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Read a text about Light bulb

Edison developed commercial light bulb in 1878. Light bulbs changed the
way people lived. Before, people used to read by candlelight. Now, they can
read comfortably with adequate light.

So what was the life like before the light bulbs? People used to keep a lot of
candles at home. The streets used to be so dark that people probably did
not use to go out after sundown. But now night is not dark anymore. People
can navigate and travel safely in the dark. A simple little light bulb has made
all the difference in the world.
Answer these questions.
1. There were light bulbs on the street in 16th century? T or F
2. In 15th century, people saved time traveling to distant places by going
day and night? T or F?

Edison developed commercial light bulb in 1878. Light bulbs changed the way
people lived. Before, people used to read by candlelight. Now, they can read
comfortably with adequate light.

So what was the life like before the light bulbs? People used to keep a lot of candles
at home. The streets used to be so dark that people probably did not use to go out
after sundown. But now night is not dark anymore. People can navigate and travel
safely in the dark. A simple little light bulb has made all the difference in the world.
used to + (do)

They used to travel a lot.

= The travelled often in the past,
but they don’t do this anymore.
used to + ….
We also use used to … for things/ state that were true, but are not true anymore

Truong Dinh Plaza

Truong Dinh Market

There used to be a traditional market near my house.

There didn’t use to be a shopping mall there. Now there is a big one.
There didn’t use to be a metro here.

Cat Linh – Ha Dong Metro

used to + ….
used to do is past.

‘I use to do’.

To talk about the present, we use the present simple (I do)

used to + ….

 use /juːz/
 used /juːzd/
used to + ….
Practice 1. Fill in the blanks with used to/ use to and the verbs in the box.

used to be
1. J.K Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, ______________ poor. Now she’s rich.
2. Rowling ________________
used to make billions of dollars. But she gave away a lot of her money to
did use to support herself and her daughter when she was poor?
3. How ______she______________
used to take hours to travel to Ha Long. But now it’s much faster thanks to the
4. It ____________4
5. People _______________
used to travel from Europe to the U.S by ship. Now people fly across the
used to
6. Before there was money, people ____________ things. For example, you would give a
sheep and get a knife.
didn’t use
7. Vietnamese women _______________school education. But that changed in the 19th
century to receive
be travel make exchange receive support take
used to + ….
Practice 2. Rewrite the sentences using “used to” so that the meaning stays the same.
1. My mother worked at a restaurant 3 years ago but now she doesn’t.
My mother used to work at a restaurant 3 years ago.
2. He was the president of Student Union but now he isn’t.
He used to be the president of Student Union.
3. There were many tree-lined streets in my hometown but now there is none of them.
There used to be many tree-lined streets in my hometown..
4. My brother didn’t do housework but now he does.
My brother didn’t use to do housework.
5. Children didn’t play with high-tech devices at an early age but now they do.
Children didn’t use to play high-tech devices at an early age .
used to + ….
Before the invention of
light bulb,

People used to……..

People didn’t use to………..
Before the invention of

People used to……..

People didn’t use to………..
Before the invention of

People used to……..

People didn’t use to………..
Before the invention of

People used to……..

People didn’t use to………..
Before the invention
of internet,
People used to……..
People didn’t use to………..
Before the invention of
paper money,

People used to……..

People didn’t use to………..
Before the invention of
washing machine,

People used to……..

People didn’t use to………..
Before the invention of

People used to……..

People didn’t use to………..
Before the invention of

People used to……..

People didn’t use to………..
Before the invention

People used to……..

People didn’t use to………..

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