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Cell Shape and Size

• Living organisms are made up of different types of cells, of different shapes

and sizes.
The size and shape of a cell are mainly related to the different functions they
Name of Cell Shape Function

Human Red Blood Cell Circular and Biconcave To pass through narrow capillaries and
transport oxygen

White Blood Cell Amoeboid shape. Can Change shape Engulf the microorganism entering the

Nerve cell Long and elongated Conduct impulse/information from

distant part of the body to brain and
spinal cord

Muscle Cell Long spindle shape To Pull or squeeze the part or

Contraction and relaxation
Guard cell (Stomata) Bean shape To open or close the pores

Skin Cell Flat Protective body cover and to cover large

How sperm cell is adapted to its function?
• mature human sperm cell has snake like
structure. It has following parts - head, neck,
middle piece and tail.
• Head: Spherical shape, large nucleus,
dome shaped acrosome.
Function: Nucleus contain genetic information.
-acrosome releases a hyaluronidase enzyme
and enters into the ovum.
• Neck: contains centrioles: gives rise to axial filament of the sperm.
• Middle piece: contain mitochondria: gives energy to the sperm to swim
• Tail: end part of the sperm-helps the sperm to swim.
2. Root hair cell (Absorption of water)
• Long and Tubular projection-helps to penetrate
Between soil particles.
• Numerous hair like structure to increase the
surface area.
Presence of large number of mitochondria in
Cytoplasm- To provide more energy during active
Transport of minerals.
• Has thin cell wall to imbibe water easily.
• Large vacuole with high solute concentration-to
Help water to enter the cell.
3. Stomata (exchange of gases)
• Elliptical pore.
• Found on epidermis of leaves.
• Formed by two kidney-shaped guard
• Thick wall towards stoma and thin wall
On the outer side.
-helps in bulging of outer wall and
opening the pore.
Decrease in water content in guard cell brings closure of pore.
Cell Size
• Micrometres are used to measuring the
size of cells in live organisms.
• The majority of cells are 5-15 micrometres
in size.
• The ostrich egg is the largest cell,
measuring 170mm by 130mm.
• Nerve cells are the longest cells in humans (1-2m).

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