Niënna Aravæ Personal Details

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Niënna Aravæ

Wood Elf of The High Forest

Faerun, Abeir Toril
Personal details

Name: Niënna Aravæ (Mourning but with great happiness)

Gender: Female

Age: 109 Height: 5’6” Weight: 91lbs

• My Beloved Mother: Almarian Meliamnë (Maiden garlanded with good fortune, beloved of the oak tree)
• Father: natural, unknown & unwanted. I think of my mother’s husband, Iston Telperion (Wise one of the white
tree) as my Father, although I never knew him
• Kalëtha Mornië (Shining out of the dark), my loving beautiful twin sister
Languages: Elven (including Espruar), Common, Dwarven, Sylvan, Drow

My Beloved Mother and my darling sister were the only people during my whole life to whom I have been really close until
recently. I feel humbled to have been part of Mother’s life and by the love she gave me.

Mother’s parents told me that they questioned their daughter’s wisdom, however, she was determined that, although she and
her husband were denied the opportunity to have children, she would take the unfortunate circumstance of our conception
and give us the life that she and Iston would have wanted for their own children.

In my heart I am a Wood Elf, descended from thousands of years of Sun, Moon and Green Tel-quessir. That my skin says
other is painful because of the hurt brought to my family. My Father, Iston, was murdered by Drow, Mother raped in that
same raid.

Bodily I am half Wood Elf and half Drow Elf. I have white hair. My skin is black, apart from a faint green tinge under my
nails. My eyes are golden.

Whilst those in my village know who I am, it saddens and frustrates and sometimes irritates me that there is a wariness in
most to approach and a few who have shown outright hostility. I have taken to wearing clothing to cover all of myself
including my head including my face, particularly when I am in the vicinity of strangers.

Kalëtha and I still live in the house we shared with Mother although both of us spend much of our time in the Forest and now
only infrequently see each other but do leave messages at home or in the Forest maintaining our bond. We do keep in touch
with Mother’s parents, which brings us all some comfort in her absence. I pity the wretch who visited such pain on Mother,
that he lives such a hateful life. I find it hard to not hate Drow because of him and at certain times I feel that rage consuming
me although I would rather not have to think about it, I can’t entirely ignore it. What I do care about is being part of the
Forest, the sights, sounds, touch and smell allow me to be me and makes me feel very much alive and still close to my Mother
who taught me so much.

Mother told us the stories of The Seldarine and I, like many Wood Elves, offer prayer to a number of them particularly
Rillifane Rallathil, although I feel a close affinity to Eilistraee, whom Grandmother told me about, even though she is no
longer part of The Seldarine. I have found a beautiful part of the forest to pray, where I feel like part of the forest and the
forest is part of me.

We are now alone, Almarian is now with Iston, it has been almost six years and I am now ready to take the next step in my life.
I want to show the wider world that they can put their trust in me, that I am not what I look like. I want to be accepted. I will
be a Ranger like Mother before me and hope I can serve the Forest well. Kalëtha is of like mind and although we understand
that adventuring together will be rare, we will remain close.
Half Wood Elf / Half Drow

Racial traits proposed:

• +2 Dexterity, +1 Charisma, +1 Wisdom, -2 Constitution
• Size: medium (standard on both races)
• Base speed: 35ft
• Elven/Drow immunities: immune to magical sleep; +2 racial saving throw bonus against
enchantments & effects (standard on both races)
• Keen senses : +2 racial bonus on Perception checks (standard on both races)
• Low light vision twice as far as humans (Pathfinder Core Rulebook p22)
• Forest skills: +2 on Acrobatics and Climb. Also +2 on Stealth and Survival when in wooded areas
(replaces Elven Magic)
• Quick: +5ft movement rate (already added into base speed)

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