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Strategy Session

What is the SIMILARITY?


• Strategy is CHOICE (what to do and what not do)

– Strategy is an integrated set of choices that uniquely position the firm

in its industry so as to create sustainable advantage and superior value
relative to the competition

– In ISOLATION, every opportunity looks GOOD

– Branding Strategy?

• Think how much the fix destination of going to

JFK helped steer the aircraft Direction &

• Think how much biasness/focus you have in

your life currently toward your GOAL
Strategy defines the arena
(customers, markets, technologies, products, logistics)
in which the execution game is played

Execution is an empty effort without the guidance of strategy

Knitting Analogy

Heading Toward Point C, B supports Point C (Design Pattern). Bringing all the things together to make
sense. Color of the Wool, Tools deployed, speed, human skill these are not strategy
Constant effort as you Knit, 90% execution , 10% Strategic Thinking (in actual 10% ensures success)
Winning the Battle for Insights

• By the time Signal has become obvious to everyone our

options are lousy

• Picking up the signals when they are obvious to everyone

else give you no advantage

• Organization should be in constant state of DISCOVERY-


– Learning Organization

– In the FUTURE, an organization’s ability to learn faster than its

competitors may be its only sustainable advantage (The Living
Company HBR)

• Adaptive Enterprise

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