Biotechnology and Its Applications

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o Certificate
o Acknowledgment
o Biotechnology
o application of biotechnology
o Biotechnology in agriculture
o Biotechnology in medicine
o Transgenic animals
o Biotechnology in aquaculture
o Production of antibiotics
o Summary


NAME:- aditya raj

ROLL NO:- 12201

o"We would like to express our gratitude to our biology

teacher Sangeeta Yadav for providing us with the
opportunity to conduct this practical and for their
valuable guidance and support throughout the
o We would also like to thank Laboratory
Technician/Assistant for their assistance in the
laboratory and for making the necessary equipment
available for us to use.
oFinally, we would like to acknowledge the support and
Presentation title 4 20XX
Biotechnology is the use of living organisms, cells, and
biological systems to create products and technologies
that improve our lives. It encompasses a wide range of
fields, including medicine, agriculture, and
environmental management. Biotechnology has led to
the development of new drugs, vaccines, and diagnostic
tools, as well as genetically modified crops and
environmentally friendly products. The field is
constantly evolving and new discoveries are being made
all the time, with the potential to revolutionize the way
we live and work.
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oBiotechnology has a wide range of applications in various
fields such as medicine, agriculture, environment, and
industry. Some of the most notable applications include:
oTransgenic animals
oIn production of antibiotics
o Biotechnology plays a vital role in agriculture by providing new tools for farmers to increase crop
yields, improve crop quality, and reduce the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Some of the most
notable applications of biotechnology in agriculture include:

o Genetic Modification: Biotechnology is used to create genetically modified (GM) crops that are resistant
to pests and diseases, as well as to improve crop yields and nutritional content. Some examples of GM
crops include corn, soybeans, and cotton, which have been modified to resist pests and herbicides.

o Biopesticides: Biotechnology is used to create biopesticides that are made from natural materials such
as bacteria and viruses. These biopesticides are less toxic and more environmentally friendly than
traditional chemical pesticides.

o Crop improvement: Biotechnology is used to improve crop characteristics such as resistance to drought,
high salinity, and extreme temperatures. Biotechnology also used to increase crop yield and nutritional
Presentation title 8 20XX
Tissue culture: Biotechnology is used to reproduce plants through
tissue culture. This is important for the production of new and
improved crop varieties, and for the preservation of endangered
plant species.

Precision Agriculture: Biotechnology is used to create precision

agriculture systems that allow farmers to precisely target their use
of inputs such as seeds, water, and fertilizer, reducing waste and
increasing crop yields.

Biotechnology is also used to create new plant-based products such

as biofuels, which can be used as an alternative to fossil fuels.

Overall, biotechnology has the potential to revolutionize the way

we grow and produce food, making it more sustainable and
efficient, while also improving the nutritional value of our food.
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o Biotechnology plays a significant role in medicine by providing new tools for the diagnosis, treatment,
and prevention of diseases. Some of the most notable applications of biotechnology in medicine

o Genetic Engineering: Biotechnology is used to modify the genetic makeup of organisms to create new
treatments for genetic diseases. For example, gene therapy involves introducing a functional copy of a
gene into cells to correct a genetic disorder.

o Recombinant DNA Technology: Biotechnology is used to produce drugs, vaccines and other medical
treatments using recombinant DNA technology. This technology allows for the mass production of
therapeutic proteins such as insulin, growth hormone, and blood clotting factors.

o Diagnostics: Biotechnology is used to create diagnostic tools such as PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
and ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) which enable the detection of specific genetic
markers or proteins associated with a disease.

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Personalized Medicine: Biotechnology is used to create personalized medicine,
which tailors treatment to the specific genetic makeup of an individual. For
example, pharmacogenomics is the study of how genetic variations affect an
individual's response to drugs.

Stem Cell Therapy: Biotechnology is used to create new treatments using stem
cells. Stem cells can differentiate into any type of cell in the body, and have the
potential to be used for regenerative medicine, for example to repair damaged
tissue or to replace cells lost to disease.

Monoclonal Antibodies: Biotechnology is used to create monoclonal

antibodies, which are laboratory-made copies of natural antibodies that target
specific proteins on the surface of cells. Monoclonal antibodies have been
developed as drugs to treat cancer, autoimmune diseases, and other conditions.

Overall, biotechnology has the potential to revolutionize the way we diagnose

and treat diseases, making healthcare more effective and efficient, and also
helping to improve human lives.

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o Transgenic animals are animals that have had their genetic makeup
modified by the introduction of foreign genetic material. The technique
used to create transgenic animals is similar to that used to create
genetically modified crops. The foreign genetic material is typically
inserted into the animal's DNA using a vector, such as a virus or a
o Some of the most notable applications of transgenic animals include:
o Medical Research: Transgenic animals are widely used in medical
research to study human diseases and to develop new treatments. For
example, transgenic mice are used to study cancer, Alzheimer's disease,
and other conditions.
o Pharmaceutical Production: Transgenic animals are used to produce
valuable proteins for use as drugs and vaccines. For example, transgenic
goats and sheep have been engineered to produce human proteins in
their milk, which can then be purified and used as drugs.
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Biomedical Research: Transgenic animals are used to study the basic biology of
cells and organisms. For example, transgenic fruit flies are used to study genetics
and developmental biology, while transgenic zebrafish are used to study the
development of the nervous system.

Organ Transplantation: Transgenic animals have been developed as a source of

organs for transplantation into humans. For example, transgenic pigs have been
created with human genes that make their organs more compatible with the
human immune system.

Livestock improvement: Transgenic animals can be used to improve the

performance and productivity of livestock. For example, transgenic cows have
been developed to produce more milk, and transgenic fish have been developed to
grow faster and resist disease.

Overall, transgenic animals have enormous potential in medical research,

pharmaceutical production, and other fields. However, the use of transgenic
animals also raises ethical concerns, and further research is needed to fully
understand the implications of this technology.

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o Biotechnology plays a significant role in aquaculture, the farming of aquatic organisms such as fish,
shellfish, and seaweed. Some of the most notable applications of biotechnology in aquaculture include:

o Genetic Improvement: Biotechnology is used to improve the genetic characteristics of aquatic organisms,
such as growth rate, disease resistance, and nutritional content. For example, selective breeding and genetic
engineering techniques are used to produce fish that grow faster and are more resistant to disease.

o Reproductive Biotechnology: Biotechnology is used to improve the reproduction of aquatic organisms, such
as developing methods for artificial breeding, sperm and egg cryopreservation, and genetic modification of

o Disease Control: Biotechnology is used to develop new methods for controlling diseases in aquaculture. For
example, vaccines and disease-resistant fish strains have been developed to control fish diseases such as sea
lice, which can cause significant losses in fish farms.
o Feed Development: Biotechnology is used to develop new types of feed for aquaculture. For example,
microalgae is a promising feed ingredient for fish and shellfish that can be produced using biotechnology
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Environmental Management: Biotechnology is used to help
improve the environmental sustainability of aquaculture by
reducing the need for chemical inputs, improving water quality
and reducing waste. For example, using microorganisms to break
down waste products in fish farms can reduce the environmental
impact of the farms.

Bioremediation: Biotechnology is used to clean up contaminated

sites, such as oil spills, by using microorganisms to break down

Biotechnology is also used in genetic testing and gene therapy in

the fish farming industry.

Overall, the use of biotechnology in aquaculture has the potential

to revolutionize the way we grow aquatic organisms, making it
more sustainable and efficient, while also improving the
nutritional value of the organisms.

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o The production of antibiotics is one of the most important applications of
biotechnology in the field of medicine. Antibiotics are drugs that are used to
treat bacterial infections by killing or inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

o There are two main methods for producing antibiotics:

o Isolation from natural sources: Antibiotics can be isolated from natural sources
such as bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes. Penicillin, for example, was first
discovered in 1928 from Penicillium fungi.

o Synthetic production: Some antibiotics are produced synthetically in the

laboratory. For example, the antibiotic streptomycin is produced by the
bacteria Streptomyces griseus.
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Once an antibiotic is identified, it can be produced in large quantities
using fermentation technology. Fermentation is the process of growing
microorganisms on a large scale in a nutrient-rich medium. This
process is used to produce antibiotics such as penicillin, streptomycin,
and tetracycline.

The discovery and production of antibiotics revolutionized the field of

medicine, greatly reducing the number of deaths from bacterial
infections. However, the overuse and misuse of antibiotics have led to
the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, making it more difficult
to treat bacterial infections. It's crucial to use antibiotics responsibly to
preserve their effectiveness and avoid the development of antibiotic-
resistant bacteria.

Nowadays, Biotechnology also plays a crucial role in the discovery of

new antibiotics by using new techniques such as metagenomics, which
allows to study the genetic material from a wide variety of

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The use of biology to develop technologies and

products for the welfare of human beings is
known as biotechnology. It has various
applications in different fields such as
therapeutics, diagnostics, processed food, waste
management, energy production, genetically
modified crops, etc.​

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