Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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Sexually transmitted diseases are any contagious disease acquired through

vaginal, oral or anal contact. it can affect men and women of all social strata
and even children indirectly. This type of disease has had a progressive
increase in recent years due to the fact that young people have sexual
activity earlier, have many sexual partners during their lives and therefore
have a higher risk of developing sexually transmitted diseases.
Most of the time these do not cause symptoms. However, even when they do not cause
symptoms, an infected person can transmit the disease to their sexual partner. The health
problems caused tend to be more severe and frequent in women than in men, in part because
the infection is asymptomatic in women and they do not go to the doctor until they have
already developed complications.

Experts say that of the total number of patients seen each year, 25 percent have a sexually
transmitted disease, in which the human papilloma virus predominates. This virus is related
to cancer of the cervix in women and cancer of the penis in men, being the virus the most
important emerging at present.
Within the types of sexually transmitted diseases we have: Genital
herpes (human papilloma virus, HIV/AIDS, Syphilis, Gonorrhea,
Hepatitis B, bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, pubic lice or crab lice,
among others. Some factors that influence its spread are:
Unprotected sexual activity with multiple unknown partners
- fear or embarrassment to discuss sexual matters with a
doctor...Incomplete treatment.
Its prevention involves changing behaviors, which is only possible with education, working
with young people in healthy lifestyles, detecting and working with populations at risk, and
the creation of specialized centers for their care, centers specialized in the care of STIs are
useful in treatment but the first goal should be the prevention of these infections.
The family fulfills important functions related to the reproduction, growth and
development of the human being, occupies a fundamental place in the formation of
good health and in the prevention of these diseases, in decisions about the use of
professional services and constitutes the network most important support. These
diseases, which are increasing every day, are destroying, mainly, the young people of
our society and that we must pay more attention to them because with this the
deterioration of our families is increasing.

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