Student Manual 2022 2

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Guidance Services
 Values Development
a. utilizes plans on values education in the homeroom
b. introduces innovative values development strategies in
the homeroom.
 Counseling
a. implements a workable and responsive schedule of individual
counseling for students with problems related to academic
achievement and those with special needs.
b. conduct individual counseling of students with specific
problems, home-related, emotional, and other academic or
school related problems.
 Career Guidance
Implement an organized testing or non-testing appraisal program
 Psychological testing
 Analysis of cumulative records
 Administration of career choice survey (pre- and post-test)
NOTE: All teachers must be observant to the student who
needs guidance and counseling. This act of service must be
confidential at all time.
The school clinic serves students with minor medical issues
such as colds, headache, minor injuries, and simple ailments that
do not justify absence from classes.
When a student is not feeling well, he/she is advised to
report to the school clinic and will be attended to by the school
nurse or authorized personnel immediately. The parent will
likewise be informed about the condition of the child. The
school nurse or authorized personnel determines whether or not
the patient is advised to go home and advises the patient as to
when to report to his/her classes. Medical certificate must be
submitted to the school nurse/authorized personnel for
A student with communicable diseases shall be advised to
go home immediately.
A physician can be reached by phone if necessary.
Dental Services: * Annual Dental Check-up for all students in pre-
school to junior high school
* 20% Discount in all levels for the ff. services:
* Filling
* Extractions
Schedule of Dental Examination
2nd and or 3rd quarter of the school year
Medical Services: Annual Medical Check-up for all students in pre-
school to junior high school
Schedule of Examination: 2nd and or 3rd quarter of the school year
School Laboratories/Facilities/Athletic Equipment
Use of school laboratories, facilities/equipment by students
is allowed provided a teacher will take charge of the activity
and will sign the borrower’s slip or log book. Follow the
laboratory policy; it is stipulated inside the laboratory. The
teacher in-charge and/or evident student will be responsible
and liable for the unreturned, lost or damaged facility or
The Library
Much of the world’s knowledge can be found in the library.
From general to specific information, the library has
everything in store for everyone. The library contains
reading materials that are arranged in a systematic way. The
library is usually divided into several sections. If you are
looking for materials that provide information arranged in a
way that they can be located easily, such as encyclopedias,
dictionaries, almanac, gazette, handbooks, manuals,
yearbooks, biographical sources and indices, go to the
General References Section.
If you want to look for materials about the Philippines and a
collection of award-winning play, poems, and novels written by
Filipino authors, go to the Filipiniana Section. For materials
published regularly that provide information on various
interesting topics including current events and issues, visit the
Periodical Section and to browse through books that are for
home use go to the General Circulation Section. For books
assigned by teachers for class use and which are not circulated,
go to the Reserved Book Section.
Library Circulation Regulation
Students and faculty are required to have a library card to
borrow materials or books. Borrowers are responsible for all
material checked out on their cards. Library cards will be
claimed in the library a week after the opening of classes. To
request a new Library Card for replacement pay Php.15.00
There is a grace period of three (3) days for foreign authored books
or materials while Filipiniana references are for only one (1) day.
A fine of P1.00 per item is charged as penalty if a book is not
returned on the due date. Replacement and processing fee will be
charged depending on the value of lost book/items.

Library-Use-Only materials never leave the library. This

includes encyclopedias, dictionaries and general references.
Books or materials used by the teachers as references are
allowed for one (1) school year. A high school student is
required to borrow and use fifteen (15) library books for one
(1) school year. A pre-school and elementary pupil is required
to borrow and use ten (10) library books for one (1) school
Any damaged or unreturned books shall take as a liability by
the borrower and must pay a corresponding library fee based on
the Library Policy.
Report Cards, transcripts and other related school documents
are held if library obligations are not met.
Schedule of Library Services: Monday to Saturday from
9:00AM-1:00PM and 2:00PM to 5:00PM
The Canteen is operated and managed by a private
concessionaire but is under the supervision of the institution. As
such, it intends to serve and cater to the meal needs of everyone
concerned. To ensure the safety of the students, the types of
food sold in the canteen are being monitored by the school.
Junk foods and bubble gum are not allowed. Cleanliness is
always practiced.
The school is responsible in seeing to it that the foods sold in the
canteen are safe for consumption.
Guidelines: To keep the area clean, organized, safe and decent,
the following acts are necessary in the canteen:
a. Be polite. Greet and ask politely the canteen staff and always say
thank you.
b.Well-behave. Ask properly the canteen staff and avoid shouting
and pushing others.
c. Always wait for your turns or always follow the first-come-first-
serve-basis policy
a. Properly ask permission if you like to borrow bottles,
utensils and other canteen properties. Make prior
arrangements with the canteen staff.
b.No acts of vandalism-like writing, attaching stickers on
chairs, tables, spoon, forks, and other equipment intended
for canteen use
c. No playing cards and other forms of gambling
d.Return properly the bottles, utensils and other canteen
e. Observe proper etiquette
1. Classroom Organization
Each class with the help of the Class Advisers, elects
classroom officers who help in reinforcing the school
regulations and act as the official representatives of the class.
Advisers must orient the class officers on their duties,
functions, obligation and limitations.
2. Interest Group/Club
Other clubs and Organizations like English Club, Science
Club, Math Club, Filipino Club, Art Club, Performing Club,
Glee Club, Sports Club, Drum & Bugle Corps, etc. promote
mental and environmental awareness and develop students’
physical abilities. Each authorized organization must have an
adviser to handle its program and/other related activities for
students’ development and this must have an approval from the
school principal. Club Officers are required in each group. All
clubs meet every Friday at 3:00-4:00PM.
3. School Assemblies
These include monthly Mass, Living Rosary, Recollection
and Retreat, Parents Assembly, Foundation Day, Recognition
Program, Educational Tour, Acquaintance Program, Intramurals,
Literary and Musical Programs. Attendance and students’
participation are required in every school assembly.
4. Supreme Student Government (SSG)/Supreme Pupil Government
This is the highest ruling body of the student organization. Only
the class or club officers are qualified to run for any office.
Election is done by secret ballots. The competing parties are
allowed to campaign during scheduled days and time. This
organization shall meet once a month for a meeting and/or anytime
if there is an urgent meeting required. SSG Officers must be
oriented property about their duties and functions, obligations and
limitations. This organization must have an adviser for proper
5. AIT School Publication
Grade School: “The Emblaze” (English) and “Ang Pagliliyab”
High School: “The Sun’s Core (English) and “Siklab” (Filipino)
The official school publication is released twice a year for Grade
School and High School Departments. The editorial staff is chosen
based on their qualification and output. The screening of applicants
will be done by the adviser or the English and Filipino teachers.
The Adviser must keep the list of officers and must provide a
copy to the school heads. Attendance to any assembly and
meeting of this group/activity and/or assembly is required and
property compiled.
To maintain good school discipline inside the school campus
as well as outside the school premises, pupils or students shall
engage only in activities authorized by the school.
School Decorum
Since good order and development of discipline are
important to the total education of the students, certain external
measures are implemented. These external measures are called
“routine”. It is expected that once habit of good order becomes
routine, they become second nature to the students.
A. Before Classes Begin
Students may enter their respective classrooms prior to the
time and not later than the warning bell. Proper order and respect
for the academic atmosphere of the school should be observed.
Students who wait in the lobby are expected to do the same. They
are to proceed to the classrooms in an orderly manner as soon as
the warning bell rings.
B. Home Room/Conduct
A 20-minute session is scheduled daily to discuss homeroom matters and the
assigned homeroom activities for Elementary and Junior High School
Departments and a 30-minute for Senior High School. It aims to establish the
1. A close interactive relationship between Homeroom Adviser and the
members of the class and to sustain good manners and right conduct.
2. Check and follow-up and update students’ status
3. Check and update the parents on any concern and/or any upcoming exam
and event of the school
4. Check the students if they are doing the housekeeping
C. Prayer and Holy Mass
A prayerful atmosphere shall be observed throughout the
day. As such, every class period begins and ends with a prayer.
The teacher or a student may lead the prayer.
C. Prayer and Holy Mass
A prayerful atmosphere shall be observed throughout the day.
As such, every class period begins and ends with a prayer. The
teacher or a student may lead the prayer.
The school regularly sponsors Holy Mass every First Friday
of the Month at its campus and every Third Sunday of the
Month at the Virgen Dela Regla Church. All students together
with their class adviser are required to attend the Holy Mass.
Non-Catholic students are excused.
D. Attendance and Punctuality
Students are required to observe regular and punctual attendance in their
classes for effective learning. The class secretary is in charge of checking the
class attendance, morning and afternoon, and indicates this on the Attendance
Sheet. Every period, the subject teacher rechecks attendance sheet and signs it
for his/her approval. The Homeroom Adviser reports to the principal and
academic coordinators the qualified pupils/students for the Quarterly Perfect
Attendance and Punctuality Award.
Classes begin: 7:30AM Elementary 7:20AM Junior High School
7:00AM Senior High School
The class adviser must be present before the official time to check and
facilitate his/her pupils/students’ attendance.
E. Leaving the Classroom/Campus
1. Leaving the classroom during class hours is not allowed unless
there is a teacher’s permission.
2. Students are not allowed to leave the school campus during
lunch break/recess time without a written request from the parents
or guardians and permit from the Adviser and Principal. However,
emergency cases are acted upon accordingly.
3. Students who have lunch out permit signed by the parents and
principal or authorized personnel may leave the school campus
during lunch break only, however, if the student arrives late in the
afternoon for three (3) times, he or she is advised for Lunch-in.
Lunch-in students are not allowed to go out during lunch break.
4. No student shall stay within the school premises beyond
5:10PM unless with parent's permission and approval by the class
adviser and noted by the school principal and/or department head.
F. Campus Security
Only bonafide students of the school shall be allowed inside the
school premises. No visitors shall be allowed inside the campus
during school hours except for valid reasons. They shall be required
to sign the logbook located in the security guard’s table.
Parents of students may not be permitted to enter the school campus
anytime without prior authorization from the school administration.
However, they are allowed to wait for their children at the school gate
only. Exception to this policy is when a parent or guardian has other
valid transaction with the Registrar or Accounting Officer. However,
this requires them to sign in at the security guard’s logbook.
G. English Speaking Policy
English is the medium of instruction in this school. In
keeping with this policy all students are required to speak
English at all times while in school. (Except for subjects taught
in Filipino). Parents or guardians must practice and encourage
their child to speak English at home.
H. School Identification Card
A permanent Student Identification Card (ID) is considered
official school property and part of the school uniform therefore
all students are required to wear their IDs properly at all times.
The following must be avoided on the ID: i) tampering it with any
other material (sticker, insignia, etc.), ii) placing it inside the
pocket, iii) using someone else’s ID.
The identification card of student who violates ID policy
mentioned above may be confiscated by any of the faculty
members/administrative personnel. Appropriate
consequence/penalty will be applied.
A student who lost an ID must secure a new one
immediately by submitting an Affidavit of Loss to the Registrar
and payment of the required fee of Php200.00. All IDs must be
returned and submitted to the class adviser at the end of the
school year for revalidation.
I. Housekeeping
The school is considered as the second home. Maintaining
its cleanliness is necessary. Aside from safety for all, the health
of each member of the school is always cared for. Therefore,
before the classes begin and leaving the classroom and the
school, cleanliness and orderliness must be observed. The class
adviser is the frontliner to his/her pupils/students on how to
sustain housekeeping.
All used cleaning materials must be cleaned before
and after used and they must be orderly put in place.
Classroom doormat and/or curtains, rugs and other
related cleaning materials must be washed once a
week, every Friday.
Each classroom is provided with two (2) trash bins
for the biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes.
Students must know the importance of garbage
segregation in order to maintain cleanliness, safety
and good health within the environment.
“Environmental Awareness “is an important issue
that everyone must be encouraged to be concerned
about. Plastic bags should be placed inside the trash
bins to maintain its cleanliness.
The school has two (2) big trash cans located near the high
school fire exit area for the proper segregation and disposal of
biodegradable (malata) and non-biodegrable (dili malata)
materials. The following are the schedules for proper garbage
Elementary 11:30AM High School 12:00NN
4:30PM 5:10PM
Sanction shall be imposed to a particular class for not
following the proper segregation and disposal of garbage.
In case the school will receive a letter of violation for
improper segregation from the city office, each class is
accountable. The minimum violation fee is P3000-
J. Parent-Teacher Conference
Parents are welcome to visit the school for a
conference with teachers. Parents are requested to make
the appointment through the Principal’s Office or the
Department Head. Appointments are only scheduled
after class in the afternoon.
K. Flag Ceremony and Flag Retreat
Flag ceremony is held in the campus ground every morning
for Elementary and Junior High School from Monday to Friday
at 7:20AM and the Flag Retreat every Friday at 4:20AM. For
Senior High School, the Flag Ceremony is held in the campus
ground every Monday morning at 6:40AM. Students will
assemble in the quadrangle and they will line up in their assigned
area together with the class adviser.
All students are required to observe proper behavior during flag
ceremony. It is expected that dismissal from the assembly be done
in an orderly manner with the supervision of the homeroom
adviser. Students who are not present during the line formation are
considered late.
Teachers, staff and parents especially those who are present in
school campus should attend the flag ceremony.
Students are required to wear the prescribed school uniform
with dignity and pride, maintain the good image and good
reputation of the school by observing proper decorum at all
times. Any student who wears improper uniform or civilian
clothes during class days may not be allowed to enter the
Girls: Plain White long sleeves, baby collar (front),
sailor collar (back), checkered ribbon with logo, round
pleated skirt which is approximately two inches below
the knee, flat black leatherette shoes, and plain white
Boys: White Polo Shirts with logo at left pocket, plain
white sleeveless inner shirts and must be tuck-in, maroon
slacks no back pocket, flat black leatherette shoes and
plain white socks.
New students are required to wear complete uniform
three weeks after classes have started. Old students
must wear complete uniform on the second day of
Wearing of rubber shoes, high cut or boot-type of
shoes are prohibited. Printed and knee socks must be
Every Wednesday students are expected to wear their PE
uniform and rubber shoes. If the PE uniform is not yet available,
the students are required to wear the school uniform. During
physical education class, the teacher shall inform students
regarding the appropriate attire for P.E. activities.
Male students are required to sport the proper haircut,
preferably barber cut/crew cut and army cut. Male
students are not allowed to wear earrings, jewelry, wrist
band, hat or handkerchief, jacket and other related attire
which is not appropriate in school. Nails must be short,
clean and free from colored nail polish.
For girls, wearing of excessive jewelry, wrist band, hat
or handkerchief, jacket and other related attire and also
heavy make-up and lipstick are prohibited. Nails should
be with proper length and free from colored nail polish.
Hair must be free from colors unless the student will be
joining a national/international pageant w/ permit.
All students are not allowed wear colored contact lens.
M. Birthday Celebration
Birthday is one of the most special days in our life. However,
bringing of foods in school for the celebration is not allowed.
N. Monetary Collection
Classes that intend to collect money from the students should
submit a letter of request containing: purpose, amount to be
collected, schedule of collection and signature of homeroom
officers, class officers and adviser. Any type of monetary
collection must have an approval of the principal. Violation of
this policy will be dealt with accordingly.
O. Cellular Phone and use of other Electronic Devices
Students are not allowed to bring and use cellphone/any
electronic devices in the campus. Violation of this policy
will be meted out with the following penalty:
1st offense- The phone will be picked up by the parent
and/or authorized guardian only after 5:00PM at the
administration office
2nd offense- The phone shall be returned to parent and/or
authorized guardian only after one week.
A student may be permitted to bring cellphone only if a
student has a health issues. Such student may be required to
justify his/her condition by submitting a medical certificate
and a parent's consent. And only keypad phone without
camera is permitted.
P. Safety Protocols
Health is wealth. The observance of safety protocols is a must
to all stakeholders of the schools in times of pandemic. All
members of the school must observe the following safety
measures especially inside the school and classroom:
1. Observe physical distancing
2.Minimize talking
3.Avoid gatherings while eating, eat only in your respective
places inside your classroom facing the blackboard.
4. Avoid sharing of food and drinks.
5. Bring alcohol or hand sanitizer and/or wash your
hands as often.
6. Check temperature every after two hours.
7. Throw your garbage properly (bio & non-bio).
8. Inform right away your teacher if you are not
feeling well.
9. If you have existing cough, runny-nose or other
related illnesses and/or you are not feeling well while
you are still at your home, inform right away your
parents and don’t come to school. Kindly request your
parents to notify or inform your class adviser. Then
observe 7 days quarantine for vaccinated, 14 days for
10. If you have runny-nose, cough and any other related
health issues will be sent home right way after notifying
the parents and you are excused from the class for 7 days
or 14 days or as long as you are permitted to attend classes
by your health physician. You will be given an assignment
and/or activity in order to cope with your missed
Q. Attendance and Punctuality
1. A pupil/student who has been absent from class shall
present a letter of excuse signed by his/her parent or
guardian stating therein the number of days absent and the
reasons for being absent.
2. For unexcused absences exceeding three days, a parent
conference is required.
3. The school shall be notified of any prolonged absence
(more than three days) of a pupil/student from his classes
either by letter or phone call.
4. Students who are absent with valid reasons during the
periodical examinations will be given a special test. Special
schedules will be given one week after the regular
5. Absence from the class with valid reasons shall only be
excused for time lost but not from the experiments in
Science, written activities in English, Filipino and other
subjects. Projects in TLE and other subjects in which
projects or activities are missed, will have to be made up.
6. Students who incur ten (10) or more consecutive or non-
consecutive unexcused absences will be dropped from the roll.
7. For the number of days unattended due to late registration or
enrolment a student is considered absent in those days.
8. Three consecutive or non-consecutive tardiness within a month
is equivalent to one day absent. On the fourth day late within a
month, a student is not allowed to enter the campus and is therefore
advised to go home.
9. Cutting classes shall not be countenanced.
Appropriate consequence such as suspension shall be
10. Punctuality is required to all students on
assemblies, classes, meetings and other school
A home visit shall be done by the class adviser together with a
subject teacher to a pupil/student whose parent or authorized
guardian is not cooperating regarding the cause and/or status of
student’s absences and even the absence of student’s output. The
home visit is required if a student has incurred three-consecutive or
non-consecutive absences or no output for assessment.
A pupil/student who incurs absences of more than twenty
percent of the prescribed number of days will be dropped or be given
a failing grade only after the three home visits. Attendance and
documentation are a must.

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