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Natural disasters

Lesson objectives Assessment criteria

• Recognize features or • Complete listening task with 80%
details of a talk accuracy
• Descibe events in the past • Take part in discussion
• Identify information in the text  • Complete reading task with 80%
Homework checking
• https://quizlet.com/770136753/flashcards
V   O    L    C   A  N
   O S
H   U   R    I     C   A   N E
F    L     O  O   D
E   A   R   T    H   Q  U    A      K   E
Match the topics with the paragraphs A-E
Basic facts about locusts B
Scary numbers D
A disaster that we don't
always hear about A
Desert locusts can destroy
the food we need E
The problem caused by a
certain type of locust C
Answer the questions. Give
FULL answers

• What insects is the text about?

• How do these insects normally live?
• When can they become dangerous
for people?
• Why are farmers afraid of them?
Cause great damage
• harm or break something (Paragraph A)
• alone (Paragraph B) On its own 
• when insects come together in a big
Find words group (Paragraph C) Swarm
or phrases in • very big (Paragraph D) Huge
the text • not surprising No wonder
• Plants, fruit or vegetables that farmers
collect from their fields or gardens
(Paragraph E) Harvest
shine very large
breeze to cause food, drink, pill, etc. to move from your mouth into your stomach
roar to not be able to do something
scream to take a short, quick breath through the mouth
unable to make a long, loud, deep sound
massive to send out or reflect light 
swallow a light and pleasant windto move air into and out of the lungs
breathe a light and pleasant wind
grab not with other people
gasp for air to cry or say something loudly
loud not knowing where you are and how to get to a place
lonely to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly
lost making a lot of noise
shine to send out or reflect light
breeze a light and pleasant wind
roar to make a long, loud, deep sound
scream to cry or say something loudly
unable to not be able to do something
massive very large
swallow to cause food, drink, pill, etc. to move from your mouth into your stomach
breathe to move air into and out of the lungs
grab to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly
gasp for air to take a short, quick breath through the mouth
loud making a lot of noise
lonely not with other people
lost not knowing where you are and how to get to a place
Fill in the gaps with the new vocabulary

1.A warm ___________ is blowing near the sea.

2.Last week a group of people went hiking and _________ in the
3.The only thing he could do was to watch, _______________ to
4.A shark can __________________ lots of fish.
5.When Tom was falling down on the floor, someone
_______________ him.
6.In the steppe they heard a ______________ sound of thunder.
7.An old man didn’t have a family, he was ___________________.
Fill in the gaps with the new vocabulary

1.A warm breeze is blowing near the sea.

2.Last week a group of people went hiking and lost in the mountains.
3.The only thing he could do was to watch, unable to move.
4.A shark can swallow lots of fish.
5.When Tom was falling down on the floor, someone grabbed him.
6.In the steppe they heard a loud sound of thunder.
7.An old man didn’t have a family, he was lonely.
Past tenses
Look at the pictures and read the key
words/phrases: warm breeze, crystal
clear water, loud roar, huge wave
swallowed me, hand grabbed me,
palm tree, in panic, lonely and lost.

What is the text about?

Listen and do the task
1. It was winter.
2. The weather was bad.
3. Mark saw a massive wave.
4. There was no water under his feet.
5. His mum was swallowed by the wave.
6. There were many Thai people.
7. Mark was shocked.
8. A week later they left the island.
Listen and do the task
Task 2: fill in the gaps with no more than four words.

1. Mark and his family went to ____________________

2. While Mark was swimming, he heard ________________________________
3. A ____________________ wave was coming towards people.
4. Mark _____________ and looked around.
5. The pilot ________________ a Thai man and Mark.
Listen and do the task Listen and do the task
1. T 1. Thailand
2. F 2. a loud roar
3. T 3. massive
4. T 4. gasped for air
5. NG 5. rescued
6. NG
7. T
8. F
Read the text and complete the sentences
using two to four words
1. To Ko Phi Phi Don Island
2. Went to the beach
3. A loud roar
4. Swallowed him
5. Him up 
Answers 6. Rescued them
7. Lonely and lost
8. Days later 
9. To be alive
10.For the locals
In groups, tell about  natural disaster and its
possible effects

Earthquakes may cause …​

One of the possible effects of a tsunami is...
The main effect of forest fires is...​
Floods may result in...

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