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Lecture, on Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Family, of Exponential Functions, Graphs, of b to the power x for b greater than 0 less than 1 and b greater than 1 Domain and Range:
Exponential function, with base b : f of x equals b to the power x, where b is greater than 0 and b is not equal to 1
For Examples: f of x equals 2 to the power x, f of x equals half to the power x, f of x equals pi to the power x, f of x equals e to the power x, and, f of x equals e to the power minus x. Side note: capital a equals capital p into 1 plus r over n, whole to the power n into t, equals capital p into e to the power r into t, where, e equals lim, when, n approaches to infinity, of 1 plus 1 over n, whole to the power n, e equals euler constant.
on the left The graphs of y equals b to the power x, for b greater than 0 less than 1 and for b greater than 1, both Intersect y axis at 0 comma 1. together shown, and on the right The graphs of b to the power x, for different values of b, for b greater than 0 less than 1 and for b greater than 1, all Intersect y axis at 0 comma 1 together shown
Domain, of f equals minus infinity to infinity. And range, of f equals left paren 0 to infinity as y equals b to the power x greater than 0. Note that: domain is extension of the curve along x axis possible and range is extension of the curve along y axis.
Family, of Logarithmic Functions, Graphs, of log of x with base b for different values of b. domain and range:
Logarithm function with base b : f of x equals log base b of x, where b is greater than 0 and b is not equal 1
For Examples: f of x equals log base 2 of x, f of x equals log base 10 of x, and, f of x equals log base e of x equals ln x. Side note: log base e equals ln.
Below the graphs of y equals log base 2 of x and y equals log base e of x and y equals log base 4 of x and y equals log base 10 of x all together shown, they intersect x axis at 1 comma 0.
Domain, of f equals left paren 0 to infinity which is extension of the curve along x axis possible, and, Range, of f equals minus infinity to infinity
Theorem, Graphs, and 5 properties and cancellation properties of b to the power x and log of x to the base b and examples:
Theorem. If b is greater than 0 and b is not equal 1, then b to the power x and log base b of x are inverse functions.
On the left side, the Graphs of y equals b to the power x and y equals log base b of x both together shown, are reflections of one another about the line, y equals x, as they are inverse to each other.
On the right side, Correspondence between properties of logarithmic and exponential functions Side by side together in a table shown, where
On the left, Property of b to the power x, and, on the right, Property of log base b of x
1. B to the power 0 equals 1 and log of 1 to the base b equals 0.
2. B to the power 1 equals b and log base b of b equals 1
3. Range is left paren 0 to positive infinity. And Domain is left paren 0 to positive infinity
4. Domain is negative infinity to positive infinity. And Range is negative infinity to positive infinity
5. X axis is a horizontal asymptote. And y axis is a vertical asymptote
Below at the middle, Cancellation properties of b to the power x and log base b of x are written, which are,
log base b of b to the power x equals x, and b to the power log base b of x equals x
For example, log 10 to the power x equals x, and 10 to the power log of x equals x, and ln of e to the power x equals x, and e to the power ln x equals x, Side note Log to the base 10 equals log, and log base e equals ln, and ln e equals 1
Four Algebraic Properties of Logarithms and three examples:
If b is greater than 0, b is not equal to 1, a is greater than 0, c is greater than 0, and is any real number, then:
a. log base b of a into c equals log base b of a plus log base b of c. Product property
b. log base b of a divided by c equals log base b of a minus log base b of c. Quotient property
c. log base b of a to the power r equals r into log base b of a. Power property
d. log base b of 1 divided by c equals minus log base b of c. Reciprocal property
1. Log of x into y to the power 5 divided by root over z equals log of x into y to the power 5 minus log of root over z equals log x plus log y to the power 5 minus log z to the power half equals log x plus 5 into log y minus half into log z
2. 5 into log 2 plus log 3 minus log 8 equals log 2 to the power 5 plus log 3 minus log 8 equals log 32 plus log 3 minus log 8 equals log 32 into 3 divided by 8 equals log 12
3. One third into ln x minus ln of x square minus 1 plus 2 into ln of x plus 3 equals ln of x to the power 1 third minus ln of x square minus 1 plus ln of x plus 3 whole square
Equals ln of cubic root of x plus ln of x plus 3 whole square minus ln of x square minus 1
equals ln of cubic root of x into x plus 3 whole square divided by x square minus 1
Sketch the graphs of 1. a. minus e to the power x, b. minus e to the power minus x, c. minus a into e to the power x minus b.
2. a. ln of minus x, b. minus ln of minus x, c. ln of x plus b.
Solution: 1. a. the graph of minus e to the power x is reflection of e to the power x about x axis. In B. the graph of minus e to the power minus x is the reflection of e to the power minus x about x axis, note that e to the power minus x graph is reflection of e to the power x about y axis. And C. first we draw the the graph of a into e to the power x, which cuts y axis at a, then next on the right, shifting b units right, we draw the the graph of a into e to the power x minus b, showing y intercept at a by e to the power b, finally, minus a into e to the power x minus b is reflection of f of x minus b about x axis, shown both together.
2. a. the graph of ln of minus x is the reflection of lnx about y axis, in b. the graph of minus ln of minus x is the reflection of ln of minus x about x axis, in c. first graph is of ln x then, shifting b units left we draw the graph of ln of x plus b, note that: for ln x, domain, x greater than 0 but, for ln of x plus b domain is, x greater than minus b, in the last graph which is ln of x plus b, x equals minus b is a vertical asymptote, the curve cuts the x axis at minus b plus 1, all shown.
a. Sketch the graph of P of t equals a plus, b into e to the power minus t by 2, where, a is greater than 0 and b is greater than 0.
b. Given that, f of x equals a plus e to the power x minus b, find f inverse x and write down the range of f of x, and the domain of f inverse x.
Solution: a. First graph is f of x equals e to the power m x where m is greater than 0 and second graph is f of minus x equals e to the power minus m x, which is reflection about y axis of the curve f of x, and then third one is the graph of e to the power minus half t, all of them intersect y axis at1.
Then, below, on the left the graph of b into e to the power minus t by 2 shown, and then shifted a units up on the right we draw the graph of p of t equals a plus, b into e to the power minus t by 2, which intersect P axis at a plus b giving bigger dot shown and there is a horizontal asymptotic line cutting p axis at a.
At the bottom on the left, b. F of x equals a plus e to the power x minus b, where, range: of f of x greater than a, using a figure of p of t equals a plus b into e to the power minus t by 2, shown.
now, y equals a plus e to the power x minus b, we write, e to the power x minus b equals y minus a, note that: if, e to the power p equals k then, p equals ln k
So, x minus b equals ln of y minus a
On the right side, writing, x equals b plus ln of y minus a, then, interchanging x and y, we write, y equals b plus ln of x minus a, therefore, f inverse x equals b plus ln of x minus a, where, domain: of f inverse x is x greater than a.
Solve for x, a. Log of x equals root 2, b. Ln of x plus 1 equals 5, c. 5 to the power x equals 7.
Side Note: B to the power x equals y then x equals log base b of y, And, Log base b of x equals y then x equals b to the power y
Solution: using properties of exponential and logarithmic functions, written on the right side, we can write,
a. x equals 10 to the power root 2
b. x plus 1 equals e to the power 5 then x equals e to the power 5 minus 1
c. x equals log base 5 of 7
Note that: log equals log of base 10 and ln equals log of base e, written on the right side.
A satellite that requires 7 watts of power to operate at full capacity is equipped with a
radioisotope power supply whose power output capital p in watts is given by the equation
Capital p equals 75 into e to the power minus t by 125
where t is the time, in days that the supply is used. How long can the satellite operate at full capacity?
Solution: If the power Capital p will fall to 7 watts, at t days then,
7 equals 75 into e to the power minus t by 125
Then, e to the power minus t by 125 equals 7 by 75
Using Side note, if e to the power x equals y, then x equals ln y, we can write,
minus t by 125 equals ln of 7 by 75
therefore, t equals minus 125 into ln of 7 by 75 which equivalent to 296.4 days
Thus, the satellite can operate at full capacity for about 296 days.
1. e to the power minus x equals 1 over e to the power x, But, 1. f inverwse x is not equals 1 over f of x.
2. E to the power minus 1 equals 1 over e, but, 2. sin inverse x is not equals 1 over sin x.
3. A. e to the power x plus y equals e to the power x into e to the power y, and 3b. E to the power x minus y equals e to the power x over e to the power y, but, 3. e to the power x plus or minus y is not equals e to the power x plus or minus e to the power y.
4. A. ln x plus ln y equals ln x into y, and ln x minus ln y equals ln x over y, but, 4. ln of x plus or minus y is not equals ln x plus or minus ln y.
5. E to the power equals e to the power y equivalent to x equals y.
6. Ln x equals ln y equivalent to x equals y.
7. E to the power ln of f of x equals f of x.
Practice Work:
1. Sketch the following functions stating any asymptotes and intersections with axes:
a. Y equals e to the power x plus 3, b. y equals ln of minus x, c. y equals ln of x plus 2, d. y equals 3 into e to the power minus 2x plus 4, e. Y equals e to the power x plus 2, f. y equals 4 minus ln x.
2. Solve the following equations, giving exact solutions:
a. Ln of 2x minus 5 equals 8, b. e to the power 4x equals 5, c. 24 minus e to the power minus 2x equals 10, d. ln x plus ln of x minus 3 equals 0, e. e to the power x plus e to the power minus x equals 2, f. ln 2 plus ln x equals 4.
3. The function c of x equals 3 plus ln of 4 minus x is shown below:
a. State the exact coordinates of point A.
b. Calculate the exact coordinates of point B.
c. Find the inverse function c inverse of x on the same set of axes, stating the relationship between them.
4. The price of a computer system can be modelled by the formula P equals 100 plus 850 into e to the power minus t by 2 where P is the price of the system in pounds and t is the age of the computer in years after being purchased.
a. Calculate the new price of the system.
b. Calculate its price after 3 years.
c. When will it be worth less than 200 pounds ?
d. Sketch the graph showing p against t.
e. Find its price as t tends to infinity.
f. Write down the domain and range of P.
5. The price of a new car varies according to the formula P equals 15000 into e to the power minus t by 10 where P is the price in pounds and t is the age in years fromnew.
a. State its new value.
b. Calculate its value after 5 years to the nearest pounds
c. Find its age when its price falls below 5000 pounds
d. Sketch the graph showing how the price varies over time. Is this a good model?

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