Topic 6 Nation Building 2023 - Agj

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Abdul Ghaffar bin Jaafar

Science & Mathematics Department
Institut Pendidikan Guru
Kuala Lipis Campus
Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia
Kuala Lipis
February & March 2023

1) The Concept of Nation Building

2) Initiatives to Develop Nation Building
3) The Roles of Teachers in Developing
Nation Building


 The Concept of Nation State

 The Concept of Nation Building
 To Enhance the National Language
 To Strengthen National Integration
 To Instill Passion Towards The
Arts, Heritage and National Culture
The Importance of
Internalising the Concept of
Nation State and
Nation Building

What is a State?

What is a Nation?

in the Nusantara

The Concept of Kingship

What was statehood like in the olden days in the Malay Archipelago
By William Girdlestone Shellabear (Contributor)
Also known as The Malay Annals. Malay literary work which covers a period of over
600 years that chronicles the, then and now, Genealogies of Rulers in the Malay
Archipelago. This work was believed to have been commissioned in 1612 by the
Junior King or Regent of Johor, The Yang di-Pertuan Di Hilir Raja Abdullah (Raja
Bongsu), later, by the office title, HRH Sultan Abdullah Mu'ayat Syah ibni Sultan Abdul
Jalil Syah. There are various versions of Sejarah Melayu compiled by different
scholars. This is the W.G. Shellabear edition.
Teks ini lahir dalam masyarakat Melayu berlatarkan zaman sebelum dan semasa kerajaan
Melaka antara abad ke 15 dan 17. Nama lainnya dalam bahasa Arab ialah Sulalatus
Salatin bererti ‘Salasilah Sultan-sultan’. Dalam edisi Shellabear, Sulalatus Salatin diberi makna
sebagai ‘Peraturan Segala Raja-raja’.
Pengarang asal Sejarah Melayu dipercayai seorang scholar (intelektual) Melayu - meminati
sejarah dan peka terhadap perkembangan politik di Melaka ketika itu. Kemungkinan
pengarangnya didorong oleh Hikayat Zulkarnain dan Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai, yakni dua
naskah sastera yang tertua yang wujud ketika itu. Namun begitu, malangnya nama
pengarang tidak dikenali.
Penyusunan semula teks Salalatus Salatin oleh Tun Seri Lanang pula menjadi sumber kepada
penyalin-penyalin seperti Stamford Raffles, R.O. Winstedt, W.G.  Shellabear, A. Samad
Ahmad, dan lain-lain, menyebabkan timbulnya berbagai versi Sejarah Melayu.
Sources: agj
The origin of “nation state”

How do you picture them?


The Roman Empire, centred on the city of Rome, was established
in 27 BCE following the demise of the Roman Republic.

395 AD: The Roman Empire was split into Eastern & Western empires.

410 AD: Rome was sacked by the Visigoths, a wandering

nation of Germanic peoples from the North East.
476: Fall of the Western Roman Empire.
The Eastern Roman Empire, continued as the Byzantine
Empire through the European Middle Ages.
Source: agj
The Holy Roman Empire developed a complex legal and political structure. Its central
figure was the emperor, whose position combined ancient Roman pretensions of
universal, divinely sanctioned rule with the Germanic tradition of elected kingship,
overlaid with efforts to define the emperor as a feudal overlord and his leading princes as
his vassals. The position of emperor was elected. The leading princes of the empire,
called electors, chose their emperor. agj
The Formation of a State
defines the existence of a state as:
A state exists exclusively via recognition by other states.
A state is a state only if it is recognized as sovereign by
other states. Under it, a state was sovereign if another
sovereign state recognized it as such.
defines the existence of a STATE in international law if it has:
1) A defined territory; 2) A permanent population;
3) A government; and 4) A capacity to enter into
relations with other states.
The political existence of the state is not dependent on
recognition by other states.
• Sovereignty (Kedaulatan) = The authority of a state
to govern itself.
A global system based on the principle of
international law that each state has
sovereignty over its territory and domestic affairs, to
the exclusion of all external powers, on the principle
of non-interference in another country's domestic
affairs, and that each state (no matter how large or
small) is equal in international law.
The doctrine is named after the Treaty of Westphalia,
signed in 1648, which ended the Thirty Years' War.
* The Thirty Years’ War, (1618–48), in European history, is a series of
wars fought by various nations for various reasons, including religious,
dynastic, territorial, and commercial rivalries. Its destructive campaigns
and battles occurred over most of Europe, and, when it ended with the
Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, the map of Europe became irrevocably
changed. Source:
The Thirty Years War (1618 – 1648):
A major conflict involving principally Austria, Denmark, France, Holland, the
German states, Spain, and Sweden, that devastated central Europe, esp large areas
of Germany. It began as a war between Protestants and Catholics but was
gradually transformed into a struggle to determine whether the German emperor
could assert more than nominal authority over his princely vassals.
The Peace of Westphalia gave the German states their sovereignty and the right of
religious toleration and confirmed French ascendancy.
Source: agj
 Niccolò Machiavelli
1469 – 1527
Italian Renaissance historian,
politician, diplomat, philosopher,
humanist, and writer.
He has often been called the
founder of modern political

The term Machiavellian means:

Cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics
or in advancing one's career.

The Rise of the Nation-State in European History
and Niccolo Machiavelli
Is it better for a prince to be loved more than feared or
feared more than loved?
The answer is that he should be both, but since it is
difficult to be feared and loved at the same time,
“it is much safer to be feared."

These lines were written by Niccolo Machiavelli in his

handbook for politicians called The Prince. Politics was a
dangerous game when he wrote his book in 1513.
He wrote other similarly disturbing suggestions:
• Humans will more quickly forgive the killing of a family
member than having property taken from them.
Source: agj
The Rise of the Nation State
and Niccolo Machiavelli
Often, for the good of the community, people must
A prince who is too merciful will be judged weak, so
he should get used to the necessity of causing pain.

The prince must learn to lie and cheat for the good of
his subjects and recognize that he is above the laws
he uses to govern others.

In other words, the ends justify the means.

Machiavelli's writings have often been judged as evil.

Source: agj
The Formation of a Nation State

Political and Geopolitical Cultural and Ethnic
Geopolitical = Relating to politics, esp. international relations, as influenced A large body of people united by common descent,
by geographical factors. history, culture, or language

A nation state conjoins the political entity of a state to the

cultural entity of a nation, from which it aims to derive its
political legitimacy to rule and potentially its status as a
sovereign state.
The term "nation-state" implies that a state has chosen to
adopt and endorse a specific cultural group as associated with
Anthony Smith argued that a state is a nation-state only
if and when a single ethnic and cultural population
inhabits the boundaries of a state.

This is a very narrow definition that presumes the

existence of the "one nation, one state" model.
Consequently, less than 10% of states in the world meet
its criteria.

The most obvious deviation from this largely “ideal”

model is the presence of ethnic minorities, which ethnic
and cultural nationalists exclude from the majority

The most illustrative historical examples of groups that

have been specifically singled out as outsiders are the
Roma and Jews in Europe. agj
In legal terms, many nation-states today accept specific
minorities as being part of the nation, which generally
implies that members of minorities are citizens of a
given nation-state and enjoy the same rights and
liberties as members of the majority citizens.

However, nationalists and, consequently, symbolic

narratives of the origins and history of nation-states
often continue to exclude minorities from the nation
state and the nation. 

There are also some countries that tried to culturally

change the minorities. Example: Indonesia under
Suharto’s rule.
Analyse and discuss the article by Datuk Dr. Sharom Ahmat, former USM
Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs: Protection of the Minorities
The Concept of a Nation State
A nation state is a political organization under
which a relatively homogenous people inhabits a
sovereign state, especially a state containing one
nationality as opposed to several nationalities.

A nation state is also seen in the context of socio-

cultural diversity. Many nation-states today accept
specific minorities as being part of the nation
whereby members of minorities are citizens of a
given nation-state and enjoy the same rights and
liberties as members of the majority citizens.

Source: Noriati A. Rashid, Boon Pong Ying, Sharifah Fakhriah Syed Ahmad & Zuraidah A. Majid. (2017). Budaya dan Pembelajaran (2nd ed.). Shah Alam, Selangor: Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd.

Continuation of the Concept of a Nation State

A nation state is a sovereign country which is

peaceful and safe with its people and territories well-
The citizens enjoy life together based on equality and
The people live in unity, having the same
identity and practising tolerance and harmony
in their daily lives.
The people have shared values and are
patriotic. The people embrace a shared future
Source: Noriati A. Rashid, Boon Pong Ying, Sharifah Fakhriah Syed Ahmad & Zuraidah A. Majid. (2017). Budaya dan Pembelajaran (2nd ed.). Shah Alam, Selangor: Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd.
Does Malaysia meet the criteria of a nation state?
Malaysia meets the criteria of a nation state. Firstly, it is a sovereign
country, having won independence from the British in 1957.
Although the citizens are multiracial, multireligious, multicultural
and multilingual, they are united under one nationality as Malaysians
(Bangsa Malaysia).
The people live harmoniously together under a constitution that
safeguards justice for all. National integration and unity are given
due importance in this multiracial country.
The Malaysian nation is built with a sense of loyalty and firm
devotion towards the country from the people. Shared values are
found in the national ideology Rukun Negara and patriotism is given
due emphasis in nation building in this country.

A Novel by Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Kisah Keluarga Manusia dalam Tiga Hari-Tiga Malam

Novel ini penuh imaginasi, meskipun beberapa bahagian

merupakan fakta nyata, terutama pengalaman revolusi
pengarangnya yang dijadikan acuan pokok untuk
memberikan makna kepada gejala zamannya. 

Novel ini dapat memberi makna tentang semangat cinta

tanah air dan bangsa melebihi cintanya kepada keluarga
dan diri sendiri. Novel ini berisi kisah yang berlangsung
tiga hari tiga malam di Jakarta pada zaman revolusi
sekitar tahun 1947. Banyak pendapat yang menyatakan
bahawa novel ini berkata jujur tentang keadaan revolusi,
tanpa melebih-lebihkan atau menyembunyikan.
Source: agj
PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER (1925 – 2006) was an
Indonesian author of novels, short stories, essays, polemics,
and histories of his homeland and its people.

A well-regarded writer in the West, Pramoedya's outspoken and

often politically charged writings faced censorship in his native
land during the pre-reformation era.

For opposing the policies of both founding president Sukarno, as

well as those of its successor, the New Order regime of Suharto,
he faced extrajudicial (not legally authorized) punishment.

He spent 14 years and 2 months as a political prisoner in the

Buru Island prison camp. During the many years in which he
suffered imprisonment and house arrest, he became a cause
célèbre for advocates of freedom of expression and human

Sources: and BIOGRAPHY (from agj

The Concept of Nation Building
Case Examples: France and Italy
1860, FRANCE: French was still a foreign language to 50% of all
French children. Outside major cities, France was a country of
different languages, dialects and diverse currencies. Travel far
outside one’s own village was rare, and indifference or hostility to the
French state common.
From the French Revolution and throughout the 19th century, French
rulers expressed the imperative “to form French citizens”.

1860, ITALY: Following the unification of Italy led by a

Northern elite which then ruled the country, Massimo d’
Azeglio (one of the founders of unified Italy) famously
“Italy has been made; now it remains to make Italians.”
In 1860 at most 10% of the Italian population spoke what
would become the Italian language, there was only one
railway line which crossed any of the pre-unification
states, and many were openly hostile to the new nation.

During the 19th and early 20th Centuries, those who

governed France and Italy implemented a range of policies
with the aim of building commonality among the
population and “forming” what they determined to be
“Frenchmen” and “Italians.”
They introduced state-controlled education, including
compulsory elementary schooling; banned languages
other than the “national language” in schools, religious
services and administration; introduced compulsory
military service often with the explicit aim of integrating
and mixing individuals from different parts of the country;
and extended road and rail links.
France and Italy are just two examples. History has
witnessed a multitude of efforts to “nation-build.”

Tilly (1975) observes that “almost all European

governments eventually took steps which homogenized
their populations: the adoption of state religions,
expulsion of minorities..., institution of a national
language, eventually the organization of mass public

Hobsbawm (1990) notes: “States would use the

increasingly powerful machinery for communicating with
their inhabitants, above all the primary schools, to spread
the image and heritage of the ‘nation’ and to inculcate
attachment to it.
The official or culture language of rulers and elites usually
came to be the actual language of modern states via
public education and other administrative mechanisms.”
In contrast, European elites did not enact such policies in
their colonies (Michalopoulos and Papaioannou, 2012).
Yet once these colonies gained independence in the
1950’s and after, many of them introduced policies to
create a national language and national identity, similar to
those of 19th century Europe (Miguel, 2004).
The 20th century also saw dictators and political elites
who built homogeneity by prohibiting local cultures and
attempting to impose their ideologies, often by odious
means - for example, the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany,
Mao’s China, Franco’s Spain, or Suharto’s Indonesia.

Nation-building continues to remain relevant in the 21st

century; in China, a range of nation-building policies are
being implemented in peripheral regions which have large
minority groups.
Definition of Nation Building
Nation is defined as a relatively large group of people who
feel that they belong together by virtue of sharing one or
more such traits as common language, religion or race,
common history or tradition, common set of customs and
common identity (Rejai and Enloe 1977:31).

Alberto Alesina from Harvard and IGIER Bocconi

Bryony Reich from University College London

“We define “nation-building” as a process which leads to

the formation of countries in which the citizens feel a
sufficient amount of commonality of interests, goals and
so that they do not wish
to separate from each other.”
Source: agj
The sufficient amount of commonality in a nation can be
seen when citizens share enough values and preferences and
can communicate with each other.

Homogeneity among people can be built with education,

teaching a common language, or building infrastructure for
easier travel. However, it can also be achieved by brute
force such as prohibiting local cultures or even genocide.

Democracies and dictatorships have different incentives

when it comes to choosing how much and by what means to
homogenize the population. agj
Chandra Dev Bhatta (2008) Challenges of State-Building in Nepal:
Nation building refers to the process of constructing or
structuring a national identity using the power of the state.

This is to unite the diverse people within the state so that it

remains politically stable and viable in the long run.

Nation building included the creation of superficial

national paraphernalia such as flags, national anthems,
national days, national airlines, national languages etc.

At a deeper level, national identity needed to be

deliberately constructed by moulding different groups
into a nation. This national identity cuts across their
group loyalties based on religion, race, caste, language,
region, culture occupation etc.
Nation building integrates the diverse sectors and strata
of society and produces the consensus and cooperation
so vital to domestic peace and political effectiveness

Nation building stands for the process by which people

transfer their commitment and loyalty from smaller tribes,
villages or petty principalities to the large central political
system – the state (Gauba 2003: 495).

It involves developing a sense of community among the

people within the jurisdiction of a political system and
provides for a sense of identification, a common object of
their allegiance, an emotional bond and social solidarity. agj
Nation-building is a process of forming a country whereby the
citizens feel a sufficient amount of commonality of interests, goals
and preferences so that they do not wish to separate from each other.

Why do we have nation-building?

What is the aim of nation-building?

The aim of nation building is to unify the people

within a country so that it remains politically
stable and viable in the long run (national

What are the objectives/purposes of

The objectives of nation-building are to unite the

people to:
1) Enable them to live together harmoniously
2) Construct a national identity
3) Protect the country from negative elements
that could harm the stability and harmony of
the nation such as extremism, terrorism, etc.
4) Safeguard the country from any attack against
its sovereignty
5) Ensure the country remains a dignified nation
respected by other countries
Source: agj
Nation Building in Malaysia
According to the Education Development Master Plan (Pelan
Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan [PIPP] 2006-2010) formulated
by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia, there are 5 factors that
act as catalysts in nation building:
1) Lingua Franca
2) Integration
3) Citizenship
4) Patriotism
5) Democracy

Factors of Nation Building in Malaysia
1) Lingua Franca: Bahasa Melayu as the national language
is a tool for unity because it provides a common
language for multiethnic groups to communicate with
each other.
Lagu ‘Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa’
Gunakanlah Bahasa Kebangsaan Kita
Marilah Amalkan Ramai-ramai
Bahasalah Menyatukan Kita Semua
Yakinlah Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa
Marilah Mari Rakyat Semua
Buktikan Taat Setia dengan Satu Bahasa
Maju Bangsa dan Maju Negara
Megahkan Bahasa Kita
Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa agj
Factors of Nation Building in Malaysia - Continued
2) Integration is a process to create a national identity among diverse
groups in the social, territorial, economic, cultural, educational and
political aspects. Efforts to integrate these diverse groups are in the
interests of national unity and the Malaysian endeavour of nation-
The One Malaysia slogan to develop one nation introduced by Datuk
Seri Najib Razak can be seen as an effort towards integration as it
seeks to improve the relationship of all Malaysians, regardless of
racial, religious and cultural background.
One Malaysia is an on-going programme announced on 16
September 2010, calling for the cabinet, government agencies, and
civil servants to more strongly emphasise ethnic harmony, national
unity, and efficient governance.  
There are 8 values in the 1Malaysia concept, namely high
performance culture, accuracy, knowledge, innovation, integrity,
strong will, loyalty and wisdom.
Factors of Nation Building in Malaysia - Continued
3) Citizenship frames the identity of the citizens in the nation.
Unity among the citizens can be achieved by fostering a
sense of belonging in terms of culture, education, language,
economy and politics.

4) Patriotism means having a deep love, loyalty and devotion for

the country that includes the willingness to die for the
country. A nation with patriotic citizens will remain strong
and able to ward off attacks and challenges that threaten the
sovereignty of the country.
5) Democracy refers to the rights given to all citizens to elect the
representatives of government. Democracy is a tool towards
the creation of a stable government and administration.

The Ministry of Education (MOE)
focuses on
three nation building efforts:

1) Enhancing the National Language

2) Strengthening National Integration
3) Instilling Passion towards the Arts,
Heritage and National Culture

1) Enhancing the National Language
The 1996 Education Act spelled out the role of Bahasa
Melayu as the language to be used as the medium of
instruction in the national primary schools and
government secondary schools. Bahasa Melayu is also
a compulsory subject in the school curriculum.

To further enhance the national language, the Sijil

Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) certificate will only be
awarded if the candidate has achieved a passing grade
in Bahasa Melayu. It records the achievements of
students / candidates in all subjects that they have
passed only with the condition of a minimum pass in
Bahasa Melayu.

Since SPM is used as an entry requirement to institutions
of higher learning and as a requirement to obtain
scholarships and for career needs, the students need to
pay particular attention to the studying of Bahasa Melayu,
thus enhancing the national language.
Another effort to enhance the national language is seen in
the use of Bahasa Melayu in co-curricular activities.

For example, in the Student Integration for Unity Plan or

Rancangan Integrasi Murid Untuk Perpaduan (RIMUP) for
primary and secondary schools, students of diverse ethnic
groups come together to participate in activities aimed at
national unity and integration such as playing traditional
games like congkak or hop-scotch.

Bahasa Melayu is used by the multiethnic students to

communicate and this enhances the national language.
Enhancing the National Language – Continued

• The national language is also enhanced by the rules

and regulations that Bahasa Melayu must be used in
government functions in line with the status of
Bahasa Melayu as the national language, official
language, language for unity, language for academia/
knowledge, and language for communication.
This is to raise up future generations of Malaysians
who are proficient, respectful and proud of the
national language as part of their identity.

• The national language is also enhanced by Dewan

Bahasa dan Pustaka through the celebration of Bulan
Bahasa Kebangsaan every October to instil the love
for the national language especially among school
• The Malaysian Institute of Translation and Books has played
the role of translating high quality academic and literary
works from around the world into Bahasa Melayu. This has
enriched the national language with high quality resource
and reference materials.

• The National Literary Award is given by the Malaysian

government to literary figures for outstanding literary works
in the Malay language.
This award has enriched the national language because there
is a prize money of RM500,000 to help the winner in
producing more works for publications in the Malay
The above efforts are important for nation-building
because they give quality and recognition to the
language as a common language that all Malaysians
can be proud of and provide a platform for unity.
Enhancing the National Language at the School Level
1) Teachers are at the forefront in enhancing the national
language among students and the society at large. As
such, teachers should master and use Bahasa Melayu
accurately in speech and writing. Teachers should also
encourage students of all races to use the national
language in communicating with other people.
2) Bahasa Melayu teachers should act as a catalyst in
enhancing the use of the national language. Bahasa
Melayu teachers should ensure that they are proficient
in the language and are able to conduct meaningful
teaching and learning activities to help students master
the language.
3) Bahasa Melayu teachers should play the role as a
subject-matter expert to help their colleagues and the
society at large in the correct usage of the national
language. agj
Enhancing the National Language at the School Level - continued
4) Teachers should employ pertinent teaching and
learning approaches (co-operative learning, project-
based learning, etc) to help students master language
skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing,
grammar and language arts in the Malay language.
5) Schools can organise events such as debates, poetry
recitation, short story writing competition, and
literature camps to enhance the Malay language.
6) Schools should ensure there are enough ICT facilities
for teachers to exploit for more effective teaching and
learning experience. Teachers can set up online portals
to store up resources in the Malay language as
reference materials for students. Teachers should
model proper language usage in social media so that
the national language remains accurately used in
communication by the younger generation. agj
According to the PIPP (2006-2010), there are a few challenges
to enhancing the national language:
1) The use of bahasa rojak or Malaysian pidgin language
formed by code-switching among two or more of the many
languages of Malaysia, such as mixing Malay and English;
Malay and Mandarin; or Malay, English and Tamil. The
habitual use of bahasa rojak influences the proficiency in
using standard Bahasa Melayu in formal functions.

2) Social media language usage such as abbreviations and

slang words used in text messages (sms), Instagram,
WhatsApp, etc. has affected its spelling and grammar
accuracy. This affects the fluency when using Bahasa
Melayu in other settings.

3) The preference for people to use the English language in

formal and informal settings because of its status as an
international language also robs the national language of its
place in the hearts and minds of the Malaysian society.
4) Scarce publications of academic and technical books
in the Malay Language also impact upon its use
among the people in Malaysia. The unavailability of a
wide selection of such books in the national language
drives the people to find books from other languages
such as English, French, Chinese, Tamil, etc.

5) Perception of the national language as being limited in

its role as an international language diminishes the
people’s interest in using it especially in the private
sector dealing with international trade. This gives rise
to an attitude that Bahasa Melayu is important only for
examination purposes but not in their daily non-
academic lives.

2) Strengthening National Integration
Efforts or Initiatives for national integration
are as follows:
• National curriculum and standardised assessment for all
types of government and government-aided schools.
This effort can strengthen national integration because
all students study similar content knowledge and are
tested in similar areas and ways.
For example, when students study various topics in
History, patriotism is inculcated when they learn to
appreciate how Malaysia gained independence by
peaceful means compared to other countries.
This similarity in school experience gives rise to shared
understandings, values and norms that can bind the
people together. agj
• The Student Integration for Unity Plan (RIMUP) began in
1986 for the purpose of national integration. The aim of
this initiative is to produce citizens who have racial
tolerance and acceptance as well as able to work
together as a team.

There are various groupings of schools to undertake

this program. For example, selected pupils from one SK,
one SJKC and one SJKT can meet in one school and
participate in activities such as traditional games of
various races, telematch, photography competition, etc.

National integration is fostered as the composition of

participants and organisation of activities promote
inter-racial interaction that fosters mutual understanding
and respect for each other’s cultures, co-operation,
tolerance, acceptance, achieving consensus during
discussions, etc. agj
• Agenda to strengthen the national primary schools
(sekolah kebangsaan) so that it will be the choice
of schooling for Malaysians of all ethnic groups.
When all races study together and interact in
academic and co-curricular activities, unity will be

• Establishment of Vision School to integrate pupils

from one national (SK) and two other vernacular
schools (SJKC and SJKT). Although there are
separate administrations for the 3 types of
schools, they share common facilities such as the
canteen, hall, courts and field. ……. (for more
elaboration, refer to the notes given.)

3) Instilling Passion towards the Arts, Culture & Heritage

Nation building can be achieved by instilling passion

towards the arts, heritage and culture as this would
lead to the creation of a national identity.
The national identity is the pride of the nation.
It represents all the citizens and concerns the
dignity of the country.
The national identity of a country is normally
showcased in major international events such as the
Olympic, Commonwealth, Asian, and SEA Games. It is
all the more important if it is the host nation. The
opening and closing ceremonies of such events would
be expected to showcase the best the host has to offer
in terms of its arts, culture and heritage.


3) Instilling Passion towards the Arts, Culture & Heritage - continued

The multiracial nature of the people of Malaysia

contributes to the diversity of art, culture and heritage
present in the country. Unity in diversity can be achieved
if this diversity is viewed as a strength and not a

The diversity of arts, culture and heritage promotes

tourism and generates revenue for the country when
tourists spend their money in the country.

Various business enterprises servicing the tourism

industry can be established and provide jobs for the
people such as hotel and catering services,
transportation, souvenir shops, restaurants, etc.

Passion towards the diversity of arts, culture and
heritage can enrich students’ schooling experience and
help in nation building when teachers integrate these
elements into the teaching and learning process.
For example, traditional games such as top-spinning,
kite-flying, or batu seremban can be played during
Physical Education. Before the games are played, the
teacher can give a narration of its history and origins.
For instance, “five stones” or “batu seremban” is played
in Malaysia, The Philippines, Indonesia, Fiji, Guam and
even China. The realisation that it is cross-cultural would
attract students of various races to learn more about it
and eventually propagate this game to the younger
generations. Through this shared culture, the people
come to a mutual understanding to respect their heritage.
In turn, nation building is fostered when racial lines are
blurred and people interact with each other sincerely. agj
The establishment of Sekolah Seni (Arts School)
provides an avenue for talented students to excel in
artistic fields such as music, theatre, dance, and visual
arts (Muzik, Teater, Tari, Seni Visual).

This initiative provides opportunities for young people

to venture into artistic fields to widen their career
options. In so doing, it enriches the human capital in
Malaysia which in turn prospers the nation in the
economic and sociocultural aspects. As the country
prospers, a strong and united nation is built.

For instance, students who venture into theatre could

create plays that portray the aspirations of the nation in
terms of highlighting civic roles, moral values, unity and
national integration.
An example they could emulate is the works of Hans Issac
who produced “Lat Kampung Boy Sebuah Muzikal” that
depicts the life story of Datuk Mohd. Nor Khalid or Lat the
cartoonist, growing up in a village playing traditional games
and fostering friendship with the multiracial community in his
hometown that speaks of acceptance and racial harmony
A portion of the tale focuses on his school life when he
meets Mrs Hew, a teacher who drills the importance of
knowledge and learning. He also befriends Frankie, a
Chinese boy, who shares his love for music.
Unity and national integration important for nation
building are highlighted in this play because it showed
that people automatically lived harmoniously, making
friends by sharing toys and musical instruments. The Star
newspaper reported the words of Lat, “No one told us to
be friends based on race or religion.”
Source: agj
Initiatives to Develop Nation Building

Discuss how schools in Malaysia can

contribute to nation building.
(20 marks)
Multiculturalism with its various differences
can pose a challenge to nation building in
Schools play an important role in addressing
this sociocultural diversity by implementing
certain initiatives towards nation building in
INITIATIVE 1: Enhance the spirit of patriotism (love for the
country) and appreciation towards the
national heritage among students
Example 1:
During Independence Day celebration, schools can ask
students to stage a drama depicting the courage and
wisdom of our forefathers of different races to obtain
independence from the British. This creates a sense of
belonging to the nation and lead students to have a sense
of duty to safeguard the sovereignty of the nation
especially in light of the current threats of terrorism and
extremism in the country.
Example 2:
Organise school visits to national heritage sites.
Example 3:
Hold patriotic song competitions – singing contest or song
composition contest agj
INITIATIVE 2: To increase students’ awareness of the
Federal Constitution
The constitution of a country is a set of rules
regulating the powers of its government and the rights
and duties of its citizens. 
Increasing students’ awareness and understanding of
the Federal Constitution is another initiative in nation
building. This initiative fosters harmony in a multiracial
school setting as well as equips students in
homogenous school settings with the knowledge that
our country consists of multiethnic groups whose
rights are protected under the constitution.
This initiative teaches students the importance of
respecting the constitution of the country that
safeguards social justice for all in line with the aim of
nation building which is to unify the people for political
stability and social harmony. agj
Teachers can organise visits to the Parliament House,
museums and historical sites that portray the history of
the nation.

The National Monument (Tugu Negara) would enlighten

students on the importance to uphold the constitution of
the country for the sake of peace, harmony and
prosperity for all.

Debates, forums and seminars can also be held to analyse

specific sections of the constitution that are important for
nation building such as Article 152 on the National
Language and the rights of other languages to be used in
the country.
Tutorial Activity:
Elaborate on the following two initiatives.

To enhance understanding of the spirit of
cooperation for unity and racial

To strengthen the school curriculum by enhancing
understanding of the history of the country

The Roles of Teachers
in Nation
1) Inculcation of Noble Values Across the
Teaching and Learning Process
2) Building the Spirit of Patriotism among
3) Fostering National Integration

1) The Role of Teachers in Nation Building:
Inculcation of Noble Values Across the Teaching and
Learning Process

Define nation building

Nation-building is a process of forming a country whereby the citizens feel
a sufficient amount of commonality of interests, goals and preferences so
that they do not wish to separate from each other.
Nation is defined as a relatively large group of people who feel
that they belong together by virtue of sharing one or more such
traits as common language, religion or race, common history or
tradition, common set of customs and common identity.

Nation-building is a process of forming a country whereby the citizens feel

a sufficient amount of commonality with a sense of belonging to each other.
These citizens share a common language, natonality, history,
tradition, customs and identity.
What are the noble values significant for nation

Noble values that are significant for nation

building are honesty, integrity, tolerance,
acceptance, respect, patience and loyalty.

Which subject teacher should take up this role?

The inculcation of noble values should be done

by all teachers regardless of the subject they are

How can teachers inculcate noble values in the
teaching and learning process?
Teachers can inculcate noble values in their teaching
through various ways.
Firstly, teachers should display such noble values
when interacting with students. For example,
teachers should display patience and perseverance
with low-achieving students and teach them in various
ways so that they could understand.
Besides showing patience and perseverance, this
noble attitude of teachers would inculcate values
among the students such as tolerance of people who
are less able and acceptance of people who are
Secondly, ….

Explain the concept of Bangsa

Malaysia according to Pelan Induk
Pembangunan Pendidikan (PIPP)
5 marks

Bangsa Malaysia
According to the PIPP 2006-2010, Bangsa Malaysia means that
individuals and the society in general possess high confidence
and a strong identity that uphold religious teachings and moral
This is to ensure the creation of a caring, democratic and liberal
society that respects and accepts the sociocultural diversity of
the people in the country. This society is also scientific mentally
and culturally.
The creation of a Bangsa Malaysia can be achieved through
education whereby the Malaysian identity can be developed via
the curriculum, co-curriculum and sports.
All Malaysians should share a national identity and culture as
well as values.
Elaborate on the contribution of education in
nation building in Malaysia.
10 marks

Elaborate on the contribution of education in

creating a Bangsa Malaysia.
10 marks
The Contribution of Education in Creating a Bangsa Malaysia
According to the PIPP (2006-2010), it is the hope of the
country that education can help instil a strong national
identity as Bangsa Malaysia among the students.
This national identity can be developed through curriculum,
and co-curriculum especially sports. The purpose of
building a Bangsa Malaysia is to strengthen unity and
develop human resources that meet the needs of the
The Ministry of Education, Malaysia (MOE) can contribute
to the creation of a Bangsa Malaysia by ensuring that
students who come out of the school system possess a
strong national identity, uphold religious teachings and
moral values, are patriotic, and form a society that is caring,
democratic and liberal that respects and accepts the sociocultural
diversity of the people in the country.
This society is also scientific mentally and culturally. agj
The contribution of education in creating a Bangsa
Malaysia can be seen from the subjects offered in the
school curriculum. For example, students at the Form Five
level who are sitting for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)
must take 6 core subjects namely Bahasa Melayu, English
language, Islamic Studies / Moral Education, History,
Mathematics and Science. These 6 subjects reflect the
elements of nation building.
History is to inculcate patriotism and a strong national
identity. Islamic Studies and Moral Education are to uphold
religious teachings and moral values. Mathematics and
Science help the society to be scientific mentally and culturally.
All the 6 subjects together will help form a society that is caring,
democratic and liberal that respects and accepts the sociocultural
diversity of the people in the country.

In 2005, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib described glocal
citizens as nationally rooted and internationally minded.
Bangsa Malaysia should be glocal citizens. This means that
Malaysians should excel locally and in the global arena.
Glocal citizens are firmly rooted in the Malaysian culture and
religious teachings. Malaysians should continue to excel in
the world stage and make Malaysia renowned internationally.
The education system through both curricular and co-
curricular activities help to create glocal citizens who are able
to think globally and react locally based on the cultural values
of Malaysians. For example, ……


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