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What is online education?
 Online education is Internet-enabled learning.

 Online education is the use of technology to enable people to educate anytime and anywhere.

Any learning experience or environment that relies upon the Internet as the primary delivery
mode of communication and presentation, and that frequently takes place away from the
physical campus.
There are different forms of learning like online, offline, distance learning, E-learning, etc. A
traditional classroom is something called offline mode of education; whereas a kind of
education that can be obtained online through the internet is an online medium of education.

“Learning together even when we are apart”

Types of online learning courses:
Partially Online Course: A “partially online” course is one that integrates exist-
ing resource materials that are available either in print or non-print form such as
textbooks etc. with some elements of online learning. This might include the use
of a learning management system or simply a mailing list for some asynchronous
discussion (Naidu & Oliver,1999)
Fully online Course: A “fully online” course, on the other hand, is one that will
have most of its learning and teaching activities carried out online.
Easy Access to Experts:If you live in a city where there is no good coaching for a particular
subject, then it can bother you.
Saves your Travelling Charges: Online courses brings education right to your home.
They are Flexible: It is very convenient as both you and your teacher can interact from the
convenience of your respective homes.
Wide Range of Programs: Sometimes we cannot get a particular course offline which is easily
available online. 
Less Crowd: In an offline class generally there are more students whereas most of the online
classes are given alone.
in the history of man has connected the people of the world like the Internet.
It lacks the filled with enthusiasm kind of environment presented by a classroom.
Depends on Honesty:The lively and joyful ambience of a classroom is usually lacking in
an online session. It isn’t possible for them to watch everyone in an online session.
Limited Interaction:Teachers and students interact with each other only on subject
matters on one by one basis.
Over Exposure to Screen :Overexposure to gadgets presents its own health hazards like
headache, weak eyesight and lack of concentration, etc.
Some students do not have access to computers/wifi, etc.
Some children may be in abusive homes. This may be missed if they are only observed
in online environment. Students may feel they have no way out of an unsafe environment.

Internet is one of the latest mediums of education and we have seen the live demo in the
COVID-19 lockdown. All the classes were available online and this also encouraged people
to bring education on an online platform. The only thing a student needs is an internet
connection and a phone or a laptop.

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