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Is a neurotransmitter involved in the

transmission of impulses from one neuron to
another or from neuron to other organs.
We all know that the location of Acetylcholine is in the preganglionic fibers.
Preganglionic fibers have choline tranporter in through which Choline is transported.
( Cholines can be found in the food we take). And this transport can be inhibited
by HEMICHOLINUM. Once Choline is inside the preganglionic fibers it will
react with Acetyl-CoA which is a product of glycolysis thru the enzyme Choline
acetyl tranferase and forms Acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine will transported into the vesicle thru the VAT. And this transport can be
inhibited by VESAMICOL.

If the concentration of Acetylchline and other electrolytes like calcium is high. It will
undergo exocytosis and the Acetylcholine will be release and will bind. in the
synapses of the postganglionic fibers. And this release can be stimulate by alpha-
Latrotoxin and can be inhibited by Botulinum Toxin.

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