ABEL MALIA B.inggris

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NIM : 210662402008

Definition of balance sheet

and changes in capital
Balance sheet meaning

The balance sheet is part of the financial statements

of an entity produced in an accounting period that
shows the financial position (wealth, liabilities and
capital) of an entity at the end of the period
Balance function

One : Provide an overview to investors regarding

the company’s assets
Two : The amount of the company’s debt
Three : And the capital isvested by shareholders
in the company
Balance sheet component

 One : Aset (harta)

 Two : Liabilitas (kewajiban)
 Three : Ekuitas (Modal)
Balance sheet benefits

• As a financial analysis tool, if there is a change in

• To carry out a liquidity analysis, so that the
company has an overview of its obligations related
to liquid assets
• Can be used as a means of reading the company’s
ability to pay off short-term debt
Understanding of changes in capital

A report on changes in capital is a type of financial

report prepared by a company or business person to
find out projections or descriptions regarding the
decrease or increase in net assets in a certain
aaccounting period or cycle.
Capital change factor

1. There is an additional investment.

2. There are changes in profits and losses obtained
by the company.
3. There is taking of company assets for personal
needs (prive).

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