Title Lorem Ipsum (HZ Zaid Bin Haritha)

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(Hazrat Zayd
Bin Haritha)

B Y: - ( J AW WA D , U S M A N ,
Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad
and one of the early converts to Islam. He was a slave whom
Muhammad freed and later adopted as his son. The father of Hazrat
Zaid bin Haritha was named Haritha bin Shuraih. He belonged to the
Banu Zuhra tribe of the Arab.
Relationship with the Holy
Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha was a slave whom the Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
freed and later adopted as his son. He had a close relationship with
the Prophet and was considered one of his closest companions. He was
known for his loyalty and devotion to the Prophet, and played a
prominent role in several battles fought during the early days of
Islam. The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬had a great affection for him and
treated him like his own son.
Account of Acceptance of Islam
There are different accounts of how Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha accepted Islam,
but one of the most widely accepted is that he was a slave owned by a Meccan
leader named Khadijah, the first wife of Prophet Muhammad. After the
Prophet's first revelation, he purchased and freed Zaid, and later adopted him
as his son. According to some reports, Zaid was one of the first few people to
accept Islam when Prophet Muhammad began preaching it. Due to his close
relationship with Prophet Muhammad, he played a significant role in spreading
Islam and encouraging others to convert.
His Roles in Events Before Migration
Before the migration of Muslims to Medina (Hijra), Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha played an
important role in several events that took place during the early days of Islam. Some of his
notable roles include:-
• He was one of the first few people to accept Islam and played a significant role in spreading
it among his people.
• He was known for his bravery and fought in several battles fought during this period, such as
the Battle of Badr.
• He was among the Muslims who migrated to Abyssinia (present-day Ethiopia) to escape
persecution in Mecca.
• He was part of the delegation sent by the Muslims of Medina to Mecca to negotiate the
Treaty of Hudaybiyyah with the Meccans.
• He was also one of the Muslims who participated in the Battle of Hunayn, fought against the
Meccans in the year 8 A.H.
These events were some of the significant events before the migration of Muslims to Medina
and Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha played an active role in them.
Account of Migration(s)
Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha was among the Muslims who migrated to Medina (Hijra) to escape
persecution in Mecca. He was part of the first migration of Muslims that took place in 622 AD, led
by the Prophet Muhammad. This migration, known as the Hijra, marks the start of the Islamic

Before the migration to Medina, many Muslims, including Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha, migrated to
Abyssinia (present-day Ethiopia) to escape persecution in Mecca. They returned to Mecca later,
but after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha and many other Muslims migrated
to Medina, where they found a safe haven and were able to practice their religion freely.

He was also among those Muslims who participated in the Battle of Hunayn, which was fought in 8
A.H (630 AD) after the migration. This battle took place in the area of Hunayn, near Mecca, and
was fought between the Muslims led by the prophet and Meccans.

Overall, Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha participated in several migrations and played an important role in
the establishment of the Muslim community in Medina after the Hijra.
His Roles in Events After
After the migration of Muslims to Medina, Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha continued to play an important
role in several events that took place during the early days of Islam. Some of his notable roles

• He was appointed as the commander of the Muslim army in several battles fought after the
migration, such as the Battle of Mu'tah.

• He was known for his bravery and played a prominent role in several battles fought during this
period, such as the Battle of Hunayn, and the Battle of Mu'tah.

• He was one of the envoys sent by the Muslims of Medina to negotiate with the tribes of the
region, to invite them to join the Muslim community or to make peace with them.

• He was among the Muslims who participated in the Conquest of Mecca in 8 A.H (630 AD)

• He was martyred during the Battle of Mu'tah in 629 AD, which was fought between the Muslims
and the Byzantine empire.
His Roles in Events After Prophet's
After the migration of Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬to Medina (Hijra),
Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha continued to play an important role in several
events that took place during the early days of Islam. Some of his
notable roles include that he was appointed as the commander of the
Muslim army in several battles, and also played a prominent role in
several battles. He was also among the Muslims who participated in
the Conquest of Mecca in 8 A.H, and also one to experience
martyrdom. He was a devoted companion of the Prophet Muhammad
‫ ﷺ‬and continued to serve the Muslim community even after the
Number of Ahadith Narrated
There is no specific number of Hadiths narrated by Hazrat Zaid bin
Haritha, as different sources may have varying numbers. However,
Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha is considered as one of the companions of
the Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and it is known that he had close ties with
the Prophet. He is considered a reliable narrator of Hadith and his
narrations are considered authentic.
Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha is known by several titles, some of which include:
•Zaid al-Khayr: Which means "Zaid the Good"

•Zaid al-Riqab: Which means "Zaid the slave"

•Zaid al-Habib: Which means "Zaid the Beloved"

•Zaid ibn Muhammad: As he was adopted by Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

•Zaid al-Muhajir: Which means "Zaid the Migrant"

•Zaid al-Shahid: Which means "Zaid the Martyr"

Hadith/Quote in his Praise
There are several Hadiths and quotes in praise of Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha, as he was a
close companion of Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and respected by the Muslim community.

One of the Hadiths in praise of Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha is reported by Abdullah ibn
Umar, who said that the Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said: "Zaid is my son, and whoever
regards him as such will enter Paradise."

Another Hadith in praise of Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha is reported by Anas ibn Malik, who
said that the Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said: "The most beloved people to me from among
my companions are the Caliphs and then Zaid."

These Hadiths show the high regard in which Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha was held by Prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, and illustrate his close relationship with him.
Account of Death
Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha was martyred during the Battle of Mu'tah in 629 AD. The
battle took place between the Muslims and the Byzantine empire, in the area of Mu'tah,
which is located in present-day Jordan. During the battle, Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha was
appointed as the commander of the Muslim army by Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. The Muslim
army was outnumbered by the Byzantine empire and suffered heavy losses, including the
death of Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha. Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha fought bravely and was one
of the first to be martyred in the battle. According to some reports, he was surrounded
by the enemy and killed while defending the Muslim flag. His death was a great loss for
the Muslim community, as he was a close companion of Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and a
respected leader. His martyrdom is considered as an act of great sacrifice for the
cause of Islam.
Age, Year of Death and Place of
The exact age of Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha at the time of his death is not known, but
it is believed that he was relatively young. Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha was martyred in
629 AD during the Battle of Mu'tah. This battle took place in the area of Mu'tah,
which is located in present-day Jordan.

As for the place of burial, it is not clear where Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha was buried,
as there is no consensus among historians and scholars about the location of his
grave. Some sources suggest that he was buried in the area of Mu'tah, where the
battle took place, while others suggest that his body was brought back to Medina
for burial.
(Hazrat Bilal)

B Y: - ( J AW WA D , U S M A N ,
One of the companions is Hazrat Bilal. His father’s name is Rabah or
Riyah. Hazrat Bilal belongs to the tribe of Banu Jumah (one of
quraysh tribe). At that time it was considered that the people of Banu
Hashim were experts in palmistry.
Relationship with Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
Hazrat Bilal was a slave who converted to Islam during the early days
of the religion. He was freed by the prophet Muhammad and became
one of his closest companions. Hazrat Bilal played an important role in
the early Islamic community and was known for his beautiful voice. He
was appointed as the first muazzin (caller to prayer) by the prophet
and he served in this role for many years. The prophet had a strong
bond with Hazrat Bilal and treated him as a close friend and
companion. He was the most trusted and loyal Sahabah of prophet
Account of the Acceptance of Islam
When Prophet Muhammad announced his prophet hood and started to
preach the message of Islam, Hazrat Bilal renounced Idol worship,
becoming one of the earliest convert of Islam. When his slave master
found out, he began to torture Hazrat Bilal. After the News of his
Persecution reached Hazrat Abu Bakr, he bought him from his slave
master and gave him freedom.
His Role In Events Before Migration
When Bilal's (R.A.) master, Umayyah ibn Khalaf, found out about his conversion to
Islam, he began to torture Bilal (R.A.) so that he renounce slam and return back to his
old religion i-e worshiping idols. But Bilal (R.A.) refused to renounce Islam. His master
Umayyah and other infidels used to take him out in the midday heat when the desert
turned to a fatal hell. Then they would throw him naked on its scorching rocks and
bring a burning hot rock, which took several men to lift from its place, and throw it
onto Bilal’s (R.A.) body and chest. This savage torture was repeated every day until
the hearts of some of his executioners took pity on him. Finally, they agreed to set
him free on condition that he would speak well of their gods/idols, even with only one
word that would allow them to keep their pride so that the Quraish would not say
they had been defeated and humiliated by the resistance of their persevering
slave. But even this one word, which he could eject from outside his heart and with it
buy his life and soul without losing his faith or abandoning his conviction, Bilal (R.A.)
refused to say and began to repeat his lasting chant instead: “Ahad Ahad" (Allah is
Account of Migration
When the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬granted permission to his companions to
migrate, Bilal (R.A.), along with the companions of the Prophet
migrated from Makkah to Madinah. After reaching Madinah, Bilal
(R.A.) lived in the same house with Abu Bakr (R.A.) and Amir bin
Fahria (R.A.).  When the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬established the bond of
brotherhood between the Muhajireen (migrants) and Ansar (Muslim
residents of Madinah), Bilal (R.A.) and Abu Rouwaiha (R.A.) were
declared brothers unto each other.
His Role in Event after Migration
When Muslims settled in Madinah, the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬instituted the
‘Adhan / Athan / Azan’. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬appointed Bilal a "Muezzin" the
official who calls the worshippers to prayers. Bilal (R.A.) lived with
the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬, witnessing all the battles with him
including Battle of Badr, Battle Of Ohud, Battle Of Trench and
others. In the Battle of Badr, he killed his former master, Umayyah
ibn Khalaf. After the Muslim forces had conquered Makkah, Bilal
(R.A.) ascended to the top of the Kabah to call the believers to
prayer (Adhan). This was the first time the Adhan was heard within
Islam’s holiest city Makkah.
His Role in Events after Prophet’s
After the death of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.), Bilal never felt the same
again. A day after the Prophet’s death, Bilal went to make the usual Adhan
for morning prayer. While giving the Adhan, he broke down and steams of
tears began to roll freely down his cheeks.  He managed to finish the rest
of the Adhan in a low voice.  After that, Bilal (R.A.) stopped calling the
Adhan in Madinah. after the death of Prophet (S.A.W.). Bilal (R.A.), who felt
oppressed in Madinah without the Prophet (S.A.W.), went to Abu Bakr (R.A.)
and requested him that he wanted to join the Muslim Army who were
fighting for the cause of Islam. Abu Bakr (R.A.) requested Bilal (R.A.) to
stay in Madinah for some time as he badly needed Bilal’s help in many
Number of Ahadith Narrated
He has not narrated any hadith. But he came 140 times in 80 Ahadith
in The Sahih Bukhari.
Hazrat Bilal, also known as Bilal ibn Rabah, was given several titles by the Prophet Muhammad
and the early Islamic community due to his close relationship with the Prophet and his
contributions to the community. Some of these titles include:
•"Al-Habashi" meaning "the Ethiopian" as he was a slave from Ethiopia.
•"Sahabi" meaning "Companion" as he was a close companion of the Prophet Muhammad.
•"Al-Muazzin" meaning "the caller to prayer" as he was the first person appointed to give the
call to prayer.
•"Abdul-Haqq" meaning "slave of the truth" as he was a strong believer in the truth of Islam
and devoted his life to spreading the message of the Prophet.
•"Abu Umair" (Father of Umair) as his son Umair was also a companion of the Prophet and a
These titles reflect the high respect and admiration that Hazrat Bilal was held in by the early
Islamic community and his significance to the Islamic history.
Hadith/Quotes in His Praise
There were many hadith quote in his praise, few of them are;
•The people mentioned the fire and the bell (they suggested those as signals to indicate
the starting of prayers), and by that they mentioned the Jews and the Christians.
Then bilal was ordered to pronounce Adhan for the prayer by saying its wordings twice,
and for the Iqama (the call for the actual standing for the prayers in rows) by saying its
wordings once. (Iqama is pronounced when the people are ready for the prayer).
•Narrated Abu Juhaifa: I came to the Prophet while he was inside a red leather tent, and
I saw bilal taking the remaining water of the ablution of the Prophet, and the people were
taking of that water and rubbing it on their faces; and whoever could not get anything of
it, would share the moisture of the hand of his companion (and then rub it on his face).
Account of Death
When Bilal's wife realized that death was approaching Bilal, she
became sorrowful. It is documented that she cried and said, "What a
painful affliction!“. However, Bilal objected to his wife's opinion by
stating, "On the contrary, what a happy occasion! Tomorrow I will
meet my beloved Muhammad and his faction (hizb)!"
Age, Year Of Death And Place Of Burial
Hazrat Bilal died in Damascus in 17 or 18 AH, but some say 20 AH, or
even 21 AH when he was just over sixty years old. He is believed to
have been buried in the Bab al-Saghir cemetery, Damascus.

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