Story of Buddha Gautama (Part 2) (Eng & Chi)

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乔达摩佛的故事 ~ 第 2 部分

From the day when he decided that he wanted to leave the palace the
prince lost all interest in watching the dancing girls and other such
pleasures. He kept on thinking instead about how to free himself and
others from sickness, ageing and death. Finally, he decided he had
to leave the palace and his family and become a homeless monk, in
order to understand life and what causes suffering.

乐趣了。 相反,他一直在思考如何让自己和他人摆脱疾病、衰老和死亡。

One night, when everyone in the palace was asleep, Siddhartha asked Channa
to prepare his horse, Kanthaka. In the meantime he went into the room where
Yasodhara and their newborn boy Rahula slept. He was filled with loving-
kindness towards them and promised himself that he would come back to see
them. But first he had to understand why all creatures suffer, and find out how
they could escape from suffering.
一天晚上,宫里的人都睡了,悉达多问车陀罗准备他的马 Kanthaka 。 与此同时,
他走进了房间,耶输陀罗和他们刚出生的儿子罗睺罗睡着了。 他对他们充满了慈爱,
并向自己保证他会回来看望他们。 但首先他必须了解为什么所有生物都会受苦,并找

Quest to find out how to

escape from suffering
In the silence of the night, Prince Siddhartha mounted Kanthaka. Accompanied
by Channa, he left the palace and the city of Kapilavatthu. They stopped at a
river some distance from the city and the prince took off his expensive dress
and put on the robes of a monk. Then he told Channa to take the horse back to
the palace. At first, both Channa and Kanthaka refused to go back, but
Siddhartha insisted that he had to go on alone. With tears rolling down his
face, Kanthaka watched as the prince walked out of sight.

在寂静的夜晚,悉达多太子骑上堪陀迦。 陪伴由车那,他离开了宫殿和迦毗罗卫城。
他们在离城不远的一条河边停了下来,王子脱下他昂贵的衣服,穿上僧袍。 又吩咐车
那牵马回宫。 一开始,车那和堪陀迦都拒绝回去,但悉达多坚持要他一个人前行。

So, at the age of 29, Siddhartha began the homeless life of a monk.
From Kapilavatthu, he walked south to the city of Rajagaha, the
capital of the Magadha country. The king of this country was King
Bimbisara. The morning after Siddhartha arrived, he went to the city
and obtained his meal for the day by begging.

于是, 29 岁的悉达多开始了无家可归的僧人生活。 从迦毗罗卫城向南走,

来到摩揭陀国的都城王舍城。 这个国家的国王是宾毗沙罗王。 悉达多到达

Siddhartha was full of compassion. Once, in the city, Siddhartha saw fire burning on
the altar, and King Bimbisara and a group of priests were chanting hymns. They all
worshipped fire. When the leader of the fire-worshippers lifted his sword to kill the
first sheep, Siddhartha quickly stopped him.
He asked the king not to let the worshippers destroy the lives of the poor animals.
Then Siddhartha turned to the worshippers and told them: “Life is extremely
precious. All living creatures want to live, just like people.”

悉达多充满慈悲心。 有一次,在城里,悉达多看到祭坛上燃烧着火,频毗沙罗王和
一群僧侣正在吟唱赞美诗。 他们都崇拜火。 当拜火教的首领举剑要杀第一只羊时,
悉达多赶忙阻止了他。 他请求国王不要让崇拜者毁掉这些可怜动物的生命。 然后悉
达多转身对信众说:“生命是极其宝贵的。 所有的生物都想活着,就像人一样。”


He continued: “If people expect mercy, they should show mercy. By the law of
cause and effect (karma), those who kill others will, in turn, be killed. If we
expect happiness in the future, we must not harm any creatures. Whoever
sows suffering will reap the same fruits.” This speech completely changed the
king’s mind, and the minds of the fire-worshippers. The king stopped the
killing ceremony and invited Siddhartha to stay and teach his people. But
Siddhartha declined, as he had not yet found the truth he was seeking.
他继续说:“如果人们希望怜悯,他们应该表现出怜悯。 根据因果法则 (karma) ,
杀人的人也会被杀。 如果我们期待未来的幸福,我们就不能伤害任何众生。 谁种下
苦难,谁就会收获同样的果实。” 这番话彻底改变了国王的想法,也改变了拜火教
徒的想法。 国王停止了杀戮仪式,并邀请悉达多留下来教导他的人民。 但悉达多拒

After Siddhartha left Rajagaha, he went to see a sage (wise person)
named Alara Kalama. He stayed with the sage and studied diligently.
Soon, he knew as much as his teacher. But although he had learned
how to make his mind very calm, he still did not know the way to freedom
from all suffering. So he thanked Alara Kalama and left to find another

悉达多离开王舍城后,去见一位名叫阿罗罗迦罗摩的圣人(智者)。 他留在圣人身
边,勤学苦读。 很快,他就和他的老师一样了解了。 但是,虽然他已经学会了如何
让自己的心变得非常平静,但他仍然不知道从所有痛苦中解脱出来的方法。 因此,
他感谢了 Alara Kalama ,然后离开去寻找另一位老师。

Siddhartha then studied with a sage named Uddaka Ramaputta. He
learned how to make his mind very still and empty of all thoughts and
emotions. But he still did not understand the mystery of life and
death, and did not find the complete freedom from suffering that he
sought. Again, Siddhartha thanked his teacher and left. But, this time,
he decided to find the ultimate truth by his own wisdom and effort.

悉达多随后师从一位名叫优陀迦罗摩子的圣人。 他学会了如何让自己的头脑
非常平静,并清空所有的思想和情感。 但他仍然不明白生死的奥秘,也没有
找到他所追求的完全的离苦得乐。 悉达多再次感谢他的老师并离开了。 但

In those days, there were many wandering monks who belonged to various
cults. They had left their families to become ascetics. They believed that by
starving themselves or tormenting their bodies (asceticism) they would be
reborn in heaven. Their belief was that the more they suffered in this life, the
more pleasure they would receive in the future. So some ate extremely little
food, some stood on one foot for a long time, and others slept on boards
covered with sharp nails.

那时,有许多属于不同派系的云游僧人。邪教。 他们离开家人成为苦行者。 他们相

信,通过让自己挨饿或折磨自己的身体(禁欲主义),他们会在天堂重生。 他们的
信念是,今生受的苦越多,来世的快乐就越多。 所以有的人吃得极少,有的人长期

Siddhartha also tried to become an ascetic. He thought that if he practiced
hard enough, he would become enlightened. So he found a place at Uruvela
near a river and a village, where he could wash and obtain his daily food.
There were five other men living there, and they became his companions.
Like Siddhartha, they also practiced asceticism. Their names were
Kondanna, Bhaddiya, Vappa, Mahanama and Assaji.
悉达多也试图成为一名苦行者。 他认为如果他足够努力地修行,他就会开悟。 因此,
他在乌鲁维拉 (Uruvela) 找到了一个靠近河流和村庄的地方,在那里他可以洗漱和
获取日常食物。 那里住着另外五个人,他们成了他的同伴。 像悉达多一样,他们也
实行苦行。 他们的名字是 Kondanna 、 Bhaddiya 、 Vappa 、 Mahanama 和
Assaji 。

Siddhartha practiced various forms of asceticism for six years. He reduced his eating
more and more until he ate nothing at all. He became extremely thin, but still he did not
want to give up such practice. One day, while meditating alone, he fainted.
At that time, a shepherd boy with a goat walked by. He saw Siddhartha and realised that
without any food Siddhartha would die very soon. So he quickly fed him some warm
goat’s milk. Soon Siddhartha regained consciousness and began to feel better. He
realised that without the boy’s help, he would have died before attaining enlightenment.
悉达多修行了六年各种形式的苦行。 他越来越少地进食,直到什么都不吃。 他变得
非常瘦弱,但他仍然不想放弃这样的练习。 有一天,他在独自打坐时晕倒了。 这时,
一个牧童牵着一只山羊走过。 他看到悉达多,意识到如果没有任何食物,悉达多很
快就会死去。 于是赶紧给他喂了点热羊奶。 很快,悉达多恢复了意识,开始感觉好
多了。 他意识到,如果没有男孩的帮助,他可能会在成道前死去。

From then on, Siddhartha began eating normally. Soon his health was
completely restored. It was clear to him now that asceticism was not the
way to enlightenment. However, his five friends continued with their
ascetic practices. They thought that Siddhartha had become greedy and
so they left him.
One morning, a girl named Sujata offered Siddhartha some delicious
milk-rice porridge and said to him: “May you be successful in obtaining
your wishes!”
从此,悉达多开始正常进食。 很快他的健康就完全恢复了。 现在他很清楚禁欲
主义不是通向启蒙的道路。 然而,他的五个朋友继续苦行。 他们认为悉达多变
得贪婪,所以他们离开了他。 一天清晨,一位名叫善生的姑娘供养了悉达多美

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

The End

Credit: Text Contents adapted and edited from ‘Story of The Buddha’ (BuddhaNet) 14

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