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CHAPTER 1 NURSING AS A PROFESSION How do you understand the word profession?

An occupation requiring advance training and experience in some specific or specialized body of knowledge which provides service to society in that special field.

Criteria 1. Must satisfy an indispensable social need Unavoidable, or essential 2. Demand pre-professional & cultural training when you enter into a patient encounter that you are not the expert in every domain or if you understand the cultural background, the lifestyle of your patient, you can better treat your patient.

One culture you're allowed to look the person in the eye and another culture says no, that's disrespectful. We have to teach our staff how to demonstrate caring for the variety of patients they're taking care of. We can have as many as 40-some languages spoken on one of our floors. It brings an international house here to me all the time.

CMO 14,Section 1. A person is a unique bio-psycho-socio-cultural and spiritual being, always in constant interaction with the environment. These interactions affect individuals, families, population groups and societal health status.

3. Demand the possesion of a body of specialized and systematic training CMO 14 required no, of hours for training in the clinical area & community, basic skills 4. Give evidence fof the needed skills which the public does not posses That s why you render service to the society

5. Must have scientific technique which is the result of tested experience 6. Must require the exercise of discretion and judgment as time and manner of the performance of duty being discreet for confidentialy purposes unless otherwise needed to solve cases and if ordered by the court.

7. Must have sufficient self impelling power to retain its members throughout life PNA registration 8. Must recognize its obligations to the society living to the code of ethics

Qualities of a Profession in general Flexner & Bixler possesses a well organized body of knowledge, autonomy, presence of specific culture norms common to its member Professional Nurse A professional nurse is a person who has completed a basic nursing education program and is licensed in his country to practice professional nursing.

Nursing Practice
Promotion of Health Preventive Rehabilitative Restoration of health Alleviation of suffering Peaceful death

Nursing Process Establishing linkages with community resources Code of ethics

3 year program - Graduate in Nursing 4 year program Bachelor of Science in Nursing ASHE (Associate in health Science Education) To adapt the growing needs of the students Nstp for civi works, pharmacolgy used in state board

CHAPTER 2 & 3 RA 9173

Philippine Nursing Act of 2002

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