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NAME : Debi Sintiawati

NIM : 210662402030
PRODI : Akuntansi

Financial Performance on Company Liquidity

Definition of liquidity financial

Financial performance is one of the analyses carried

out to see the extent to which a company has carried
out the rules of financial implementation properly
and correctly
financial performance factors

1. Current Ratio (CR)

2. Struktur Modal (DER)
3. Net Profit Margin (NPM)
financial performance function

1. To be able to measure the achievements achieved by an

organisation in a certain period that reflects the level of success
in carrying out its activities.
2. Performance measurement can also be used as an assessment
of the contribution of parts in achieving overall company goals.
3. Can be used as a basis for determining company strategy for the
4. Provide instructions in making decisions and activities of the
organisation in general and divisions or parts of the organisation
in particular.
5. As a basis for being able to determine investment policies in
order to increase the efficiency and productivity of the company.
financial performance objectives

1. Knowing the Liquidity Level

2. Knowing the Solvency Level
3. Knowing the Rentability Level
4. Knowing the Stability Level
Financial Performance Analysis

1. Comparative Analysis of Financial Statements

2. Break Even Analysis
3. Trend Analysis (Position Tendency)
4. Source and Use of Cash Analysis
5. Gross Profit Change Analysis
6. Percentage Analysis of Components (Common
7. Analysis of Sources and Uses of Working Capital

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