricular dilation. Although the left
ventricular wall in particular appears
thinned, there is significant hypertrophy
of this heart, which weighs more than
800 gm (upper limit of normal = 360 g).
A defibrillator lead is seen traversing the
tricuspid valve into the right ventricular

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Major Causes of Dilated Cardiomyopathy
(With Common Examples)
 Inflammatory Myocarditis
 Infective
 Viral (Coxsackie, adenovirus, HIV, hepatitis C)
 Parasitic (T. cruzi—Chagas' disease, toxoplasmosis)
 Bacterial (diphtheria)
 Spirochetal (Borellia burgdorferi—Lyme disease)
 Rickettsial—(Q fever)
 Fungal (with systemic infection)

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 Noninfective
 Granulomatous inflammatory disease
 Sarcoidosis
 Giant cell myocarditis
 Hypersensitivity myocarditis
 Polymyositis, dermatomyositis
 Collagen vascular disease
 Peripartum cardiomyopathy
 Transplant rejection

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Toxic
 Alcohol
 Catecholamines: amphetamines, cocaine
 Chemotherapeutic agents: (anthracyclines, trastuzumab)
 Interferon
 Other therapeutic agents (hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine)
 Drugs of misuse (emetine, anabolic steroids)
 Heavy metals: lead, mercury
 Occupational exposure: hydrocarbons, arsenicals

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 Metabolica
 Nutritional deficiencies: thiamine, selenium, carnitine
 Electrolyte deficiencies: calcium, phosphate, magnesium
 Endocrinopathy:
 Thyroid disease
 Pheochromocytoma
 Diabetes
 Obesity
 Hemochromatosis

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 Inherited Metabolic Pathway Defects
 Familiala
 Skeletal and cardiac myopathy
 Dystrophin-related dystrophy (Duchenne's, Becker's)
 Mitochondrial myopathies (e.g., Kearns-Sayre syndrome)
 Arrhythmogenic ventricular dysplasia
 Hemochromatosis
 Associated with other systemic diseases
 Susceptibility to immune-mediated myocarditis

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 Overlap with Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
"Minimally dilated cardiomyopathy"
 Hemochromatosis
 Amyloidosis
 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ("burned-out")
 "Idiopathic"a
 Miscellaneous (Shared Elements of Above Etiologies)
 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (may also affect
left ventricle)a
 Left ventricular noncompactiona
 Peripartum cardiomyopathy

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Regardless of the nature and degree of direct cell injury, the
resulting functional impairment often includes some contribution
from secondary responses that may be reversible.
 The potential reversibility of cardiomyopathy in the absence of
ongoing injury remains a subject of active controversy.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Almost half of all patients with truly recent onset
cardiomyopathy demonstrate substantial spontaneous recovery.
 Some patients have dramatic improvement to near-normal
ejection fractions during pharmacologic therapy, particularly
notable with the β-adrenergic antagonists coupled with renin-
angiotensin system inhibition.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Interest in the potential for recovery of cardiomyopathy in the
absence of coronary artery disease has been further stimulated by
occasional "recovery" of left ventricular function in young
patients after a year or more of mechanical circulatory support.
 The diagnosis and therapy for dilated cardiomyopathy is
generally dictated by the stage of heart failure.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Infective Myocarditis
 Myocarditis is an inflammatory process, most commonly
attributed to infectious organisms that can invade the
myocardium directly, produce cardiotoxins, and trigger chronic
inflammatory responses.
 Infective myocarditis has been reported with almost all types of
infectious agents, but is most commonly associated with viral
infections, the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi in South America,
and endomyocardial fibrosis in equatorial Africa.

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Viral Myocarditis
 After viruses enter the circulation through the respiratory or
gastrointestinal tract, they can infect other organs possessing
specific receptors, such as the coxsackie-adenovirus receptor on
the heart.
 Viral invasion and replication can lead directly to myocardial
injury and lysis.
 Viral proteases have multiple actions, of which one is to degrade
the protein, dystrophin, in the myocyte membrane complex that
is genetically abnormal in some muscular dystrophies.

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 Viral antigens activate immune responses that help to contain the
initial infection but may persist into later phases.
 Components include nonspecific cytokines, specific
antibodies, and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, which in some cases
recognize myocyte proteins.
 There is varying evidence for a latent phase of ongoing infection
with persistence of the viral genome and some viral proteins.
 The relative contributions of viral persistence and deleterious
host immune responses to progressive dysfunction have not been
clearly delineated in human disease.

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 The late stages are dominated by nonspecific secondary changes
in gene expression, and by local and systemic neurohormonal
responses, as seen for other etiologies of heart failure.

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Schematic diagram demonstrating the possible progression from infection
through direct, secondary, and autoimmune responses to dilated

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 Although viral myocarditis is generally considered to be an
acquired cardiomyopathy, families have been reported whose
clinical disease appeared after a syndrome consistent with viral
 One possible explanation for this apparent mixed etiology is that
some genetic variants of myocardial cell surface receptors bind
more avidly to certain viruses, particularly coxsackie virus and

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 The typical clinical picture of myocarditis is
 a young adult with progressive dyspnea and weakness over a
few days to weeks after a recent viral syndrome with fevers
and often myalgias indicative of skeletal muscle inflammation.
 Some patients present with atypical or anginal-type chest pain, or
with pleuritic, positional chest pain due to pericarditis with some
degree of underlying myocarditis.

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 Patients in whom ventricular tachyarrhythmias dominate the
presentation may have viral myocarditis but should be evaluated
for sarcoidosis or giant cell myocarditis.
 Patients presenting with pulmonary or systemic embolic events
from intracardiac thrombi generally already have chronic, severe
cardiac dysfunction.

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 A small number of patients present with Acute Fulminant
Myocarditis, with rapid progression from a severe febrile
respiratory syndrome to cardiogenic shock from which multiple
organ system failure, including coagulopathy, may develop.
 Such patients have often been discharged from the emergency
department with antibiotic therapy only to return in extremis.

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 Prompt triage is vital to provide aggressive support with high-
level intravenous inotropic therapy and on occasion, mechanical
circulatory support; importantly, more than half of patients with
this acute presentation can survive with marked improvement
within the first few weeks, often returning to near-normal
systolic function.

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 Many patients presenting with heart failure after a viral illness
actually have a long-standing cardiomyopathy that was acutely
exacerbated but not caused by the new viral illness.
 Heart failure from any cause often worsens transiently during
infection, presumably due to the myocardial depressant effects
of circulating cytokines.
 Marked left ventricular dilation and the presence of severely
elevated left-ventricular filling pressures without frank
pulmonary edema suggest chronic, slowly progressive disease,
which is often further supported by a history of gradual changes
in exercise tolerance before the viral syndrome.

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 For the usual subacute presentation, the diagnosis of
cardiomyopathy is confirmed by echocardiography, and further
evaluation is directed to ascertain whether myocarditis is present.
 Troponin is often mildly elevated, and creatine kinase may be
released from the cardiac injury or skeletal muscle involvement.
 In some cases, cardiac catheterization is performed to rule out
acute ischemia.
 Magnetic resonance imaging is increasingly used for the
diagnosis of myocarditis, which is supported by evidence of
increased tissue edema and gadolinium enhancement, particularly
in the mid-wall distinct from the usual coronary artery territories.

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 Endomyocardial biopsy criteria for myocarditis require
lymphocytic infiltration with evidence of myocyte necrosis, but
are met in only about 10–20% of classic presentations.
 Most biopsies in fulminant myocarditis show only marked
tissue edema without a cellular infiltrate, and it is likely that
many less acute cases may similarly be characterized by tissue
edema and cytokine depression of myocardial function,
possibly including some antibody-mediated endothelial injury,
without marked cellular infiltrates.
 Acute and convalescent viral titers are usually sent but are
more likely to be important from the public health standpoint
than for the individual.

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Dallas criteria — Variability in the interpretation of
endomyocardial biopsy led a panel of cardiac pathologists to
develop a working standard for the US Myocarditis Treatment
Trial, called the Dallas criteria; these criteria are now used by most
investigators to define the disease Active myocarditis is defined as
"an inflammatory infiltrate of the myocardium with necrosis and/or
degeneration of adjacent myocytes not typical of the ischemic
damage associated with coronary heart disease". The infiltrates are
usually mononuclear, but may be neutrophilic or, occasionally,
Borderline myocarditis is the term used when the inflammatory
infiltrate is too sparse, or myocyte injury is not demonstrated.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 A history of smallpox vaccination within the 30 days
prior to symptom onset should prompt consideration of
the diagnosis of hypersensitivity myocarditis or
myopericarditis. Because tests for vaccinia viremia are
only rarely positive and viral antibody titers rise after
successful vaccination, these tests are not helpful in
confirming the diagnosis, which is based primarily upon
the temporal relationship

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 On the other hand, a histopathologic diagnosis of a
specific cause of myocarditis is occasionally possible in
patients with toxoplasmosis, Chagas disease, Lyme
carditis, and trichinellosis. Electron microscopic
examination is occasionally useful to exclude a
suspected cardiac drug toxicity. Characteristic
intranuclear inclusion bodies may be seen in
cytomegalovirus carditis

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Viral myocarditis treatment is initially directed toward
stabilizing the hemodynamic status and then toward adjusting
neurohormonal antagonists for the treatment of heart failure as
 Presentation with fulminant disease requires rapid evaluation and
therapy as discussed above.
 For patients with subacute presentation, randomized trials have
shown no benefit of immunosuppression with glucocorticoid
combinations or intravenous immunoglobulin, even when the
biopsy is positive for lymphocytic infiltrates; yet,
immunosuppression is often used even in the absence of
evidence of benefit, in part due to perceived analogy to acute
cardiac transplant rejection.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
 Animal models have shown that viral replication and myocardial
injury can be worsened by immunosuppression during the early
phase of infection; however, patients with persistent
inflammatory myocarditis and a progressive downhill course
over weeks may be treated empirically with glucocorticoids in an
attempt to avoid the need for cardiac transplantation.

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 The true prognosis of viral myocarditis is not known, as most
unrecognized cases probably resolve spontaneously, while others
progress to cardiomyopathy without other obvious cause.
 However, among patients who have truly recent onset
cardiomyopathy of less than 3–6 months' duration without other
apparent etiology, almost half will have major improvement in
left ventricular ejection fraction during the subsequent 6–12

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 Those patients in whom left ventricular ejection fraction and
dimensions return to normal are usually considered to have
residual subclinical cardiomyopathy.
 Neurohormonal antagonist therapy is usually continued
indefinitely as tolerated, with dose adjustments to avoid side

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Specific Viruses

 In humans, viruses are often suspected but rarely confirmed as

the direct cause of myocarditis.
 Often implicated is the picornavirus family of RNA viruses, with
the enteroviruses Coxsackie, echovirus, and poliovirus. Influenza,
another RNA virus, is implicated in myocarditis with varying
frequency from year to year as the epitopes change.
 Of the DNA viruses, adenovirus, variola (smallpox) and vaccinia
(smallpox vaccine), and the herpesviruses (Varicella zoster,
Cytomegalovirus, and Epstein-Barr virus) are well-recognized as
causes of myocarditis.
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 From genetic analyses of biopsy tissue, parvovirus B19,
coxsackie, adenovirus, and Epstein-Barr virus are the agents
most often implicated.
 The role of parvovirus B19 as a cause of myocarditis or
cardiomyopathy is difficult to determine, as almost half of
individuals show evidence of prior infection with this small
DNA virus that causes "fifth disease" in children.

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 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been associated with
echocardiographic abnormalities in 10–40% patients with clinical
 Cardiomyopathy in HIV may result from cardiac involvement
with other associated viruses, such as cytomegalovirus and
hepatitis C.
 Antiviral drugs to treat chronic HIV can cause cardiomyopathy,
both directly as cardiotoxins and through drug hypersensitivity.
 The clinical picture may be complicated by pericardial effusions
and pulmonary hypertension.

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 There is a high frequency of lymphocytic myocarditis found at
autopsy, and viral particles have been demonstrated in the
myocardium in some cases, consistent with direct causation.

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 Hepatitis C has been repeatedly implicated in cardiomyopathy,
particularly in Germany and Asia.
 Cardiac function may improve after interferon therapy.
 As this cytokine itself often depresses cardiac function
transiently, careful coordination of administration and ongoing
clinical evaluation are critical.
 Involvement of the heart with hepatitis B is uncommon but can
be seen when associated with systemic vasculitis (polyarteritis

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 Other viral infections in which cardiac involvement is
specifically implicated, beyond the depression of cardiac
function during any systemic cytokine activation, include
 mumps,
 respiratory syncytial virus,
 the arboviruses (dengue fever and yellow fever), and
 arenaviruses (Lassa fever).

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Parasitic Myocarditis
 Chagas' disease is the third most common parasitic infection in
the world and the most common cause of cardiomyopathy.
 The protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) is usually
transmitted by the bite of the reduviid bug, endemic in the rural
areas of South and Central America.
 Transmission can also occur through blood transfusion, organ
donation, from mother to fetus, and occasionally orally.

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 The acute phase of Chagas' disease with parasitemia is usually
unrecognized, but in fewer than 5% of cases presents clinically
within a few weeks of infection, with nonspecific symptoms or
occasionally with acute myocarditis and meningoencephalitis.
 In the absence of antiparasitic therapy, the silent stage progresses
slowly over 10–30 years in almost half of patients to manifest in
the cardiac and gastrointestinal systems in the chronic stages.
 Survival is less than 30% at 5 years after the onset of overt
clinical heart failure.

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 Multiple pathogenetic mechanisms are implicated.
 The parasite itself can cause myocyte lysis and primary
neuronal damage, and specific immune responses may
recognize the parasites or related antigens and lead to chronic
immune activation in the absence of detectable parasites.
 Molecular techniques have revealed persistent parasite DNA
fragments in infected individuals.
 Further evidence for persistent infection is the eruption of
parasitic skin lesions during immunosuppression after cardiac

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 As in postviral myocarditis, the relative roles of persistent
infection and of secondary autoimmune injury have not been
 An additional factor in progression of Chagas' disease is the
autonomic dysfunction and microvascular damage that may
contribute to cardiac and gastrointestinal disease.

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 Features typical of Chagas' disease are conduction system
abnormalities, particularly sinus node and atrioventricular (AV)
node dysfunction and right bundle branch block.
 Atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachyarrhythmias also occur.
 Small ventricular aneurysms are common, particularly at the
 The dilated ventricles are particularly thrombogenic, giving rise
to pulmonary and systemic emboli.
 The serologic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for
the IgM has largely replaced the previous complement fixation
test for diagnosis.

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 Treatment of the advanced stages focused on the clinical
manifestations of the disease, with heart failure regimens,
pacemaker-defibrillators, and anticoagulation; however,
increasing emphasis is placed on antiparasitic therapy even in
chronic disease.
 The most common effective antiparasitic therapies are
benznidazole and nifurtimox, both associated with multiple
severe reactions, including dermatitis, gastrointestinal distress,
and neuropathy.
 Patients without major extracardiac disease have occasionally
undergone transplantation, after which they require lifelong
therapy to suppress reactivation of infection.

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 African trypanosomiasis infection results from the tsetse fly bite
and can occur in travelers exposed during trips to Africa.
 The West African form is caused by Trypanosoma brucei
gambiense and progresses silently over years.
 The East African form caused by T. brucei rhodesiense can
progress rapidly through perivascular infiltration to
myocarditis and heart failure, with frequent arrhythmias.

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 The diagnosis is made by identification of trypanosomes in
blood, lymph nodes, or other affected sites.
 Development of optimal drug regimens remains limited, and
depends on the type and the stage (hemolymphatic or
 For treatment of early T. b. gambiense infection, we recommend
administration of pentamidine(rather than suramin ) ( Grade 1B ). For
treatment of late T. b. gambiense infection, we recommend administration
of eflornithine , either alone or in combination with nifurtimox if available
(rather than melarsoprol) . This approach to treatment is based upon the
likelihood of adverse drug effects.

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 Management of early T. b. rhodesiense infection consists of
suramin; management of late T. b. rhodesiense infection consists
of melarsoprol. There are no alternative agents for treatment of T.
b. rhodesiense infection; eflornithine has no sufficient activity
against this species.
 Following treatment, patients should be monitored for with
lumbar puncture every six months for two years. Relapse is
present if there is a rise in CSF white count or demonstration of
trypanosomes in CSF, blood, or lymph node aspirate. The
optimal approach to treatment of relapse is uncertain;

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 Toxoplasmosis is contracted through undercooked infected beef
or pork, transmission from feline feces, organ transplantation,
transfusion, or maternal-fetal transmission.
 Immunocompromised hosts are at greatest risk for reactivation of
latent infection from cysts.
 The cysts have been found in up to 40% of autopsies of
patients dying from HIV infection.
 Toxoplasmosis may present with encephalitis or chorioretinitis,
and in the heart can cause myocarditis, pericardial effusion,
constrictive pericarditis, and heart failure.

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 The diagnosis may be suspected in an immunocompromised
patient with myocarditis and serologic evidence of
 Fortuitous sampling may reveal the cysts in the myocardium.
 Combination therapy can include pyrimethamine and
sulfadiazine or clindamycin.

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 Trichinellosis is caused by Trichinella spiralis larva ingested
with undercooked meat.
 Larva migrating into skeletal muscles cause myalgias, weakness,
and fever.
 Periorbital and facial edema, and conjunctival and retinal
hemorrhage may also be seen.
 Although the larva may occasionally invade the myocardium,
clinical heart failure is rare, and when observed, attributed to the
eosinophilic inflammatory response.

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 The diagnosis is made from the specific serum antibody and is
further supported by the presence of eosinophilia.
 Treatment includes antihelminthic drugs and glucocorticoids if
inflammation is severe.

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 Cardiac involvement with Echinococcus is rare, but cysts can
form and rupture in the myocardium and pericardium.

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Bacterial Infections
 Most bacterial infections can involve the heart occasionally
through direct invasion and abscess formation, but do so rarely.
 More commonly, contractility is depressed globally in severe
infection and sepsis through systemic inflammatory responses.

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 Diphtheria specifically affects the heart in almost one-half of
cases and is the most common cause of death in patients with this
 Once a disease of children, the prevalence of vaccines has shifted
the incidence of this disease to countries where immunization is
not routine and to older populations who have lost their
 The bacillus releases a toxin that impairs protein synthesis and
may particularly affect the conduction system.
 The specific antitoxin should be administered as soon as
possible, with higher priority than antibiotic therapy.

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 Other systemic bacterial infections that can involve the heart
include brucellosis, chlamydophila, legionella, meningococcus,
mycoplasma, psittacosis, and salmonellosis, for which treatment
is directed at the systemic infection.

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 Clostridial infections cause myocardial damage from the
released toxin.
 Gas bubbles can be detected in the myocardium, and
occasionally abscesses can form in the myocardium and
 Streptococcal infection with β-hemolytic streptococci is most
commonly associated with acute rheumatic fever, and is
characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of cardiac valves and
systemic connective tissue, but can also lead to a myocarditis
with focal or diffuse infiltrates of mononuclear cells.

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 Tuberculosis can involve the myocardium directly as well as
through tuberculous pericarditis, but rarely does so when the
disease is treated with antibiotics.
 Whipple's disease is caused by Tropheryma whippleii.
 The usual manifestations are in the gastrointestinal tract, but
pericarditis, coronary arteritis, valvular lesions, and
occasionally clinical heart failure may also occur.
 Multidrug antituberculous regimens are effective, but the disease
tends to relapse even with appropriate treatment.

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Other Infections
 Spirochetal myocarditis has been diagnosed from myocardial
biopsies containing Borrelia burgdorferi that causes Lyme
 Lyme carditis most often presents with arthritis and
conduction system disease that resolves within 1–2 weeks of
antibiotic treatment, only rarely causing clinical heart failure.

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 Fungal myocarditis can occur due to hematogenous or direct
spread of infection from other sites, as has been described for
 aspergillosis,
 actinomycosis,
 blastomycosis,
 candidiasis,
 coccidioidomycosis,
 cryptococcosis,
 histoplasmosis, and
 mucormycosis.
 However, cardiac infection is rarely the dominant clinical feature
of these infections.
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 The Rickettsial infections,
 Q fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and scrub typhus, are
frequently accompanied by ECG changes, but most clinical
manifestations relate to systemic vascular involvement.

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Noninfective Myocarditis
 Myocardial inflammation can occur without apparent preceding
 The paradigm of noninfectious inflammation without infection is
cardiac transplant rejection, from which we have learned that
myocardial depression can develop and reverse quickly, that
noncellular mediators such as antibodies and cytokines play a
major role in addition to lymphocytes, and that myocardial
antigens are exposed by prior physical injury and viral infection.

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 The most commonly diagnosed noninfectious inflammation is
Granulomatous Myocarditis, including both sarcoidosis and
giant cell myocarditis.

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 Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disease most commonly affecting
the lungs, presenting in young adults with higher prevalence in
African-American males.
 Patients with pulmonary sarcoid are at high risk for cardiac
involvement, but cardiac sarcoidosis may also occur without
clinical lung disease in middle-aged whites of both genders.
 Regional clustering of the disease supports the suspicion that the
granulomatous reaction is triggered by an infectious or
environmental allergen not yet identified.

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 The sites and density of cardiac granulomata, the time course,
and the degree of extracardiac involvement are remarkably
 Patients may present with
 rapid onset heart failure and ventricular tachyarrhythmias,
 conduction block, chest pain syndromes, or
 minor cardiac findings in the setting of ocular involvement,
 an infiltrative skin rash, or
 a nonspecific febrile illness.

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 They may also present less acutely after months to years of
fluctuating cardiac symptoms.
 When ventricular tachycardia or conduction block dominate the
initial presentation of heart failure without coronary artery
disease, suspicion should be high for these granulomatous
 Depending on the time course, the ventricles may appear
restrictive or dilated, at times with right ventricular
 Small ventricular aneurysms are common.

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 Computed tomography of the chest often reveals pulmonary
lymphadenopathy even in the absence of clinical lung disease.
 Metabolic imaging [positron emission tomography (PET)] of the
whole chest can highlight active sarcoid lesions that are avid for
 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heart can identify
areas likely to be inflammatory.

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 To rule out chronic granulomatous infections, the diagnosis
usually requires pathologic confirmation.
 Biopsy of enlarged mediastinal nodes may provide the highest
 The scattered granulomata of sarcoidosis can be missed on
cardiac biopsy.

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 Immunosuppressive treatment for sarcoidosis is initiated with
high-dose glucocorticoids, which are often more effective for
arrhythmias than for the heart failure.
 Pacemakers and implantable defibrillators are generally indicated
to prevent life-threatening heart block or ventricular tachycardia,
 Because the inflammation often resolves into extensive fibrosis
that impairs cardiac function and provides pathways for reentrant
arrhythmias, the prognosis is best when the granulomata are not

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 Giant cell myocarditis is less common than sarcoidosis, but
accounts for 10–20% of biopsy-positive cases of myocarditis.
 Giant cell myocarditis typically presents with rapidly progressive
heart failure and tachyarrhythmias.
 Diffuse granulomatous lesions are surrounded by extensive
inflammatory infiltrate unlikely to be missed on endomyocardial
 Associated conditions are thymomas, thyroiditis, pernicious
anemia, other autoimmune diseases, and occasionally recent

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 Glucocorticoid therapy is less effective than for sarcoidosis, and
is sometimes combined with other immunosuppressive agents.
 The course is generally of rapid deterioration requiring urgent
 Although the severity of presentation and myocardial histology
are more fulminant than sarcoidosis, the occasional finding of
giant cell myocarditis after sarcoidosis suggests that they may in
some cases represent different stages of a similar disease.

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 Hypersensitivity Myocarditis is usually an unexpected
diagnosis, made when the biopsy reveals infiltration with
lymphocytes and mononuclear cells with a high proportion of
(Sometimes called eosinophilic myocarditis, this should not be
confused with the hypereosinophilic syndrome in which very
high circulating, often clonal populations of eosinophils cause
endomyocardial fibrosis.)
 Most commonly the reaction is attributed to antibiotics,
particularly those taken chronically, but thiazides,
anticonvulsants, indomethacin, and methyldopa have also been
 High-dose glucocorticoids can be curative.
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 Myocarditis can be associated with Systemic Inflammatory
Diseases such as
 polymyositis and
 dermatomyositis.
 While sometimes considered as an explanation for cardiac
findings in patients with other inflammatory disease, such as
systemic lupus erythematosus, the more common causes are
 pericarditis,
 vasculitis,
 pulmonary hypertension, or
 accelerated coronary artery disease.

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Peripartum Cardiomyopathy

 Develops during the last trimester or within the first 6 months

after pregnancy, with a frequency between 1:3,000 and 1:15,000
 The mechanisms remain controversial, but inflammation has
been implicated.

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DEFINITION  — Peripartum cardiomyopathy is defined as a
condition meeting four criteria
 Development of heart failure (HF) in the last month of pregnancy
or within five months of delivery.
 Absence of another identifiable cause for the HF.
 Absence of recognizable heart disease prior to the last month of
 LV systolic dysfunction (eg, left ventricular ejection fraction
[LVEF] below 45 percent or a reduced fractional shortening).

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Time of onset  — Women who develop cardiomyopathy earlier in
pregnancy do not meet the definition of PPCM based upon the first
and third criteria; however, the disease process is probably the
same. The term pregnancy-associated cardiomyopathy (PACM, also
known as early pregnancy-associated cardiomyopathy) has been
used to describe this condition.

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 Risk factors are
 increased maternal age,
 increased parity,
 twin pregnancy,
 malnutrition,
 use of tocolytic therapy for premature labor, and
 preeclampsia or toxemia of pregnancy.
 As the increased circulatory demand of pregnancy can aggravate
other cardiac disease that was clinically unrecognized, it is
crucial to the diagnosis that there be no evidence for preexisting
cardiac disorder.

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 In the Western world, lymphocytic myocarditis has often been
found on myocardial biopsy.
 This inflammation has been hypothesized to reflect increased
susceptibility to viral myocarditis or an autoimmune
myocarditis due to cross-reactivity of anti-uterine antibodies
against cardiac muscle.
 Another mechanism involving a prolactin cleavage fragment has
been proposed based on an animal model.

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Altered prolactin processing is thought to be involved in
the pathogenesis of PPCM. Mice with a knockout in the
cardiac tissue-specific signal transduction and activator of
transcription 3 (STAT3), develop PPCM [ 36 ]. Reduction
in STAT3 leads to increased cleavage of prolactin into an
antiangiogenic and proapoptotic 16kDa isoform. Treatment
with bromocriptine , an inhibitor of prolactin secretion,
prevents the development of PPCM in these mice

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Abnormal immune response  — It has been suggested
that a maternal immunologic response to a fetal antigen
can lead to PPCM. Fetal cells may escape into the maternal
circulation and remain there without being rejected due to
weak immunogenicity of the paternal haplotype of the
chimeric cells . If these cells lodge in the cardiac tissue,
they can trigger a pathologic autoimmune response

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 Inflammatory cytokines  — Inflammatory cytokines
may play a role in the pathogenesis and progression of
cardiomyopathy and HF. The cytokines that are elevated
in PPCM compared to controls include tumor necrosis
factor (TNF)-alpha and interleukin-6 . In
addition, Fas/Apo-1, an apoptosis signaling receptor, and
C-reactive protein are associated with more severe

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 Echocardiography  — The echocardiogram usually reveals a
global reduction in contractility and LV enlargement without
hypertrophy . Doppler assessment of cardiac pressures can
usually also be performed, making right heart catheterization
unnecessary in most patients.
 The threshold of LV enlargement and dysfunction necessary to
diagnose PPCM has not been precisely defined. The following
definition, based upon a 1992 NHLBI workshop definition for
idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, has been proposed

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 Although most cardiologists would consider a cardiomyopathy to be present
if there is any reduction in the LVEF (<50 percent), this would not meet the
strict criterion for PPCM.

 Other possible echocardiographic findings include

 Regional heterogeneities of systolic wall thickening

 Left atrial enlargement
 Mitral and tricuspid regurgitation
 Small pericardial effusion

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 Digoxin  — Although not a first-line therapy in most cases, digoxin is
appropriate for selected HF patients, and it can be particularly useful in
PPCM for two reasons:
 The use of conventional HF therapies is limited during pregnancy, most
notably due to the contraindication of angiotensin blockade with ACE
inhibitors or ARBs.
 The increased physiologic demands of pregnancy can exacerbate HF
 Digoxin is generally safe in pregnancy, despite anecdotal reports of adverse
effects. Small amounts of digoxin are secreted in breast milk, although no
adverse effects have been reported in newborns.

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Anticoagulation  — Patients with PPCM are at high risk
for thrombus formation and thromboembolism due to both
the hypercoagulable state of pregnancy and stasis of blood
due to severe LV dysfunction . Thus, clinicians should
consider the use of anticoagulants in these patients,
particularly when the degree of LV dysfunction is severe
(eg, LVEF <30 percent)

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Immunosuppressive agents  — Immunosuppressive therapy has occasionally
been initiated in patients with PPCM and biopsy-proven myocarditis, but its
efficacy is unclear . Empiric immunosuppression, in the absence of evidence of
myocarditis, is not recommended since most reported cases have nonspecific
biopsy findings . These drugs often have significant side effects, and studies in
other forms of myocarditis have not shown clear benefit from
immunosuppressive therapy

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Toxic Cardiomyopathy
 Cardiotoxicity has been reported with multiple environmental
and pharmacologic agents.
 Often these associations are seen only with very high levels of
exposure or acute overdoses, respectively, in which acute
electrocardiographic and hemodynamic abnormalities may
reflect both direct drug effect and systemic toxicity.

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 Alcohol is the most common toxin implicated in chronic dilated

 Excess consumption may contribute to more than 10% of cases
of heart failure, including exacerbation of cases with other
primary etiologies such as valvular disease or previous
 Toxicity is attributed both to alcohol and to its primary
metabolite acetaldehyde.

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The recommended maximum alcohol consumption for
women and men in the United States is 7 drinks (14 units)
and 14 drinks (28 units) per week, respectively. In the
United Kingdom, the limit for men is the same (28 units)
but for women it is higher at 21 units

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 Distinction from cirrhotic cardiomyopathy  — While alcoholic
cardiomyopathy is one cause of heart disease in patients with cirrhosis,
experimental and observational studies have found that cirrhosis is
associated with myocardial dysfunction independent of alcohol exposure.
The causes and manifestations of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy are not well
defined. The condition has been defined as otherwise unexplained chronic
cardiac dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis with impaired contractile
responsiveness to stress and/or diastolic dysfunction with associated
electrophysiologic abnormalities. The left atrium may be dilated but the left
ventricular cavity size is generally normal, although dilatation may develop
in some cases.

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 Polymorphisms of the genes encoding alcohol dehydrogenase
and the angiotensin-converting enzyme increase the likelihood of
alcoholic cardiomyopathy.
 Superimposed vitamin deficiencies and toxic alcohol additives
are rarely implicated.
 The alcohol consumption necessary to produce cardiomyopathy
in an otherwise normal heart has been estimated to be six drinks
(about 4 ounces of pure ethanol) daily for 5–10 years, but
frequent binge drinking may also be sufficient.

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 Possible role of ACE gene polymorphism  — Plasma and tissue
concentrations of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) are determined in
part by the ACE gene, which is located on chromosome 17. This gene may
manifest insertion (I) or deletion (D) polymorphism and therefore three
genotypes (DD, II, and ID). Plasma and cardiac levels of ACE are 1.5 to 3-
fold higher in patients with the DD compared to those with II genotype;
they are intermediate in patients with ID genotype. The DD polymorphism
has been linked to an increased risk of a number of cardiac disorders
including left ventricular hypertrophy and progressive idiopathic dilated

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Most patients in whom alcoholic cardiomyopathy develops have been drinking
more than 80 to 90 g of ethanol per day for more than five years (some studies
quoted the average of 15 years) . This corresponds to approximately one liter
of wine, eight standard sized beers, or one-half pint of hard liquor each day.
The risk is based upon the absolute amount of ethanol, so consumption of one
type of beverage (such as wine) is not protective

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 Many patients with alcoholic cardiomyopathy are fully
functional without apparent stigmata of alcoholism.
 Diastolic dysfunction, mild ventricular dilation, and subclinical
depression of contractility can be seen before the development of
clinical heart failure.
 Atrial fibrillation occurs commonly.
 The cardiac impairment in severe alcoholic cardiomyopathy is
the sum of both permanent damage and a substantial component
that is reversible after cessation of alcohol consumption.

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 Medical therapy includes neurohormonal antagonists and
diuretics as needed for fluid management.
 Withdrawal should be supervised to avoid exacerbations of heart
failure or arrhythmias, and ongoing support arranged.
 Even with severe disease, marked improvement can occur
within 3–6 months of abstinence.
 Implantable defibrillators are generally deferred until an adequate
period of abstinence, after which they may not be necessary if the
ejection fraction has improved.
 With continued consumption, the prognosis is grim.

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 Cocaine, Amphetamines, and related Catecholaminergic
 can produce chronic cardiomyopathy as well as acute ischemia
and tachyarrhythmias.
 Pathology reveals tiny microinfarcts consistent with small vessel
 Similar findings can be seen with pheochromocytoma.

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 Chemotherapy agents are the most common drugs implicated in

 Judicious use of these drugs requires balancing the risks of the
malignancy and the risks of cardiotoxicity, as many cancers have
a chronic course with prognosis no worse than heart failure.

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 Anthracyclines
 cause characteristic histologic changes of vacuolar
degeneration and myofibrillar loss.
 Generation of reactive oxygen species involving heme
compounds is currently the favored explanation for myocyte
injury and fibrosis.
 Disruption of the large titin protein may contribute to loss of
sarcomere organization.

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 However, more recent data implicate the topoisomerase-II (Top2)
enzyme. In cancer cells, doxorubicin ’s cellular target is the
enzyme Top2 . Doxorubicin binds both Top2 and DNA to form
the ternary Top2-doxorubicin-DNA cleavage complex, which
triggers cell death. There are two Top2 enzymes, Top2-alpha and
Top2-beta. Top2-alpha is a known marker of cellular
proliferation and overexpressed in tumors but not in quiescent
tissues; it is thought to represent the molecular basis of
doxorubicin antitumor activity.

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Adult mammalian cardiomyocytes express Top2-beta, but not alpha .
However, doxorubicin also interacts with Top2-beta, and the Top2-beta-
doxorubicin-DNA complex can induce DNA double strand breaks, leading to
cell death . The hypothesis that doxorubicin-mediated cardiomyopathy is
mediated by Top2-beta in cardiomyocytes is supported by murine studies
showing that cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of the gene Top2b (which
encodes the Top2-beta enzyme) protects cardiomyocytes from doxorubicin-
induced DNA double strand breaks and transcriptome changes that are
responsible for the formation of reactive oxygen species, and protects mice
from the development of doxorubicin-induced progressive heart failure

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 There are three different presentations of anthracycline-
induced cardiomyopathy.
 Acute heart failure developing during administration of a
single dose can be severe, but may clinically resolve in a
few weeks
 Acute or subacute cardiotoxicity, which can occur anytime from treatment
initiation to several weeks after termination, may present as
electrocardiographic abnormalities, arrhythmias (mainly atrial fibrillation)
ventricular dysfunction, an increase in plasma brain natriuretic peptide
(BNP), or a pericarditis-myocarditis syndrome. These events are rare and
seldom of clinical importance since they usually resolve within a week.

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 Dose-limiting chronic cardiotoxicity may present early (within one year
after termination of chemotherapy), or late/delayed (developing more than
one year, and sometimes more than ten years after treatment). Chronic
cardiomyopathy generally manifests as asymptomatic decline in left
ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), or diastolic or systolic dysfunction,
progressing to heart failure. The number of patients who have heart failure
is much lower than the number who have asymptomatic decline in LVEF on
noninvasive testing

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 Trastuzumab
 is a monoclonal antibody that interferes with cell surface receptors
crucial for some tumor growth and for cardiac adaptation.
 The incidence of cardiotoxicity is lower than for anthracyclines
but enhanced by coadministration with them.
 Although considered to be more often reversible, trastuzumab
cardiotoxicity does not always resolve, and some patients
progress to clinical heart failure and death.
 As with anthracycline cardiotoxicity, therapy is as usual for heart
failure, but it is not clear whether or not the spontaneous rate of
improvement is enhanced by neurohormonal antagonists.

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 Cardiotoxicity with cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide generally
occurs acutely and with very high doses.
 5-Fluorouracil, cisplatin, and some other alkylating agents can
cause recurrent coronary spasm that occasionally leads to
depressed contractility.
 Many small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors are under
development for different malignancies.
 Although these agents are "targeted" at specific tumor
receptors or pathways, the biologic conservation of signaling
pathways can cause inhibitors to have "off-target" effects that
include the heart and vasculature.

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 Acute administration of interferon-α can cause hypotension and
 Clinical heart failure occurring during repeated chronic
administration usually resolves after discontinuation.

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 Other Therapeutic Drugs that can cause cardiotoxicity during
chronic use include hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, emetine,
and antiretroviral therapies.
 Toxic exposures are most commonly implicated in arrhythmias
or respiratory injury acutely during accidents.
 Chronic exposures that can cause cardiotoxicity include
hydrocarbons, fluorocarbons, arsenicals, lead, and mercury.

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 Trace elements  — Trace elements are known to have
an important role in myocardial metabolism and their
accumulation (cobalt, arsenic) or deficiency ( selenium )
can be responsible for a form of DCM that is
indistinguishable from an idiopathic cardiomyopathy
 The role of trace elements was assessed in a study in
which myocardial and skeletal muscle biopsies were
obtained from 13 patients with an idiopathic DCM, 35
patients with valvular or ischemic heart disease, and 4
normal subjects .

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Compared to normals, patients with a DCM had a
significant increase in myocardial concentration of
mercury (22,000 times normal), antimony (12,000 fold
higher), gold (increased 11 fold), chromium (13 fold
higher), and cobalt (4 times higher). In comparison,
patients with valvular or ischemic heart disease had
myocardial concentrations of trace elements that were ≤5
times greater than normal. Skeletal muscle
concentrations of trace elements were normal in all
groups of patients.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Metabolic Causes of Dilated
 Endocrine Disorders affect multiple organ systems, including
the heart.
 Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism do not often cause clinical
heart failure in an otherwise normal heart, but commonly
exacerbate heart failure.
 The most common, current reason for thyroid abnormalities in
the heart failure population is the use of amiodarone, a drug with
substantial iodine content.

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 Clinical signs of thyroid disease may be masked, so tests of
thyroid function are part of the routine evaluation of
 Hypothyroidism should be treated with very slow escalation of
doses to avoid exacerbating tachyarrhythmias and heart failure.
 Hyperthyroidism should always be considered with
 new onset atrial fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia, or
 atrial fibrillation in which the rapid ventricular response is
difficult to control.

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 Hyperthyroidism and heart failure are a dangerous combination
that merits very close supervision, often hospitalization, during
titration of antithyroid medications, which may lead to
precipitous worsening of heart failure.

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 Pheochromocytoma is rare, but should be considered when a
patient has heart failure and very labile blood pressure and heart
rate, sometimes with episodic palpitations.
 Most patients with pheochromocytoma have postural
 In addition to α-adrenergic receptor antagonists, definitive
therapy requires surgical extirpation.
 Very high renin states, such as those caused by renal artery
stenosis, can lead to modest depression in ejection fraction with
little or no ventricular dilation and markedly labile symptoms
with flash pulmonary edema, related to sudden shifts in vascular
tone and intravascular volume.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Controversies remain regarding whether diabetes and obesity are
sufficient to cause cardiomyopathy.
 Most heart failure in diabetes results from epicardial coronary
disease, with further increase in coronary artery risk due to
accompanying hypertension and renal dysfunction.
 Cardiomyopathy may result in part from insulin resistance and
increased advanced-glycosylation end products, which impair
both systolic and diastolic function.
 However, much of the dysfunction can be attributed to scattered
focal ischemia resulting from distal coronary artery tapering and
limited microvascular perfusion even without proximal focal

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Diabetes is a typical factor, along with hypertension, advanced
age, and female gender, in heart failure with "preserved" ejection
 The existence of a cardiomyopathy due to obesity is generally
 In addition to cardiac involvement from associated diabetes,
hypertension, and vascular inflammation of the metabolic
syndrome, obesity alone is associated with impaired excretion
of excess volume load, which, over time, can lead to increased
wall stress and secondary adaptive neurohumoral responses.
 The rapid clearance of natriuretic peptides by adipose tissue
may contribute to fluid retention.

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 In the absence of another obvious cause of cardiomyopathy in an
obese patient with systolic dysfunction without marked
ventricular dilation, effective weight reduction is often associated
with major improvement in ejection fraction and clinical

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 Nutritional Deficiencies can occasionally cause dilated
 Beri-beri heart disease due to thiamine deficiency can result
from poor nutrition in undernourished populations, and in
patients deriving most of their calories from alcohol, and has
been reported in teenagers subsisting only on highly processed
 This disease is initially a vasodilated state with very high output
heart failure that can later progress to a low output state; thiamine
repletion can lead to prompt recovery of cardiovascular function.
 Abnormalities in carnitine metabolism can cause dilated or
restrictive cardiomyopathies, usually in children.

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 Deficiency of trace elements such as selenium can cause
cardiomyopathy (Keshan's disease).
 Calcium is essential for excitation-contraction coupling, serving
as an inotrope when administered.
 Chronic deficiencies of calcium, such as can occur with
hypoparathyroidism (particularly postsurgical) or intestinal
dysfunction (from diarrheal syndromes and following
extensive resection), can cause severe chronic heart failure
that responds over days or weeks to vigorous calcium

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Phosphate is a component of high-energy compounds needed for
efficient energy transfer and multiple signaling pathways.
 Hypophosphatemia can develop during starvation and early
refeeding following a prolonged fast, and occasionally during
 Magnesium is a cofactor for thiamine-dependent reactions and
for the sodium-potassiumadenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), but
hypomagnesemia rarely becomes sufficiently profound to cause
clinical cardiomyopathy.

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 Hemochromatosis is variably classified as a metabolic or storage
 It is included among the causes of restrictive cardiomyopathy,
but the clinical presentation is often that of a dilated
 The autosomal recessive form is related to the HFE gene.
 With up to 10% of the population heterozygous for one mutation,
the clinical prevalence might be as high as 1 in 500.
 The lower rates observed highlight the limited penetrance of the
disease, suggesting the role of additional genetic and
environmental factors for clinical expression.

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 clinical syndrome includes cirrhosis, diabetes, and
 Hemochromatosis can also be acquired from iron overload due to
hemolytic anemia and transfusions.
 Excess iron is deposited in the perinuclear compartment of
cardiomyocytes, with resulting disruption of intracellular
architecture and mitochondrial function.
 Diagnosis is easily made from measurement of serum iron and
transferrin saturation,
 with a threshold of >60% for men, and >45–50% for women.

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 Magnetic resonance imaging can help to quantitate iron stores in
the liver and heart, and endomyocardial biopsy tissue can be
stained for iron.
 If diagnosed early, hemochromatosis can often be managed by
repeated phlebotomy to remove iron.
 For more severe iron overload, iron chelation therapy with
desferrioxamine (deferoxamine) or deferasirox can help to
improve cardiac function if myocyte loss and replacement
fibrosis are not too severe.
 Inborn disorders of metabolism occasionally present with dilated
cardiomyopathy, although are most often associated with
restrictive cardiomyopathy.

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Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy
 The recognized frequency of familial involvement in dilated
cardiomyopathy has now increased to an estimated 30%.
 The most recognizable familial syndromes are the Muscular
 Both Duchenne's and the milder Becker's dystrophy result from
abnormalities in the X-linked dystrophin gene of the
sarcolemmal membrane.

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 Skeletal myopathy is present in multiple other genetic
cardiomyopathies, some of which are associated with creatine
kinase elevations.
 Mitochondrial Myopathies are associated with varying degrees
of skeletal involvement, biopsies of which show the
characteristic "ragged red fiber" appearance.
 Some patients with mitochondrial myopathy have characteristic
drooping eyelids.
 The energy deficits associated with mitochondrial abnormalities
lead to multiple systemic syndromes.

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 Other familial metabolic defects more often present as restrictive
disease, but can sometimes be identified on electron microscopy
of endomyocardial biopsies.

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 Families with a history of atrial arrhythmias, conduction system
disease, and cardiomyopathy may have abnormalities of the
nuclear membrane lamin proteins.
 While all dilated cardiomyopathies carry a risk of sudden death, a
family history of cardiomyopathy with sudden death raises
suspicion for a particularly arrhythmogenic mutation; affected
family members may be considered for implantable defibrillators
even before meeting the reduced ejection fraction threshold for
primary prevention of sudden death.

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 A prominent family history of sudden death or ventricular
tachycardia before clinical cardiomyopathy suggests genetic
defects in the desmosomal proteins causing Arrhythmogenic
Ventricular Dysplasia.
 Originally described as affecting the right ventricle
[arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD)], this
disorder can affect either or both ventricles.
 Patients often present first with ventricular tachycardia.

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 Genetic defects in proteins of the desmosomal complex disrupt
myocyte junctions and adhesions, leading to replacement of
myocardium by deposits of fat.
 Thin ventricular walls may be recognized on echocardiography
but are better visualized on MRI.
 The same protein also affects hair and skin, leading in some cases
to a distinct syndrome of "woolly hair," and thickened palms and
 Implantable defibrillators are usually indicated to prevent sudden
 There is variable progression to right, left, or biventricular

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. A. Cross-sectional slice of a pathology specimen
removed at transplantation, showing severe dysplasia of the right ventricle (RV) with extensive fatty
replacement of right ventricular myocardium. The remarkably thin right ventricular free wall is revealed
by transillumination
11/3/2017 B. Abnet Muluneh
 Left Ventricular Noncompaction is a condition of unknown
prevalence that is increasingly revealed by better imaging
techniques, first by two-dimensional echocardiography and more
recently by magnetic resonance imaging.
 The diagnostic criteria includes the presence of multiple
trabeculations in the left ventricle distal to the papillary muscles,
creating a "spongy" appearance of the apex; it has been
associated with multiple genetic variants in the sarcomeric and
other proteins such as tafazzin.

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 The condition may be diagnosed incidentally or in patients
carrying previous diagnoses of dilated, restrictive, or
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
 The three cardinal clinical features are ventricular arrhythmias,
embolic events, and heart failure.
 Treatment generally includes anticoagulation and consideration
for an implantable defibrillator.

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 Some families inherit a susceptibility to viral-induced
 This propensity may relate to abnormalities in cell surface
receptors, such as the coxsackie-adenovirus receptor, that bind
viral proteins.
 Some may have partial homology with viral proteins such that an
autoimmune response is triggered against the myocardium.

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 The therapy of familial dilated cardiomyopathy is dictated
primarily by the stage of clinical disease and the risk for sudden
 In some cases, the familial etiology facilitates prognostic
decisions, particularly regarding the likelihood of recovery after
a new diagnosis, which is unlikely for familial disease and
frequent if the disease is acquired.
 The rate of progression of disease is to some extent heritable,
although marked variation can be seen; however, there have been
cases of remarkable clinical remission after acute presentation,
likely after a reversible insult, such as infective myocarditis.

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 Genetic testing is less robust for dilated cardiomyopathy, for
which our current understanding is similar to that for
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy a decade ago.
 Newer molecular techniques, animal models, and databanks of
cardiomyopathy patients are all contributing to the rapid
expansion of the data.
 However, serendipitous identification of inherited
cardiomyopathy, its systemic signature, and clinical course
remain crucial to continue to advance the field, one family and
one gene at a time.

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Tako-Tsubo Cardiomyopathy
 The apical ballooning syndrome, or stress-induced
cardiomyopathy, occurs typically in older women after sudden
intense emotional or physical stress.
 The ventricle shows global ventricular dilation with basal
contraction, forming the shape of the narrow-necked jar (tako-
tsubo) used in Japan to trap octopi.
 Originally described there, it is increasingly recognized in other
countries and may go unrecognized during intensive care unit
(ICU) admission for noncardiac conditions.

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 Presentations include
 pulmonary edema,
 hypotension, and
 chest pain with ECG changes mimicking an acute infarction.
 The left ventricular dysfunction extends beyond a specific
coronary artery distribution and generally resolves within days to
weeks, but may recur in up to 10% of patients.

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 Acute cardiomyopathy may result from
 intense sympathetic activation with heterogeneity of
myocardial autonomic innervation,
 diffuse microvascular spasm, and/or
 direct catecholamine toxicity.
 Coronary angiography may be required to rule out acute
coronary occlusion.

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 No therapies have been proven beneficial, but reasonable
strategies include
 nitrates for pulmonary edema,
 intraaortic balloon pump if needed for low output,
 combined alpha- and beta blockers rather than selective beta
blockade if hemodynamically stable, and
 magnesium for arrhythmias related to QT prolongation.
 Anticoagulation is generally withheld due to the occasional
occurrence of ventricular rupture.

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Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
 Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy is a diagnosis of exclusion,
when all other known factors have been excluded.
 Approximately two-thirds of dilated cardiomyopathies are still
labeled as idiopathic; however, a substantial proportion of these
may reflect unrecognized genetic disease.
 Continued reconsideration of etiology often reveals specific
causes later in a patient's course.

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Overlap between Cardiomyopathies
 The limitations of our phenotypic classification are revealed
through the multiple overlaps between the etiologies and
presentations of the three types.
 Cardiomyopathy with reduced systolic function but without
severe dilation can represent early dilated cardiomyopathy,
"minimally dilated cardiomyopathy," or restrictive diseases
without marked increases in ventricular wall thickness.
 For example, sarcoidosis and hemochromatosis can present as
dilated or restrictive disease.

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 Early stages of amyloidosis sometimes appear as dilated
cardiomyopathy, but can also be mistaken for hypertrophic
 Progression of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy into a "burned-out"
phase occurs occasionally, with decreased contractility and
modest ventricular dilation.
 Overlaps are particularly common with the inherited metabolic
disorders, which can present as any of the three major

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 CXR:- cardiomegaly, significantly LV
 ↑ed vascular markings
 Signs of interstial or alveolar edema
 ECG:-sinus tachycardia
 AF
 Ventricular arrhythmia
 LA abnormalities
 Diffuse non-specific ST-T wave abnormalities
 Sometimes interventricular conduction defects & low voltage.
 Echo.:-LV dilatation with normal, minimally thickened, or thinned
 Systolic dysfunction (↓ed EF)
 Cardiac catheterization & coronary angiography are often
performed to exclude IHD.
 Angiography shows dilated, diffusely hypokinetic LV with some
degree of MR.
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 Standard therapy of heart failure with:
 Salt restriction
 Diuretics produce symptomatic improvement
 digitalis
 β-blockers
 spironolactone for patients with recent or current advanced HF
 Avoid: - alcohol
Calcium channel blockers
 Systemic embolization is a concern→consider chronic
 Antiarrhythmic are best avoided for fear of proarrhythmia, unless
they are needed to treat symptomatic or serious arrhythmias.
 ICD- is useful for patients with symptomatic ventricular arrhythmias
 cardiac transplantation!-In patients with advanced disease who are
11/3/2017 refractory to medical therapy. Abnet Muluneh
 The prognosis of DCM may be much more variable than previously
 Most patients have a downhill course.
 Majority particularly those > 55 yrs die within 3 yrs of
 The underlying etiology of the cardiomyopathy clearly
has a substantial impact on the natural history.
 Some cardiomyopathies have excellent long-term
survival, whereas others, particularly amyloidosis and
HIV-related disease, carry grave prognoses.
 Death is usually due to either CHF or ventricular tachy−or
 Sudden death is a constant threat.
 Spontaneous improvement or stabilization occurs in about
a quarter of patients. Abnet Muluneh
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 The least common of the triad of cardiomyopathies is restrictive
cardiomyopathy, which is dominated by abnormal diastolic
function, often with mildly decreased contractility and ejection
fraction (usually >30–50%).
 Both atria are enlarged, sometimes massively.
 Modest left ventricular dilation can be present, usually with an
end-diastolic dimension <6 cm.
 End-diastolic pressures are elevated in both ventricles, with
preservation of cardiac output until late in the disease.

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 Subtle exercise intolerance is usually the first symptom but is
often not recognized until after clinical presentation with
congestive symptoms.
 The restrictive diseases often present with relatively more right-
sided symptoms, such as edema, abdominal discomfort, and
ascites, although filling pressures are elevated in both ventricles.
 The cardiac impulse is less displaced than in dilated
cardiomyopathy and less dynamic than in hypertrophic

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 A fourth heart sound is more common than a third heart sound in
sinus rhythm, but atrial fibrillation is common.
 Jugular venous pressures often show rapid Y descents, and may
increase during inspiration (positive Kussmaul's sign).
 Most restrictive cardiomyopathies are due to infiltration of
abnormal substances between myocytes, storage of abnormal
metabolic products within myocytes, or fibrotic injury.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Restrictive Cardiomyopathy

Characterized by:
• impaired ventricular filling due to an abnormally stiff (rigid) ventricle
•normal systolic function (early on in disease)
•intraventricular pressure rises precipitously with small increases in volume




Causes : infiltration of myocardium by abnormal substance

11/3/2017 fibrosis or scarring of endocardium
Abnet Muluneh
11/3/2017 Amyloid infiltrative CM Abnet Muluneh
Constriction vs. Restrictive CM

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Causes of Restrictive Cardiomyopathies
Infiltrative (Between Myocytes)
Primary (light chain amyloid)
Familial (abnormal transthyretin)a
Senile (normal transthyretin or atrial peptides)
Inherited metabolic defectsa
Storage (Within Myocytes)
Hemochromatosis (iron)a
Inherited metabolic defectsa
Fabry's disease
Glycogen storage disease (II, III)
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Possibly related fibrotic diseases
Tropical endomyocardial fibrosis
Hypereosinophilic syndrome (Löffler's endocarditis)
Carcinoid syndrome
Drugs: e.g., serotonin, ergotamine
Overlap with Other Cardiomyopathies
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy/"pseudohypertrophic"a
"Minimally dilated" cardiomyopathy
Early stage dilated cardiomyopathy
Partial recovery from dilated cardiomyopathy

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Can be familial
Infiltrative Disease
 Amyloidosis is the major cause of restrictive cardiomyopathy,
most often due to "primary amyloidosis" caused by abnormal
production of immunoglobulin light chains.
 Familial amyloidosis results from an autosomal dominant
mutation in transthyretin, a carrier protein for thyroxine and
retinol, that is more common in African Americans than whites.
 Amyloidosis secondary to other chronic diseases rarely involves
the heart.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Senile amyloidosis with deposition of normal transthyretin or
atrial natriuretic peptide usually has an indolent course and is
very common beyond the seventh decade.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Restrictive cardiomyopathy—amyloidosis. Gross specimen of a heart with
amyloidosis. The heart is firm and rubbery with a waxy cut surface. The atria are
markedly dilated and the left atrial endocardium, normally smooth, has yellow-
brown amyloid deposits that give texture to the surface.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Restrictive cardiomyopathy—amyloidosis.
Echocardiogram showing thickened walls of both
ventricles without major chamber dilation. The
atria are markedly dilated, consistent with
chronically elevated ventricular filling pressures. In
this example, there is a characteristic hyper-
refractile "glittering" of the myocardium typical of
amyloid infiltration, which is often absent
(especially with more recent echocardiographic
systems of better resolution). The mitral and
tricuspid valves are thickened. A pacing lead is
visible in the right ventricle and a pericardial
effusion is evident. Note that the echocardiographic
and pathologic images are vertically opposite, such
that the LV is by convention on the top right in the
echocardiographic image and bottom right in the
pathologic images.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Amyloidosis—microscopic images of amyloid involving the myocardium. The left
panel (hematoxylin-eosin stain) shows glassy, grey-pink amorphous material infiltrating
between cardiomyocytes, which stain a darker pink. The right panel shows a sulfated blue
stain that highlights the amyloid green and stains the cardiac myocytes yellow. (The Congo
red stain can also be used to highlight amyloid; under polarized light, amyloid will have an
apple-green birefringence when stained with Congo red). Images at 100x original
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
 Amyloid fibrils infiltrate the myocardium, especially around the
conduction system and coronary vessels.
 Typical clinical features are conduction block, autonomic
neuropathy, renal involvement, and occasionally thickened skin
 Cardiac amyloid is suspected from thickened ventricular walls in
conjunction with an electrocardiogram that shows low voltage.
 A characteristic refractile brightness in the septum on
echocardiography is suggestive, but neither sensitive nor
specific. Both atria are dilated, often dramatically so.

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 The diagnosis of primary or familial can be made from biopsies
of an abdominal fat pad or the rectum, but cardiac amyloidosis is
most reliably identified from the myocardium
 Therapy is largely symptomatic, using diuretics as needed to treat
fluid retention, which often requires high doses.
 Digoxin bound to the amyloid fibrils can reach toxic levels, and
should therefore be used only in very low doses, if at all.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 There is no evidence regarding use of neurohormonal antagonists
in amyloid heart disease, where the possible theoretical benefit
has to be balanced against their potential side effects in light of
frequent autonomic neuropathy and dependence on heart rate
 The risk of intracardiac thrombi may warrant chronic
 Once heart failure develops, the median survival is 6–12 months
in primary amyloidosis.

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 Multiple myeloma is treated with chemotherapy (prednisone,
melphalan, bortezomib), the extent of which is usually limited by
the potential of worsening cardiac dysfunction.
 Colchicine can be of some benefit in inflammation-associated
(AA) amyloid.
 Transthyretin-associated cardiac amyloid requires heart and liver
transplantation, while senile cardiac amyloid is treated with
conventional heart failure regimens.
 Immunoglobulin-associated amyloid has occasionally been
treated with sequential heart transplantation and delayed bone
marrow transplant, with frequent recurrence of amyloid in the
transplanted heart.

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Disorders of Metabolic Pathways
 Multiple genetic disorders of metabolic pathways can cause
myocardial disease, due to infiltration of abnormal products or
cells containing them between the myocytes, and storage disease,
due to their accumulation within cells.
 The restrictive phenotype is most common but mildly dilated
cardiomyopathy may occur.
 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may be mimicked by the
myocardium thickened with these abnormal products causing
 Most of these diseases are diagnosed during childhood.
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 Fabry's disease results from a deficiency of the lysosomal
enzyme alpha-galactosidase A caused by one of more than 160
 This disorder of glycosphingolipid metabolism is an X-linked
recessive disorder that may also cause clinical disease in female
 Glycolipid accumulation may be limited to the cardiac tissues or
may also involve the skin and kidney.
 Electron microscopy of endomyocardial biopsy tissue shows
diagnostic vesicles containing concentric lamellar figures.

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 Diagnosis is crucial because enzyme replacement can reduce
abnormal deposits and improve cardiac and clinical function.
 Enzyme replacement can also improve the course of Gaucher's
disease, in which cerebroside-rich cells accumulate in multiple
organs due to a deficiency of beta-glucosidase.
 Cerebroside-rich cells infiltrate the heart, which can also lead to a
hemorrhagic pericardial effusion and valvular disease.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Glycogen storage diseases lead to accumulation of lysosomal
storage products and intracellular glycogen accumulation,
particularly with glycogen storage disease type III, due to a
defective debranching enzyme.
 There are more than 10 types of mucopolysaccharidoses, in
which autosomal dominant or X-linked deficiencies of lysosomal
enzymes lead to the accumulation of glycosaminoglycans in the
skeleton, nervous system, and heart.
 With characteristic facies, short stature, and frequent cognitive
impairment, most individuals are diagnosed early in childhood
and die before adulthood.

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 Carnitine is an essential cofactor in long-chain fatty acid
 Multiple defects have been described that lead to carnitine
deficiency, causing intracellular lipid inclusions and restrictive
or dilated cardiomyopathy, often presenting in children.
 Fatty acid oxidation requires many metabolic steps with specific
enzymes that can be deficient, with complex interactions with
 Depending on the defect, cardiac and skeletal myopathy can be
ameliorated with replacement of fatty acid intermediates and

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Fibrotic Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
 Progressive fibrosis can cause restrictive myocardial disease
without dilation.
 Thoracic radiation, common for breast and lung cancer or
mediastinal lymphoma, can produce early or late restrictive
 Patients with radiation cardiomyopathy may present with a
possible diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis, as the two
conditions often coexist.

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 Careful hemodynamic evaluation and, often, endomyocardial
biopsy should be performed if considering pericardial stripping
surgery, which is unlikely to be successful in the presence of
underlying restrictive cardiomyopathy.
 Scleroderma causes small vessel spasm and ischemia that can
lead to a small, stiff heart with reduced ejection fraction without
 Doxorubicin causes direct myocyte injury usually leading to
dilated cardiomyopathy, but the limited degree of dilation may
result from increased fibrosis, which restricts remodeling.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Endomyocardial Disease
 The physiologic picture of elevated filling pressures with atrial
enlargement and preserved ventricular contractility with normal
or reduced ventricular volumes can also result from extensive
fibrosis of the endocardium, without transmural myocardial
 For patients who have not lived in the equatorial regions, this
picture is rare, and when seen is usually associated with a history
of chronic hypereosinophilic syndrome (Löffler's endocarditis),
which is more common in men than women.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 In this disease, persistent hyper-eosinophilia of >1500 eos/mm3
for at least 6 months can cause an acute phase of eosinophilic
injury in the endocardium, with systemic illness and injury to
other organs.
 There is usually no obvious cause, but the hypereosinophilia can
occasionally be explained by allergic, parasitic, or malignant
 It is postulated to be followed by a period in which cardiac
inflammation is replaced by evidence of fibrosis with
superimposed thrombosis.

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 In severe disease, the dense fibrotic layer can obliterate the
ventricular apices and extend to thicken and tether the
atrioventricular valve leaflets.
 The clinical disease may present with heart failure, embolic
events, and atrial arrhythmias.
 While plausible, the sequence of transition has not been clearly

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 In tropical countries, up to one-quarter of heart failure may be
due to endomyocardial fibrosis, affecting either or both
 This condition shares with the previous condition the partial
obliteration of the ventricular apex with fibrosis extending into
the valvular inflow tract and leaflets; however, it is not clear that
the etiologies are the same for all cases.
 Pericardial effusions frequently accompany endomyocardial
fibrosis but are not common in Löffler's endocarditis.

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 For endomyocardial fibrosis, there is no gender difference, but a
higher prevalence in African American populations.
 While tropical endomyocardial fibrosis could represent the end-
stage of previous hypereosinophilic disease triggered by endemic
parasites, neither prior parasitic infection nor hypereosinophilia
is usually documented.
 Geographic nutritional deficiencies have also been proposed as
an etiology.

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 Medical treatment focuses on glucocorticoids and chemotherapy
to suppress hypereosinophilia when present.
 Fluid retention may become increasingly resistant to diuretic
 Anticoagulation is recommended.
 Atrial fibrillation is associated with worse symptoms and
prognosis, but may be difficult to suppress.
 Surgical resection of the apices and replacement of the fibrotic
valves can improve symptoms, but surgical morbidity and
mortality and later recurrence rates are high.

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 The serotonin secreted by carcinoid tumors can produce fibrous
plaques in the endocardium and right-sided cardiac valves,
occasionally affecting left-sided valves, as well.
 Valvular lesions may be stenotic or regurgitant.
 Systemic symptoms include flushing and diarrhea.
 Liver disease from hepatic metastases may play a role by limiting
hepatic function and thereby allowing more serotonin to reach
the venous circulation.

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Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common
heritable cardiac disease and is transmitted in an autosomal
dominant fashion.
• The prevalence of HCM is approximately 1 in 500 and is caused
by one of more than 400 mutations in at least 13 genes encoding
proteins of the cardiac sarcomere.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Mutations of β-myosin heavy-chain, cardiac troponin T, and
myosin-binding protein C are the most common. The various
sarcomeric mutations result in inappropriate myocardial
hypertrophy, most commonly of the interventricular septum.
• The clinical picture of HCM varies considerably and can be
associated with chest pain, shortness of breath, syncope or no
symptoms at all. It is the most common cause of sudden death
among young athletes in the United States

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is characterized by marked left
ventricular hypertrophy in the absence of other causes, such as
hypertension or valve disease.
 The systolic function as measured by ejection fraction is often
supranormal, at times with virtual obliteration of the left
ventricular cavity during systole.
 The hypertrophy may be asymmetric, involving the septum more
than the free wall of the ventricle.
 Approximately one-third of symptomatic patients demonstrate a
resting intraventricular gradient that impedes outflow during
systole and is exacerbated by increased contractility.

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 This was previously termed hypertrophic obstructive
cardiomyopathy (HOCM), as distinguished from nonobstructive
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
 Other terms that have been used include asymmetric septal
hypertrophy (ASH) and idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic
stenosis (IHSS).
 However, the accepted terminology is now hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy with or without an obstructive gradient.
 Classically, the microscopic picture shows marked disarray of
individual fibers in a characteristic whorled pattern and disarray,
also at the level of the larger bundles, interspersed with fibrosis.

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Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Gross specimen of a heart with hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy removed at the time of transplantation, showing asymmetric septal
hypertrophy (septum much thicker than left ventricular free wall) with the septum
11/3/2017into the left ventricular outflow tract causing obstruction.
Abnet Muluneh
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This
echocardiogram of hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy shows asymmetric
hypertrophy of the septum compared to the
lateral wall of the left ventricle (LV). The
mitral valve is moving anteriorly toward
the hypertrophied septum in systole. The
left atrium (LA) is enlarged. Note that the
echocardiographic and pathologic images
are vertically opposite, such that the LV is
by convention on the top right in the
echocardiographic image and bottom right
in the pathologic images.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Microscopic image of hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy showing the characteristic
disordered myocyte architecture with
swirling and branching rather than the
usual parallel arrangement of myocyte
fibers. Myocyte nuclei vary markedly in
size and interstitial fibrosis is present.

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 The prevalence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is 1:500 adults.
 Approximately one-half of these cases occur in a recognizable
autosomal dominant pattern, and spontaneous mutations also
 This is the best characterized genetic cardiomyopathy, for which
more than 400 individual mutations have been identified in 11
sarcomeric genes.
 More than 80% of the mutations are in the beta-myosin heavy
chain, the cardiac myosin-binding protein C, or cardiac troponin

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 Some families may demonstrate a higher incidence of early
progression to end-stage heart failure or death, suggesting that
their mutations are more "malignant."
 However, the heterogeneity of phenotypic expression within and
between families confirms the influence of modifying factors
from other genes and the environment.

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 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is characterized hemodynamically
by diastolic dysfunction, originally attributed to the hypertrophy,
fibrosis, and intraventricular gradient when present.
 However, studies of asymptomatic family members indicate that
diastolic dysfunction is a more fundamental abnormality that can
precede evidence of hypertrophy.
 Resting ejection fraction and cardiac output are usually normal,
but peak cardiac output during exercise may be reduced due to
inadequate ventricular filling at high heart rates.

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A characteristic feature of HCM is left ventricular (LV) wall
thickening in the absence of a cardiac or systemic cause (e.g., aortic
stenosis or hypertension).
The usual clinical diagnostic criterion for HCM is maximal LV wall
thickness >15 mm.
• Dynamic obstruction of blood exiting the heart can occur, as the
aortic outflowtract is geometrically narrowed due to the thick
septum and an elongated mitral valve apparatus causing systolic
anterior motion (SAM) and mitral regurgitation. This dynamic
process of LV outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction is present in
approximately one-third of patients at rest and another third with

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

• It is important to distinguish between the obstructive or nonobstructive forms
of HCM via 2D echocardiography. A subaortic gradient ≥30 mmHg reflects a
true mechanical impedance to outflow.
• Obstruction can be subaortic (caused by SAM) or midcavity (due to a
hypertrophy of the basal portion of the septum and small outflow tract).
• In patients with no obstruction at rest, provocative maneuvers such as
exercise or the Valsalva maneuver should be performed to identify latent
• The pattern of hypertrophy in HCM is asymmetric and can involve any
portion of the ventricular septum or LV free wall. Thickening confined to the
most distal portion of LV chamber (apical HCM) is a morphologic form often
associated with a “spade” deformity of the left ventricle and marked T-wave
negativity on the electrocardiogram and most commonly found in Japanese
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
• The prevalence of HCM in the adult general population is
1:500. It is the mostcommon genetic cardiovascular
• HCM is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait and
mutations in at least 13 different genes have been
associated with the condition.
• Phenotypic expression of HCM is variable and not all
individuals with a genetic defect will manifest clinical
signs of HCM.

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• HCM is a primary disorder of the sarcomere.
• Phenotypic expression of HCM is variable and depends
on a complex interplay of
genetic, environmental, and molecular factors. Myocytes
of involved cardiac
tissue in HCM show bizarre shapes and disorganized
patterns. There is often
replacement fibrosis in the interstitium of the myocardium.
• Coronary arteries in patients with HCM can have
thickened walls with abnormal function.

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• LVOT obstruction is produced by SAM of the mitral valve and/or
midsystolic contact with the ventricular septum.
• SAM is felt to be a result of a combination of the Venturi
phenomenon (highvelocity LV ejection jet pulls the mitral leaflet
toward the septum), drag effect (a pushing force of flow directly on
the leaflets), and intrinsic abnormalities of the mitral valve.
• Obstruction can be dynamic and reduced by maneuvers that
decrease myocardial contractility and increase ventricular volume;
and increased by maneuvers that reduce ventricular volume or
increase myocardial contractility.

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In the vast majority of patients,
obstruction is produced in the proximal LV by systolic
anterior motion (SAM) of the mitral valve in which
elongated leaflets bend sharply at 90 degrees and
contact the septum in midsystole owing to a drag
effect—that is, hydrodynamic pushing force of flow
directly on the leaflets . The magnitude
of the outflow gradient, which is reliably estimated
with continuous wave Doppler, is directly related to
the duration of mitral valve–septal contact.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
 The three basic mechanisms of dynamic
changes resulting in pressure gradient are:-
1. Increased left ventricular contractility
2. Decreased ventricular volume (Preload)
3. Decreased aortic impedance & pressure (After

♣ Conditions that increase myocardial

contractility (exercise, sympathomimetics, &
digitalis glycosides) and those that decrease
ventricular volume (valsalva maneuver,
nitroglycerine, amyl nitrates & tachycardia)
aggravate it. Abnet Muluneh
Mitral regurgitation is a secondary consequence of SAM, with the
jet (usually mild to moderate in degree) directed posteriorly.
Marked and centrally located mitral regurgitation jets usually
suggest an intrinsic valve abnormality (e.g., with myxomatous
degeneration). Occasionally, intraventricular obstruction may occur
at mid-cavity level caused by systolic contact of septum with a
papillary muscle that is anomalously positioned and may insert
directly into anterior mitral leaflet . This form of obstruction may
be associated with LV apical aneurysm.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

The majority of patients with HCM are asymptomatic.
• The most commonly reported symptom is dyspnea
secondary to elevated LV diastolic filling pressures and
diastolic dysfunction.
• Other symptoms include angina (from myocardial
oxygen mismatch due to
increased myocardial mass, small-vessel disease, or wall
stress), syncope (due to LVOT obstruction or arrhythmias),
and arrhythmia (manifesting as palpitations,syncope, or
sudden death).

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy usually presents between the ages
of 20 and 40 years.
 Dyspnea on exertion is the most common presenting symptom,
reflecting elevated intracardiac filling pressures.
 Chest pain with either an atypical or typical exertional pattern
occurs in more than half of symptomatic patients and is attributed
to myocardial ischemia from high demand and abnormal
intramural coronary arteries in the hypertrophied myocardium.

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 Palpitations may result from atrial fibrillation or ventricular
 Much less common are episodes of presyncope or syncope, often
related to heavy exertion.
 Of grave concern is the possibility that the first manifestation of
disease may be sudden death from ventricular tachycardia or
 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common lesion found
at autopsy of young athletes dying suddenly.

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 The physical examination typically reveals a harsh murmur heard
best at the left lower sternal border, arising from both the outflow
tract turbulence during ventricular ejection and the commonly
associated mitral regurgitation.
 The gradient and the murmur may be enhanced by maneuvers
that decrease ventricular volume, such as the Valsalva maneuver,
or standing after squatting.
 They may be decreased by increasing ventricular volume or
vascular resistance, such as with squatting or handgrip.

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• A classic finding on auscultation is a crescendo-decrescendo ejection systolic
murmur (ESM) audible in at least two-thirds of patients with HCM, best heard
along the left sternal border but may be heard throughout the precordium.
• The murmur intensifies with maneuvers that decrease preload, like standing
and the Valsalva maneuver. Exertion, such as having the patient squat 10 times
or a brisk short walk, is useful to provoke the ESM.
• Conversely, the murmur decreases in intensity with squatting (which
increases preload and afterload) and handgrip (which increases afterload). This
type of dynamic murmur should not be attributed to a benign flow murmur and
should be evaluated further with an echocardiogram.
• The carotid pulse typically rises briskly and then declines in midsystole as
the gradient develops, followed by a secondary rise.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 A fourth heart sound is commonly heard due to decreased
ventricular compliance.
 In patients with a significant outflow tract gradient, palpation of
the carotid pulse may reveal a bifid systolic impulse, from early
and delayed ejection.
• The jugular venous pulse may demonstrate a prominent wave
secondary to diminished ventricular compliance.
• Amyl nitrite decreases systemic vascular resistance and decreases
LV volume,
which increases the murmur of HCM.
 Patients with chronic, severe elevations in filling pressures may
show signs of systemic fluid retention.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
HCM with outflow obstruction
Dynamic LVOT obstruction (may not be present at rest)

SAM (systolic anterior motion of mitral valve)

LVOT Obstruction  LVOT gradient

 wall stress  MVO2  ischemia/angina

 LVOT gradient:  HR (DFP), preload (LVEDV),

 afterload(BP).
 LVOT gradient:  BP (Afterload),  LVEDV(preload)

Symptoms of dyspnea and angina more related to diastolic

dysfunction than to outflow tract obstruction
Syncope: LVOT obstruction (failure to increase CO during exercise or
after vasodilatory stress) or arrhythmia.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Physical Exam

Bisferiens pulse (“spike and dome”)

S4 gallop
Crescendo/Descrescendo systolic ejection murmur

HOCM vs. Valvular AS Intensity of murmur

Valsalva (preload,  afterload)  
Squatting ( preload,  afterload)  
Standing (preload,  afterload)  

Holosystolic apical blowing murmur of mitral regurgitation

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 The electrocardiogram usually shows left ventricular
hypertrophy, often with prominent septal Q waves that can be
misdiagnosed as indicative of infarction.
 The diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is confirmed by
echocardiography demonstrating left ventricular hypertrophy,
which may or may not be more marked in the septum.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

• The ECG is usually abnormal in HCM patients; however,
at least 10% of patients with HCM may have a normal
• No particular ECG pattern is classic for HCM. ST
segment and T wave abnormalities are the most common,
followed by evidence of LV hypertrophy.
• Prominent Q waves in the inferior leads, precordial leads,
or both can occur in up
to 50% of patients.
• Negative T waves in the mid-precordial leads are
characteristic of apical HCM.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
• Echocardiography is diagnostic for HCM. Wall thickness,
mitral valve abnormalities including elongated leaflets,
mitral regurgitation, and LVOT obstruction can be
accurately assessed.
• MRI has similar diagnostic capabilities as
echocardiography and is particularly useful when echo
images are suboptimal. It can also assess the presence of
myocardial fibrosis (by gadolinium enhancement)

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

• Cardiac catheterization is useful to quantify the LVOT
obstruction and LV pressures.
• Most symptomatic patients with HCM complain of
angina or chest pain. Left heart catheterization can rule out
epicardial coronary artery disease as a cause for angina.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Intraventricular gradients to outflow can be identified by
Doppler echocardiography at rest or during provocative
maneuvers, such as the Valsalva maneuver.
 Systolic anterior motion (SAM) of the mitral valve is a classic
finding on the echocardiogram.
 Mitral regurgitation may become severe.
 Cardiac catheterization can be performed to quantify the
gradient, which characteristically increases after a premature
ventricular contraction.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a variant that is
uncommon in the United States; however, this variant accounts
for about one-fourth of patients with hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy in Japan.
 The electrocardiogram shows deep T-wave inversions in the
precordial leads, and the echocardiogram shows a characteristic
spade-like appearance with apical obliteration.
 It has been associated with a specific genetic defect in cardiac
actin (Glu 101 Lys), but may occur with other sarcomere

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 The differential diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is
limited in most patients once other cardiovascular causes for
secondary hypertrophy are excluded.
 However, other diseases that result in thickened myocardium can
appear indistinguishable on echocardiography, and are
considered "pseudohypertrophic," particularly the inherited
metabolic diseases.
 The differential diagnosis between hypertrophic and restrictive
cardiomyopathy may be particularly difficult when considering a
diagnosis of "burned-out" hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in which
systolic function has decreased.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Overlap with infiltrative and restrictive myocardial diseases
should be considered in the evaluation of increased left
ventricular wall thickness on echocardiography, particularly
when clinical features are atypical for classic hypertrophic
 The metabolic defects in PRKAG2, alpha-galactosidase (Fabry's
disease), and LAMP2 mutations should routinely be considered
during evaluation of apparent hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
 With late onset without a family history of hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy, amyloidosis should be carefully considered.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Therapy of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is directed to symptom
management and the prevention of sudden death; it is not known
whether treatment will decrease disease progression in
asymptomatic family members.
 Exertional dyspnea and chest pain are treated by medication to
reduce heart rate and ventricular contractility with hopes of
improving diastolic filling patterns.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Beta-adrenergic blocking drugs and verapamil are most
commonly used as initial therapy.
 These agents both act to decrease heart rate and increase the
length of time for diastolic filling, as well as to decrease the
inotropic state.
 If there is fluid retention, diuretic therapy will usually be
necessary, but requires careful titration to avoid hypovolemia,
particularly in the presence of a resting or inducible obstruction
to ventricular outflow.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

• Disopyramide, a class I antiarrhythmic drug, is a potent
negative inotrope that reduces the LVOT gradient. Up to
70% of patients with symptomatic hypertrophic
obstructive cardiomyopathy respond favorably to
disopyramide. It should be initiated in hospital with
telemetry monitoring. Disopyramide is usually combined
with a β-blocker

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 When symptoms persist and an outflow gradient is present,
addition of disopyramide is sometimes effective.
 Amiodarone can also improve symptoms, but is usually initiated
for control of arrhythmias rather than symptoms.
 Anticoagulation is recommended to prevent embolic events for
patients who have had atrial fibrillation.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Treatment algorithm for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy depending on the presence and severity of
symptoms, and the presence of an intraventricular gradient with obstruction to outflow.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Symptoms that limit routine daily life despite adjustment of
medical therapies develop in fewer than 5–10% of patients,
generally those with substantial obstruction to ventricular
 Further therapies are directed to reduce this obstruction by
changing ventricular mechanics.
 Most of the reported symptom improvement with dual chamber
pacing is now attributed to placebo effect.
 Cardiac surgery can be directed to reduce the size of the upper
septum that contributes to the obstruction (myomectomy), which
generally also dominates the contribution of the anterior mitral
leaflet to outflow tract obstruction.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Myectomy should be performed in patients with severely limiting symptoms
refractory to medical therapy and a significant LVOT gradient (>50 mmHg) at
rest or with physiologic provocation.
• The procedure should be performed by an experienced surgeon.
• Myectomy is the gold standard for septal reduction treatment. There is over
45 years of experience, a low operative mortality (less than 1% to 2%),
permanentreduction of LVOT obstruction, substantial reduction in heart failure
symptoms, and possible evidence of decreased mortality over longer term
follow up.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Alcohol septal ablation is reserved for patients who have severe symptoms
(New York Heart Association [NYHA] class III or IV) refractory to all
medications and a LVOT gradient of 50 mmHg at rest or with provocation.
Recovery time is less than surgical myectomy.
• Alcohol ablation is associated with increased conduction abnormalities and a
higher post-intervention LVOT gradient compared to surgical myectomy.
• The choice of treatment strategy should be made after a thorough discussion
of the procedures with the individual patient

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Reduction of the septum has also been accomplished by a
catheter-based procedure in which ethanol is injected into a
septal artery to cause a controlled septal infarction.
 The purpose of these interventions is to improve symptoms;
none has been shown to prolong survival.
 Cardiac transplantation is considered in fewer than 5% of
patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
 It is rarely necessary to control symptoms in patients with
preserved contractility and is more often considered for
patients who progress to "burned-out" cardiomyopathy with
decreased ejection fraction.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Therapy to Prevent Sudden Death in
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
 Originally reported as 3–4% in referral populations, the annual
incidence of sudden death in less selected populations of
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is approximately 1%.
 This outcome is attributed primarily to ventricular
tachyarrhythmias, for which a myocardium with abnormal
disorganized myocytes with patchy fibrosis is at exceptional risk,
possibly further compromised by impaired coronary perfusion
and aggravated by sudden increases in wall stress.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Sudden death may precede the diagnosis of the disease, as in the
death of young athletes.
 The highest risk is in patients with previous sustained ventricular
tachyarrhythmias, a family history of sudden death, or, in cases
of common mutations, a genetic mutation associated with sudden
death (although the association of specific genotypes with the
risk of sudden death remains controversial).

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

For secondary prevention, these are prior cardiac arrest and sustained
ventricular tachycardia.
For primary prevention, risk markers include one or more of the following,
which assume greater weight in younger patients (<50 years of age (1) family
history of one or more premature HCM-related deaths, particularly if sudden
and multiple; (2) unexplained syncope, especially if recent; (3) hypotensive or
attenuated blood pressur response to exercise; (4) multiple, repetitive (or
prolonged) nonsustained bursts of ventricular tachycardia on serial ambulatory
ECGs; and (5) massive LV hypertrophy (wall thickness, ≥30 mm) . The
presence of one or more major risk factors justifies consideration for a primary
prevention implantable cardioverterdefibrillator(ICD) ), particularly when
family history of either sudden death, unexplained syncope, or massive
LVhypertrophy is presen Recently, extensive late gadolinium enhancement on
contrast CMR imaging (occupying 15% or more of LV mass) has been shown
to be an independent predictor of sudden death, even in the absence of

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
 Septal wall thickness >30 mm, recurrent syncope, exercise-
induced hypotension, and nonsustained ventricular tachycardia
are also risk factors.
 Areas of ventricular fibrosis detected on MRI may further
identify susceptibility to life-threatening arrhythmias.
 Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators should be considered for
those at highest risk.
 Although low-risk patients can engage in regular physical
activity with casual intent, it has been recommended that all
patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy avoid intense training
and competition.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Genetic testing can be done to assess the proband and
screen family members.
• Thirteen genes with multiple mutations have been
discovered to date. Approximately 60% to 70% of HCM
patients will be found to have mutations.
• Specific HCM phenotypes may be associated with higher
prevalence of genetic
mutations. Eight percent of the sigmoid morphology (with
a prominent basal septal bulge) had a genetic mutation as
opposed to 79% of the reverse curve (predominant mid
septal thickening).
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Risk Factors for Sudden Death in Hypertrophic
Major Risk Factor Screening Technique
History of cardiac arrest or History
spontaneous sustained ventricular
Syncope Usually with or after exertion History
Family history of sudden cardiac Or possibly with a documented Family history
death gene mutation associated with high
Spontaneous nonsustained >3 beats at rate >120 Exercise or 24–48 hour ambulatory
ventricular tachycardia recording
LV thickness >30 mm Present in about 10% of patients, Echocardiography
but many sudden deaths occur with
wall thickness <30 mm
Abnormal blood pressure response Systolic blood pressure fall or Maximal upright exercise testing
to exercise failure to increase at peak exercise

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

All patients with a first-degree family member with HCM should undergo a
history and physical examination, 12-lead ECG, and 2D echo.
• Adolescents aged between 12 and 18 should have yearly evaluations as the
phenotypic expression of HCM usually manifests some time during the
teenage years.
• Adults (aged >18 years) with affected family members should undergo
screening with echocardiography every 5 years due to the variable phenotypic
expression of HCM which can be delayed for several decades.
• The utility of genetic testing in HCM is limited by the genetic heterogeneity,

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

• HCM is the most common cause of sudden death in
athletes aged <35 years.
• All patients with HCM should be advised to avoid sports
and activities involving burst exertion such as basketball,
football, hockey, and soccer. Exertion can
trigger fatal arrhythmias in HCM patients.
• Patients can walk, jog, or ride a bike as long as they do so
at a low workload, slow pace, and can speak in full
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Physical Examination: -
 Most patients with gradients demonstrate a double or triple
apical precordial impulse, a rapidly rising carotid arterial
pulse, & 4th heart sound.
 The hallmark of obstructive HCM is a systolic crescendo-
decrescendo murmur is heard best between the apex and left
sternal border; it radiates to the suprasternal notch but not to
the carotid arteries or neck.
 The murmur and the gradient across the LV outflow tract diminish
with any increase in preload or increase in afterload and increase
with any decrease in preload or afterload

 Holosystolic murmur of MR is heard in patients with SAM

of the MV and significant LV outflow gradients.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
CXR- usually normal ( occasionally increased cardiac
 ECG is normal in 5% of symptomatic & 25% of asymptomatic
 At the time of diagnosis, 10% are in AF
 Majority of them have an interventricular conduction delay.
 ST segment depression and T-wave changes are the most common
abnormalities associated with voltage changes of LVH.
 Wide speared, deep , broad Q waves in the inferior leads that suggest an
old MI
 Left axis deviation
 Arrhythmia-SVT, AF, VT
 conduction abnormalities (i.e., PR prolongation, BBB, WPW)
 P-wave abnormalities of left &/or right atrial overload (atrial
enlargement). . Abnet Muluneh
Apical Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Giant negative T waves and tall R waves in the left precordial

11/3/2017 leads Abnet Muluneh
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Echocardiography- mainstay of diagnosis for HCM.
 LVH > 13 mm (usually >15mm),septum often 1-3 or
more times thicker than the high posterior free wall and
at least 4-6 mm thicker than normal for each age group.
 Echocardiography also typically reveals diastolic
dysfunction with reduced LV compliance.
 The hallmarks of the obstructive type of HCM consist of SAM
of the anterior MV and ASH, with a septal wall thickness-to-
posterior wall thickness ratio greater than 1.4:1.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Other echocardiographic findings in individuals
with HCM may include the following:
Small LV cavity.
Reduced septal motion and thickening during
Normal or increased motion of the posterior wall
Left atrial enlargement
Mitral regurgitation

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Exercise testing:
 About third of pts. Will have an abnormal BP response
 ST segment changes associated with symptoms of
angina, are found in 25% of pts.
Radionuclide imaging with thallium or technetium
may demonstrate reversible defects.
Cardiac catheterization
Histologic Findings: bizarre and disorganized
arrangements of cardiac muscle cells ( cell-to-cell
disarray) and myocardial fibrosis of the septum.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Differentiating hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and valvular aortic stenosis

  Aortic stenosis Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Aortic valve
Common No
Dilated ascending
Common Rare
Concentric Asymmetric, often involving the septum

Physical examination

Murmur of AI Common No

Pulse pressure after

Increased Decreased
Decreased intensity of
Valsalva maneuver Increased intensity of murmur
Brisk, jerky, or bisferiens pulse (a collapse of
Carotid pulsation Normal
the pulse followed by a secondary rise)
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Criteria to differentiate b/n HCM and Athlete’s heart
HCM Athlete’s Heart
( Physiologic LVH)
Distribution of hypertrophy Mostly asymmetrical Substantially symmetrical

Max. LV wall thickness >16 <16

LV cavity dimension(mm) Normal or ↓ed Normal or ↑ed (≥55)
(< 45)

LV filling and relaxation Usually abnormal Normal

Regression of LVH with Absent or marginal Present
Marked ECG abnormalities common uncommon
Familial evidence of HCM usually present Absent
Peak O2 consumption Normal or ↓ed >5o ml/kg/min
11/3/2017 ( Vo2 max.) Abnet Muluneh
 Treatment of HCM is directed towards decreasing
the LV outflow tract gradient and symptoms of
dyspnea, chest pain & syncope.

 Treatment options for pts with HCM depend upon

the heart condition & severity of symptoms, and are
intended to decrease the stress on the heart and
relieve symptoms.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

1. Medical Therapy:
It is successful in majority of pts.
Medications help relax the heart & reduce the degree of
a. β-blockers (metoprolol, atenolol, bisoprolol, propranolol)
→ ↓outflow obstruction & ↑ventricular compliance
b. Calcium channel blockers (verapamil, deltiazem)
 Are alternative to β-blockers
 Improve diastolic filling by improving diastolic
relaxation & decreasing outflow gradient due to
depression of cardiac contractility.

Note:-Nifedipine should be avoided!

 β-blockers + calcium channel blockers should used
11/3/2017 cautiously. Abnet Muluneh

c. Amiodarone (class III antiarrhythmic agent)
 Its use is generally reserved for potentially life-
threatening ventricular arrhythmias
 Reduces risk of SCD
d. Disopyramide (class-I antiarrrhytmic agent)
Pharmacologic therapy is primarily intended to
alleviate the symptoms associated with HCM,

No drug has been shown to alter the natural history of

the disease in either symptomatic or asymptomatic
patients. Abnet Muluneh
2. Transvenous dual-chamber permanent pacing
↓ LV outflow obstruction by altering the pattern of ventricular
depolarization and contraction.
Doesn’t reduce risk of ventricular arrhythmias & sudden death
Used as adjunct with medical therapy

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

3.Septal Alcohol ablation
 Is a percutaneous technique that involves injection
of alcohol into one or more septal branches of the
left anterior descending artery.
 This is a technique with results similar to the
surgical septal myectomy procedure but is less
invasive, since it does not involve general
anaesthesia and opening of the chest wall and
pericardium (which are done in a septal
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
4. Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)
 Indicated in patients:
 Who survive cardiac arrest
 With high risk ventricular arrhythmias
 ↓SCD
 Superior to antiarrhytmiac drug therapy

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

5. Surgical Mgt.( Myectomy):
 Severe symptoms refractory to medical therapy
 Outflow gradient of >50mmHg either provocation or at rest

6. Cardiac transplantation!

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh


Advise individuals with HCM to avoid strenuous activity,

anaerobic exercise such as weight lifting.
Competitive level sports should be avoided if any of the
following are present:
 Significant outflow gradient
 Significant ventricular or supraventricular arrhythmia
 Marked LVH
 Hx. of sudden death in relatives with HCM
 Confirmed malignant genotype
 Avoid administration of inotropic agents
 Avoid nitrates & sympathomimetic amines except in pts.
11/3/2017 with HCM & concomitant coronary artery disease.
Abnet Muluneh

 Cardiac glycosides are contraindicated except in
pts. with uncontrolled AF.
 ACEi and ARB are better avoided.
 Avoiddiuretics because of their effect on LV
 Alcohol ingestion should be avoided; even social
alcohol ingestion may induce sufficient VD to
exacerbate an outflow pressure gradient.
 Firstdegree relatives of patients with HCM should
11/3/2017 be screened by echocardiography.
Abnet Muluneh
Complications of HCM:
1. Congestive heart failure
 observed in individuals with severe cases of HCM.
 It may occur as a result of a combination of impaired
diastolic function and subendocardial ischemia.
 Patients with CHF have a high likelihood of recurrent
HF due to both MR and profound diastolic dysfunction.

2. Atrial fibrillation with mural thrombosis formation

 Common late in the course of the disease
 Anticoagulation is necessary in patients with chronic AF

3. Other types of arrhythmia (VF, SVT with WPW

syndrome, VT) Abnet Muluneh
4. IE-occurs in 10% of patients
→Prophylaxis is indicated in patients with resting
obstruction and MR.
5. Myocardial ischemia:-despite normal epicardial
coronary arteries,myocardial ischemia is common
in HCM.
Potential causes of the ischemia are:
 Increased muscle mass
 Elevated diastolic filling pressures
 Enhanced myocardial O2 demand (increased wall stress)
 Systolic compression of arteries
 Impaired vasodilator reserve
Sudden death Abnet Muluneh
 Natural history is variable
 HCM frequently causes no or only mild disability
over a life time, and many patients achieve normal
life expectance.
 In symptomatic ones it is a chronic illness with
lifestyle restrictions.
 Mortality rate in individuals with HCM is 4% per
 The major cause of death in HCM is SCD that may
occur in asymptomatic patients.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Predictors of SCD are:
1. Age < 30yrs.
2. Patients with prior cardiac arrest
3. Patients with family Hx of sudden death due to
4. Recurrent syncope or any Hx of syncope during
5. Marked ventricular hypertrophy ( >30mm)
6. Sustained SV or VT.
7. Hypotensive response to exercise testing
8. Specific mutations in genes encoding for troponin
11/3/2017 T & myosin. Abnet Muluneh
Identifiable & treatable mechanisms of SCD in
Paroxysmal AF Amiodaron

Sustained monomorphic VT Amiodaron + ICD

Ischemia High dose verapamil

Conduction disease pacemaker

Accessory pathway Ablation

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular
dysplasia/cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C)
 ARVD/C is a type of nonischemic cardiomyopathy
that primarily affects the heart muscle in the right
It is characterized by:-
 Hypokinetic areas involving the free wall of the RV, with
fatty or fibrofatty replacement of the RV myocardium
 Dilatation and dysfunction of the RV as well as electrical
 Ventricular arrhythmia of RV origin
 Heart failure and sudden death.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
 ARVD is an important cause of ventricular
arrhythmias in children and young adults.
 It is seen predominantly in males, and 30-50% of
cases have a familial distribution.
 It is usually inherited in an autosomal dominat
pattern, with variable expression.
 ARVD accounts for 3 - 4 % of deaths in sports and 5
% of SCDs in persons < 65 years.
 It accounts for up to 17% of all SCDs in the young.
 Makes it the most common cause of SCD in the
young population in Italy.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
 The pathogenesis of ARVD is largely unknown.
 The disease process starts in the subepicardial
region and works its way towards the
endocardial surface, leading to transmural
 Aneurysmal dilatation is seen in 50% of cases
at autopsy.
It usually occurs in the diaphragmatic, apical,
and infundibular regions (known as the triangle
of dysplasia).
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Triangle of dysplasia.

Anterior infundibulum

Right ventricular
Inferior or diaphragmatic
aspect of right ventricle

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 The LV and septum usually are spared from the
fibrofatty transformation, at earlier course of the
Late in the course of disease

 The left ventricle is involved in 50-67% of

 LV involvement confers a poor prognosis!

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 There are two pathological patterns seen
in ARVD, Fatty infiltration and fibro-fatty

The fatty form is confined to the RV and

without wall thinning.

The fibrofatty form is associated with

frequent LV involvement, wall thinning and
aneurysms. Abnet Muluneh
 Up to 80% of individuals with ARVD present with
syncope or sudden cardiac death.

 The remainder frequently present with palpitations

or other symptoms due to right ventricular outflow
tract (RVOT) tachycardia (a type of monomorphic

 Symptoms are usually exercise-related.

 The first clinical signs of ARVD are usually during

11/3/2017 adolescence. Abnet Muluneh
Ventricular arrhythmias
 Ventricular arrhythmias due to ARVD typically arise
from the diseased RV.
 The type of arrhythmia ranges from frequent PVCs
to VT to VF.
 Ventricular arrhythmias are usually exercise-related,
suggesting that they are sensitive to catecholamines.
 The ventricular beats typically have a RAD.
 Multiple morphologies of VT may be present in the
same individual, suggesting multiple
arrhythmogenic foci or pathways.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 Right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) tachycardia
is the most common VT seen in individuals with

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 90% of individuals with ARVD have some ECG
 The most common ECG abnormality seen in ARVD is T
wave inversion in leads V1 to V3. However, this is a non-
specific finding, and may be considered a normal variant in
RBBB, women, and children under 12 years old.
 RBBB is seen frequently in individuals with ARVD which
may be due to delayed activation of the RV, rather than any
intrinsic abnormality in the right bundle branch.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
 The epsilon wave is found in about 50% of those
with ARVD.
 It is described as a terminal notch in the QRS
complex. It is due to slowed intraventricular

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
 Ventricular ectopy seen on a surface ECG in the
setting of ARVD is typically of LBBB morphology,
with a QRS axis of -90 to +110 degrees.
 The origin of the ectopic beats is usually from one
of the three regions of fatty degeneration (the
"triangle of dysplasia"): the RV outflow tract, the
RV inflow tract, and the RV apex.
Signal averaged ECG
 Signal averaged ECG (SAECG) is used to detect
late potentials and epsilon waves in individuals with
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
 Echocardiography may reveal an enlarged,
hypokinetic RV with a paper-thin RV free wall.
 The dilatation of the RV will cause dilatation of the
tricuspid valve annulus, with subsequent TR.
 Paradoxical septal motion may also be present.

Cardiac MRI
 Cardiac MRI can visualize the extreme thinning and
akinesis of the RV free wall.
 However, the normal RV free wall may be about 3 mm
thick, making the test less sensitive.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Right ventricular angiography
 It’s considered the gold standard for the Dx of ARVD.
 Findings consistent with ARVD are an akinetic or
dyskinetic bulging localized to the infundibular, apical, and
subtricuspid regions of the RV.
 The specificity is 90%; however, the test is observer

Right ventricular biopsy

 Transvenous biopsy of the RV can be highly specific for
ARVD, but it has low sensitivity.
 False positives include other conditions with fatty
infiltration of the ventricle, such as chronic alcohol abuse
and Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy.
Abnet Muluneh
Diagnostic Criteria
 There is no pathognomonic feature of ARVD.

 The diagnosis of ARVD is based on a combination

of major and minor criteria.

 To make a diagnosis of ARVD requires either:-

2 major criteria or
 1 major and 2 minor criteria or
 4 minor criteria.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Criteria for Diagnosis of ARVD

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

 One of the major goals when treating ARVD is to prevent SCD.
 Characteristics associated with high risk of SCD include:
 Young age
 Competitive sports activity
 Malignant familial history
 Extensive RV disease with decreased right ventricular EF
 LV involvement
 Syncope
 Episode of ventricular arrhythmia
 Although there is no way to cure ARVD, the arrhythmias can be
 Available therapies include lifestyle modifications, antiarrhythmic
medications, radiofrequency ablation, defibrillator implantation,
and other surgery.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Pharmacologic management
 Pharmacologic management of ARVD involves arrhythmia
suppression and prevention of thrombus formation.
 Antiarrhythmic medications are the initial and most
commonly used therapy in ARVD.
 No single drug has been shown to be completely effective in
controlling or abolishing the arrhythmias.
 Sotalol, a beta blocker and a class III antiarrhythmic agent, is the most
effective antiarrhythmic agent in ARVD.
 Other antiarrhythmic agents used include amiodarone and
conventional beta blockers (ie: metoprolol).
 If antiarrhythmic agents are used, their efficacy should be
guided by series ambulatory holter monitoring, to show a
reduction in arrhythmic events.
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
 While ACE Inhibitors are well known for slowing
progression in other cardiomyopathies, they have
not been proven to be helpful in ARVD.

 Individuals will decreased RV EF with dyskinetic

portions of the RV may benefit from long term
anticoagulation with warfarin to prevent thrombus
formation and subsequent pulmonary embolism.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Catheter ablation
 May be used to treat intractable VT.
 It has a 60-90% success rate
 Unfortunately, due to the progressive nature
of the disease, recurrence is common (60%).
 Indications include drug-refractory VT and
frequent recurrence of VT after ICD
placement, causing frequent discharges of
the ICD.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
 An ICD is the most effective prevention against sudden
cardiac death.
 Due to the prohibitive cost of ICDs, they are not
routinely placed in all individuals with ARVD.
 Indications for ICD placement in the setting of ARVD
 Cardiac arrest due to VT or VF
 Failed programmed stimulation-guided drug therapy
 Severe RV involvement with poor tolerance of VT
 Sudden death of immediate family member

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Cardiac transplant surgery
 Cardiac transplant surgery is rarely performed in
 It may be indicated if the arrhythmias associated
with the disease are uncontrollable or if there is
severe bi-ventricular heart failure that is not
manageable with pharmacological therapy.

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

Family screening
All first degree family members of the affected individual
should be screened for ARVD.
It’s used to establish the pattern of inheritance.
Screening should begin during the teenage years.
Screening tests include:
 Echocardiogram
 Signal averaged EcG
 Holter monitoring
 Cardiac MRI
 Exercise stress test
11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh
Prognosis and Course
 ARVD is a progressive disease.
 Over time, the RV becomes more involved, leading to RV failure.
 The RV will fail before there is LV.
 By the time the individual has signs of overt RV failure, there will be
histological involvement of the LV.

Eventually, the LV will also become involved, leading to bi-

ventricular failure.

 Signs and symptoms of LV failure may become evident, including

CHF, AF, and an increased incidence of thromboembolic events.
 Outcome is variable; properly treated patients have favorable long-
term prognosis, some may have downhill course!

11/3/2017 Abnet Muluneh

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