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Introduction to the Group Activity

JAMS Workshop Makerere University September, 2010

Project Overview Deliverables
Functional Specification Test Plan Implementation

Final Presentation and Evaluation Criteria

Every workshop attendee will join a team
Team size is 4 people You may choose your own team

Within the teams, members may choose roles (project manager, developer, tester, etc.)
Some members may take on more than one role and/or shift roles at some point during the workshop

The Project
Implement a computer version of your favorite board or card game
For example: Checkers, Omweso, Boggle, Hearts, Blackjack, Othello, Scrabble, Yahtzee The game must have at least two players

The program must implement the basic rules of the game

Only allow valid turns Keep score (if appropriate) Determine the winner and end the game

There are a number of optional enhancements that can improve your score, such as:
Networked play Computer player

User Interface
You are required to implement some visual representation of the game
In order to meet the baseline requirements, the visuals need not be sophisticated

You have a range of choices, including:

HTML .NET Winforms (Visual Basic or C#) Java Swing Console UI (ASCII art)

Development Tools
Use whatever technology you want
All of our examples have been in Java and VB You are welcome to implement your game as a website or a desktop application

The machines in the lab are pre-installed with:

JCreator, Eclipse (Java) Visual Studio 2008 (Visual Basic, C#, ASP.NET) WAMP Server Dreamweaver

Deliverables and Timeline

Item Functional Specification Description A functional specification describing the application to be built, based on the provided template. You will be judged on how well your final application adheres to the spec. Test Plan A test plan describing the application s success criteria and defining the individual test cases to be built, based on the provided template. You will be judged on how well you implement the test plan, and your project will not be considered successful if your tests do not pass. Demo of Partial Show a demo of your partially-completed application to Application one of the workshop facilitators in order to receive credit for this deliverable. Demo of Working Test Show a demo of your in-progress, passing test cases to Cases one of the workshop facilitators in order to receive credit for this deliverable. Presentation & Demo Presentation to your peers on the final day of the for All Participants workshop, including a demo of your application and tests. A PowerPoint template will be provided. Due Date Tuesday afternoon Tuesday afternoon

Wednesday afternoon Wednesday afternoon Thursday or Friday (TBD based on Eid)

The Functional Specification

Every team is required to submit a functional specification describing what they are setting out to do You will be judged on how well your application conforms to the spec
There is no penalty for including stretch goals (as P2/P3) in your spec: i.e., if time allows, we will do XXX but do not promise anything you cannot deliver as a P1 goal

Functional Specification: Getting Started

Download the Functional Specification Template from: .doc

Brainstorm goals, non-goals and scenarios

Focus on identifying the users that will interact with your system, what they can do, and how your application responds

Start early!
It is easy to underestimate the amount of time spec ing will take For the first few sections, the whole team should collaborate For design and implementation sections you can divide and conquer

When the spec is ready (or close), let us know and we ll review
Deadline: Tuesday afternoon

The Test Plan

Every team is required to submit a test plan describing how they will validate their code Make sure that your test plan covers all of your P1 scenarios, and any P2/P3 scenarios you decide to implement Download the Test Plan Template from:

When the test plan is ready, let us know and we ll review

Deadline: Tuesday afternoon

Once you ve completed your spec and test plan, it s time to implement the application and test cases
If the implementation and spec get out of sync, make sure that one (or both) are updated Make sure your basic test cases pass before you move on to advanced features

Show us in-progress versions of your application and tests cases

Deadline: Wednesday afternoon

Presentation to Workshop Attendees

Teams will have 8 minutes to present their projects to their peers on Thursday (or Friday if Eid is on Thursday)
3-5 PowerPoint slides describing the application, the functional specification, the test plan, and challenges/lessons learned Demo

Show your in-progress slides to a facilitator before you leave on Wednesday Download the Template from: .pptx

Baseline Criteria: Required Max Points Additional Criteria: Optional Max Bonus

Functional specification Test plan Application compiles & runs Application adheres to the spec, and implements the rules of the game, including scoring (if appropriate) and ending the game Demo of working test cases for facilitators Presentation & demo for workshop attendees

15 15 10 25

Application has relatively complex rules/game play Application has sophisticated graphics/UI Application implements a computer player  Max points awarded only for a very smart AI implementation Networked game play Other cool features

20% 30% 30%

20 15

20% 30%

Total Baseline Score: 100

Join a Team!
Choose a Team Name
We will then assign each team a number

Questions to answer
Which game do you want to develop? When are you available to meet with your team this week? Java or .NET? Web or Desktop application? Functional specification Test plan Implementation design and plan Application coding Test code

Division of tasks

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