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Meat Industry in

Meat – Halal (Permitted/Lawful):
 Meat is animal flesh that is eaten as food:
 The importance of Meat and meat animals – Quranic verses:
 And we have subjected them to their use, so that some of them they use
for riding and some (others) they eat (Yasin:73)
 Of the cattle are some for burden and some for meat (Al-Anam:143)
 Allah, it is He who has made cattle for you, That you may ride on some of
them and of some you eat (Al-Mumen:79)
 And the cattle, He has created them for you, in them there is warmth
(warm clothing), and numerous benefits, and of them you eat (An-Nhl:5)
Role of Livestock: FY-2021-2022
 Contribution towards Agriculture GDP ~ 61.9%
 Contribution towards National GDP ~ 14%
 The rural population engaged in Livestock ~ More than 8 Million
 Farmer income derived from livestock ~ 35-40%

 Estimated Livestock Population:

 Cattle: 53.4 Million (in numbers)  Horses: 0.4 ml.

 Buffalo: 43.7 ml  Asses: 5.7 ml.
 Sheep: 31.9 ml.  Mules: 0.2 ml.
 Goat: 82.5 ml.
 Camels: 1.1 ml.
Meat industry and its scope

 Total Meat Production (2021-22) 5.21 ml. Tonnes

 Beef Production 2.46 ml. Tonnes
 Mutton Production 0.782 ml. Tonnes
 Poultry Meat 1.97 ml. Tonnes
 Meat Market:
 Butchers operated shops, many of them slaughter at shop
 Fresh meat sold, only a few chilled meat selling is established
 Meat Industry:
 80% slaughtering done outside slaughter houses (Illegal as per exiting
Estimated Livestock products production:

Species Units 2021-22

Eggs Million Nos. 22,512
Hides 000 Nos. 19,384
Skins 000 Nos. 62,250
Edible Offal’s 000 Tonnes 465
Blood 000 Tonnes 77
Horns & Hooves 000 Tonnes 68.2
Bones 000 Tonnes 1020.7
Casings 000 Nos. 62,888
Guts 000 Nos. 20,599
Fats 000 Tonnes 322.9
Dung 000 Tonnes 1,448
Urine 000 Tonnes 437
Head & Trotters 000 Tonnes 290.4
Meat composition:
 Generally, meat comprises of:
 72-75% of water
 19% of protein
 2.5% of fat
 1.2% of carbohydrates
 1.65% of nitrogen compounds
 It also contains a great amount of several minerals (calcium, phosphorus,
sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium) and trace elements such as iron,
copper, zinc and many others
 In Pakistan, per capita use of meat is around 32 kg as compared to
developed world, where per capita meat consumption reached to 93 kg as
lead by Australia followed by USA
Beef and Mutton Production system in
 No specific system of red meat production is practiced in Pakistan
 Mostly the beef animals buffaloes and cows are kept for milk purposes,
old females or having issues with fertility
 Beef animals comes as by-products of dairy animals and from end of
carrier animals
 Commercial beef farming (on very small scale)
Current Meat Production System
 Low input low output system
 Traditional meat marketing remains a constraint in the development of meat
 The current meat marketing system provides almost no motivation to produce
quality meat
 The district authorities fix the retail price of mutton and beef. No allowance
in price is given for quality or any subsides
 The pricing policy is consumer oriented and does not aid livestock producer
 Lack of technical guidance
 Operational problems
 Involvement of middle man

 Absence of processing and packaging

 Unorganized marketing channels
 Lack of concept of concentrate feeding
 Heavy transportation losses
 Unhygienic processing
 Health and environmental hazards
 No value addition of meat products
 Lack of concept of quality meat production
 Lack of slaughtering operation under supervision of veterinarian
 Lack of modern meat technology system
Factors affecting Halal processed Meat
Export of Pakistan
 The following factors are affecting Halal processed meat export of
 Problems in livestock production system
 Smuggling of Livestock
 Slaughtering of female animals
 Issues with banking system
 Lack of government interest in Halal meat export
 Lack of proper supply chain system
 Non effective response from overseas embassy staff
 Rising utility bills
 Overcharging by Quarantine Department
Meat exporters in Pakistan

 PK Livestock
 Zenith Associates
 Tazij Meats & Food
 KATCO international
 Abedin International
 Al Shaheer Corporation
 Pakistan Food Products
 K&Ns
 Punjab Agriculture & Meat Company (PAMCO)
Global Halal Market
 There are 2 billion Muslims in the world and 2.3 billion Halal consumers.
Even Non-Muslim do prefer Halal food for having confidence that comes
with the Halal Branding
 Global Halal products market is estimated at US$2.3 trillion
 The trade in Halal food is enormous with estimated annual halal food
value at US$347 billion globally
 HALAL – Lucrative market and huge opportunities
 Awareness and interest in Halal products has increased tremendously
among Muslim & Non-Muslims as well
 Huge purchasing power among non-Muslim countries
 Halal: Healthy, Wholesome & Hygienic
Key Halal Market:
Combined population of key Halal Markets: 652 Million

 Algeria  Morocco
 Bahrain  Oman
 Egypt  Qatar
 Indonesia  Saudi Arabia
 Iran  Syria
 Iraq  Tunisia
 Jordan  Turkey
 Kuwait  UAE
 Lebanon  Yemen
 Malaysia  Pakistan
New Sector for Growth

 Quality Assurance & Certification

 Export Orientation
 Supply Chain Management ~ Backward & Forward linkages
 Land
 New Animal ~ Ostrich
 New fields ~ Blood rendering, hormones, gelatin
 Breed development

 Approximately 6-7 million male calf slaughtered in first month of age

 Non-commercial less productive system
 Lack of modernized processing system
 Lack of Value Chain approach (Production, Marketing, Processing/Value
 Lack of integration among various institutions
 Quality control issues
Minimize Limitations:

 Establishment of modern abattoirs in Pakistan for value addition of meat

 Developing disease free zones for supply of quality meat
 Construction of mini-slaughter houses in meat production areas of
 Organization of environmentally controlled meat markets & provision of
cold chain facilities
 Establishment of leather tanning units
 Developing modernized meat processing system
 Technical consulting services
 Certifications required for export
Future Perspective of Pakistan

 Pakistan targets to produce 5.5 million tones of meat in 2022 to meet

domestic and export demand
 The government expects the country’s meat and meat product exports to
reach USD 500 million this year, as Pakistan gained market access to
Indonesia and Jordan
 The country mostly exports meat to the Middle East, but the opening of
Indonesia is expected to boost export volumes
 It is also exploring the China market, to cater to Halal meat demand there
Future Potential
 Corporate livestock farming through public private partnership by
introduction of beef breeds
 Establishment of sheep development farms through introduction of exotic
sheep breeds
 Introduction of two stages meat production system in goat farming through
private sector
 Productivity Enhancement
 Value addition:
 Modern abattoirs & Processing units
 Building supply chains ~ Market Linkages
 Genetics ~ Artificial insemination, Breed improvement
 Halal Market
Future Potential
 The export of meat and meat products is resulting in high source of
foreign income
 There is a great demand of meat in middle east countries, and other
Muslim countries being halal method of slaughtering
 Pakistan has great potential of exporting meat
 Moreover, intestines are being exported for sausage industry
 Leather goods of Pakistan have gained a good share of international
 Pakistani exports can be enhanced by improving current status of meat
production and quality of skin & hides
 Pakistan is amongst the largest goat producing countries, have high
population of livestock but exports are very small
Government Role:
 Ongoing projects FY 2021-22
 Save the Calf: 380,000 male calves have been projected to be saved
from early slaughter in 4 years period through financial incentive of
Rs.6,500 per calf to farmers besides reducing mortality with improved
nutrition & husbandry practices. The total cost of project is Rs.3.4
 Calf feedlot fattening: Under this program Rs.4,000 for each calf has
been allocated as financial incentive to persuade farmers to produce
healthy and nutritious beef in the country. The total cost of the project
is Rs.2.4 billion
Slaughtering Line: (Cattle-Line)
Slaughtering Line: (Mutton-Line)

 Private sector-led development

with public sector
 enabling environment through
policy interventions
 Capacity building role to improve
livestock husbandry practices
 Interprovincial cooperation to develop livestock
 private sector cooperation to develop value
added products
 Controlling trans-boundary animal diseases of
trade and economic importance

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