Thevenins Theroms

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Experiment 3B

Thevenins Theorem using

By Vidya S Kadam
Aim: To simulate &verify Thevenin’s Theorem using Tinkarcad
Thevenin’s Theorem Statement
“Any two-terminal linear network having several voltage
sources and current sources can be replaced by a simple
equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage source in series
with a resistor followed by the load”.
Step by step procedure to solve Thevenin’s theorem
1.Identify the element for which the current or voltage is to be found and
consider it as load resistor (RL).
2.Open the load resistor and measure the voltage across the terminals by any of
the network simplification methods. This voltage is called as Thevenin’s voltage
3.Remove the load resistor. Replace all voltage and current sources by their
internal resistance. Then measure the equivalent resistance as viewed from the
open-circuited terminals. This is the Thevenin’s resistance (Rth).
4.Draw the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit with Thevenin’s voltage source in series
with Thevenin’s resistance followed by the load resistor.
5.Now find the current through load resistor by simply applying ohm’s law
Find the load current and power delivered to the load,
using thevenin’s theorem.
Step 1
Open the load resistor (5Ω) and find the voltage across the
load terminals.
Since the terminals are open-circuited, no current will flow through the 3Ω resistor.
So the Thevenin’s voltage will be the voltage drop across 8Ω resistor.
Find the current through 8Ω resistor and then calculate the Thevenin’s voltage.


So the Thevenin’s voltage is 19.2 V.

Step 2
Find the Thevenin’s equivalent resistance of the network
which is seen from the load terminals. Here replace the
24V voltage source by a short circuit to find the equivalent

8Ω and 2Ω resistors are connected in parallel and this

combination is in series with 3Ω resistor. By network
reduction techniques, the equivalent resistance is
calculated as follows.
Step 3
Now draw the thevenin’s equivalent circuit for the given circuit. Draw
the thevenin’s voltage in series with thevenin’s resistance and add the
load resistor in series with the circuit.

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