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Complex descriptions, review of past

continuous, review of prepositions.

Think about it…
Imagine you want to convince a friend of yours of buying a new TV.
How would you describe its appearance and features? What words,
adjectives and expressions come to your mind?
Write down your ideas and share them orally when your turn comes!

5 minutes to think about your answers

Describing products
Sometimes it is not enough to just provide a simple description of the
product/plan you are offering. That is why you can use the following tips that
can help you improve the way you describe your product.
Describing products
Use general descriptive adjectives
What words come to your mind that can replace the adjective
2 minutes to think about it. You can share your answer orally
or through the chat

- “This is an exceptional plan that will meet your
Describing products
Add more specific product adjectives
“This is our incredible new product, the Moto 6 cell phone. It’s fast
and has a nice design”.

“This is our incredible new product, the Moto 6 cell phone. It’s powerful and has
an attractive design.”

These two adjectives are specific features that describe the product.
Describing products
Add superlative adjectives
The latest arrival, the fastest, the most powerful.
“This is the most advanced model of the market”
“This is the most efficient laptop that we have at this moment.”

Now that you know these tips, you can use them to sale products and services.
Describing products- Activity
Imagine that you have to sell this laptop. Offer it
by using the three tips that were presented today.
Write down your description, share it through the
chat ,and be ready to read it outloud as if you
were really offering it to a customer. What other
adjectives can you use to replace the words cool
and cheap? You can include your answer in your
description. Be creative and have fun.
1. Use general descriptive adjectives.
2. Add more specific product adjectives.
3. Add superlative adjectives.
15 minutes to write down your description.
Describing products- Activity
This are some real examples of how this product
is offered
Past continuous
The past continuous is made from the past tense of the verb be and the –
ing form of a verb:

She was asking about the new

● Questions are indicated by inverting the subject and was/were. Negatives
are made with not.
Question: Was she asking about the new
Negative: She was not asking about the new
Past continuous
We use the past continuous to talk about the past:

Use the past continuous to indicate that a longer action in

the past was interrupted. The interruption is usually a
shorter action in the simple past.

● He was calling the customer when I got to the office.

● They were having a meeting when the customer called.
● She was talking to the customer when the call was cut off.
Past continuous
When you use the past continuous with two actions in the same
sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions were happening at the
same time. The actions are parallel.
● I was writing a report while the manager was signing some
● While they were delivering the package he was doing some
● They were paying attention while the teacher was explaining.

Past Present Future

When While
Some clauses begin with the word Other clauses begin with while such as
when such as: “When she arrived”, “While she was working, “While he
“When they finished.” was using his laptop.”

When you talk about things in the While is usually followed by past
past, when is most often followed by continuous. While
● While they expresses
were showingthethe
● When I was driving home, she
the verb tense simple past. of “during that time."
called. examples, I was taking notes .
● You were checking your email ● We were having lunch while he
when I arrived home. was sending emails.
Let’s practice with a video
Watch the following movie clip related to routines. Then, based on it write 6
sentences using the past continuous structure. Remember to use when or while
when necessary. For example, “ When Deckard was getting up, Luke was
doing some push-ups”

Luke Hobbs Deckard Shaw

Let’s practice with a video
Let’s check your Some possible answers
answers ● Deckard was preparing an omelette while
Luke was reading and preparing a smoothie
(a weird one).
● Luke was going on a nice walk while
Deckard was walking on the rain.
● Luke was working out when Deckard was
drinking coffee.
● Luke was drinking water (probably) while
Deckard was drinking beer outside.
● While Deckard and luke were relaxing, they
got a call.
● Luke was driving a motorcycle when
What were you doing on Saturday?
Get in couples or small groups and ask to your classmate(s) what they were
doing on Saturday at:
- 8 a.m
- 10 a.m
- 12 p.m 15minutes to complete
- 4 p.m the activity
- 6 p.m
- 10 p.m

Once you both are finished with that, write 6 sentences comparing what you
were doing on Saturday. For example.
- On Saturday at 8 a.m I was having breakfast while my classmate was
Review- Prepositions (place)
We use it when We use it when We use it when we talk
something or someone is something or someone is about a specific position
inside a place or object. in contact with a surface or location.
“In” is more general and of a place or object. (DETAILED)
it is also used for larger (street, road, level, floor)
spaces with borders
Examples: Examples:
Examples: ● The files are on my ● Can we meet at the
● She lives in a hotel. desk. corner of the street?
● He is in town for a ● We work on the 8th ● The shop is at the
meeting. floor. end of the street.
● Their hometown is ● They weren’t at the
Review- Prepositions (place)

Write two examples for each preposition of place (in, on, at) and then share
them through the chat.
Review- Prepositions (time)
Used for unspecific times We use it to specify Used to point out
during a day, month, days and dates, parts of specific time, festivals.
season, year. the day and special Exceptions: At night, at
dates. the weekend, at noon, at
Examples: midnight.
● Most customers call Examples:
in the afternoon. ● We’ll meet at the Examples:
● The big sales will restaurant on Sunday ● There are no more
start in December. morning. units at the moment.
● They moved to that ● All the family gets ● She’ll meet the
place in the 1990s together on customer at noon.
● At easter, children
Review- Prepositions (time)
Write two examples for each preposition of time (in, on, at) and then share
them through the chat.
Let’s practice
Complete the sentences with IN,ON or at

1. At this moment
I’m______my house 2. I want to go to the 3. It’s raining cats and
cinema Ithat I
dogs so Im______ the
but in aNcouple of hours N
I am going to meet my is_____Whitestone’s cafeteriaNthat is
O mall. A
Let’s A
N don't know OT
meet______the bus T BLVD.
avenue, we
stop____ Ulmer St.
exactly where but we 5 minutes to complete
Let’s practice
Listen to the audio and complete the sentences with the missing information.

1. Let’s go to the movies___________, we can meet____17th

2. My brother wants to go on vacation__________ that is____March.
3. Last week ________ 11th I bought a book____ a store that
is______Jackson Heights.
4. Last year____2021 when we went on vacation, and we

5 minutes to complete
Let’s practice
Listen to the audio and complete the sentences with the missing information.

1. Let’s go to the movies___________, O
we can meet____17th IN THE
street__________.WEEKEND ON HIS N I EVENING
ONwants to go on vacation__________
2. My brother BIRTHDAYI that AT 81-
N is____March.
3. Last weekTUESDA N
________ 11th I bought a book____ a store 37
is______Jackson Heights. IN A FOUR-STAR
4. Last year____2021 when we went on vacation, andHOTEL

5 minutes to complete
Final Task
For this final task you will choose an object and an event
from the following images. Once you have decided, you will
make up the situation and circumstances and you will
describe what was happening in relation to both the situation
and the object. Write one paragraph.
- Past continuous have(using
to include:
when and while).
- Prepositions of time and place.

Here is an example: “Last year on Halloween, I was buying candies at

the convenience store while my mom was decorating the house. When I
was choosing the candies, my brother called me and asked me if we
could meet at 40-04 Case street at noon. While I was paying for the
Christmas Halloween St. Valentine’s Your Birthday

Candies- Presents Tech- Books Food- Special

Chocolate dinner

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